[Fic: RPF] Headfirst, Fearless

Jan 05, 2010 22:47

Title: Headfirst, Fearless
Pairing: Selena Gomez/Taylor Swift, background Demi/Selena, Taylor S./Taylor L., Nick/Selena
Rating/Word Count: PG-13/6239
Disclaimer: I do not own Selena Gomez or Taylor Swift, nor any of the other real people used and/or mentioned in this fic. None of the portrayed events actually happened (no matter how much I wish ( Read more... )

type: oneshot, type: challenge fic, pairing: selena/taylor, person: taylor swift, fandom: rpf

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Comments 18

addicted2tony89 January 6 2010, 07:54:59 UTC
I Loved it! I had to reread it again because it was that good.


coffeecommunity January 7 2010, 00:13:48 UTC
Thank you! Glad it warranted a reread!


leformat January 6 2010, 19:47:16 UTC
This was so sweet, and just perfect. I love Taylor/Selena and I think you captured them well. I like that you used real events, and I awwed at Selena's youtube confession..so cute. Jump Then Fall always reminds me of them, so bonus points for using that. Great job, overall!

ps, I have been listening to Ke$ha's 'Tik Tok' for the past day, and it's strangely addicting isn't it?


coffeecommunity January 7 2010, 00:18:10 UTC
Thank you! I'm definitely breathing a sigh of relief, because I was afraid that it would seem off somehow. The YouTube confession just seemed like her, but I didn't want it to be too cheesy, and yes, "Jump Then Fall" was the first song that really came to mind regarding the two of them for me, too.

That song is very addicting! The funniest thing to me was that the first time I saw the video, the teen girls I was with showed me a clip and said, "hey, doesn't this girl look a lot like Taylor Swift?" My jaw dropped, then we decided that Ke$ha=Taylor Swift+LA scene kid. Even better, haha!


smilininmysleep January 6 2010, 22:45:17 UTC
awh my gosh that was the cutest thing ive ever read!

Taylor grabbed Selena’s hand, both of them shrieking like little girls, and ran back up to the house.

that soooo sounds like them XD


coffeecommunity January 7 2010, 00:19:22 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, I agree, that just sounds like them, especially Taylor being silly and dragging Selena along for the ride!


prettyxreckless January 7 2010, 00:50:54 UTC
I liked this a lot! Reminded me of my fic, only a little different. You did a great job. This a one-shot?

Glad to see someone else using Jump Then Fall. I feel that song is so perfect for the Taylor/Selena relationship.

Fabulous job.


coffeecommunity January 7 2010, 21:55:11 UTC
Thank you! I was reading every Selena/Taylor fic I could find while writing this, trying to get it right, so I'm glad you thought I did. Yes, it's a one-shot, and yes, "Jump Then Fall" is the perfect song for their relationship. Thanks so much for reading!


standinthesun January 7 2010, 04:42:48 UTC
I remember reading this over at jb_ficexchange; I loved it then, and I love it now (even moreso on the second read). I can't really bring myself to ship Tswift & Selena, but man, this fic was so well done.

I really loved the section beginning with "Selena sat in her bed, poking around on the internet right before bed one night" I loved reading your insight into everything Selena went through with Demi and both Taylors.

I loved the imagery of the final scene, with the two of them dancing in the rain, and I especially loved this line: "Taylor’s fingers pressed into the small of Selena’s back in the pattern of guitar chords". I dunno, it just seems so Taylor.

Anyways, enough rambling. Bottom line is I loved it. You did a great job :)


coffeecommunity January 7 2010, 22:00:44 UTC
Yay I'm glad you remembered it and loved it! That section just sorta came to me, especially the bits about how much being on the road could affect everyone. I also was really striving to write it so that no one was bitter or angry (like, I didn't want a Demi and/or Lautner bash fic), so hopefully that's what came across. I really think Taylor L. was another distraction for her in Canada, similar to Joey.

The guitar chord imagery seemed like something a musician would do unconsciously to their friends' music, but I didn't want it to come across overtly cheesy, either, so I'm really happy that you liked it. I do not mind rambling at all, and thank you so much for reading and leaving an awesome review!


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