remaining thinks to do

Apr 22, 2010 10:42

I had an absolutely lovely, quiet day off yesterday, and am feeling roughly 23425098707 million times more relaxed than I was, say, 48 hours ago. I could use a full body massage, possibly one daily for a month or so, but that’s pretty typical for me. I’m so much more relaxed, though, that it would probably do some /good/, which I’m not sure it ( Read more... )

writing, inheritors cycle, proposals, thinks to do, short stories, walker papers, work, done done done!

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Comments 13

mikaela_l April 22 2010, 19:15:15 UTC
I admit that I would never be able do all that in 4-6 weeks. 12 weeks, maybe.

But you write faster than I do.
BTW, what's the short stories about? *is curious*


mizkit April 23 2010, 09:27:00 UTC
It's only 50 or 60K all told, which I can do pretty easily in a month or six weeks even when I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything at all.

The shorts are for a Sekrit Project. I'll talk about them in detail...later. Sometime. Eventually. Next year. :)


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