Title: 丸 だ!Maru da! (It’s Maru!)
Pairing/Characters: MaruDa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own any of them since they sold themselves to J&A over 10 years ago.
Word Count: ~1400 words
Summary: While hanging out with Marayama, Ueda thinks of his own Maru.
Warning: Un-betaed and written at 12am. Crappy grammar and elementary school level vocabulary
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Comments 41
I like how you interpreted the fight over food with Ueda eating everything out of spite. Yucchi, how could you read a manga while on a date >.>
But Ueda can't stay mad at him for too long because, despite Maru being oblivious sometimes, he always means well ^^
So sweet that they make time for each other despite their busy schedules. All the feels~
They love each other too much to stay angry for long 8D
Yep yep without R-one now they must make extra effort to meet, yet they still do. It's love. :D
I like the flashbacks, especially the first one. IT'S MARU OKAY /DRAWS A CIRCLE WITH FINGER
It's nice that they make time for each other despite being so busy, I simply love established!Maruda in fics <3
Thanks for sharing!
*hugs him* I never called him Nakamura! xP
Haha I was looking back at the fic and I was like.. hmm.. So when did they get together again? (lol) Established!MaruDa <3
Thanks for reading!
Of course, I'm still a JunDa fan, though recently I started shipping KameDa, hmm...
“It’s Nakamaru. MARU!” He emphasized, drawing a circle with his finger.
My favourite sentence! I think I saw him doing that a couple of times during variety shows too XD
Aww... so fluffy ♥ Thanks for sharing :3
Haha I don't expect my crappy writing to convert you hehe. KameDa used to give me sister brother feels (like in this picture), but after Ueda's image change there seems to be more shipping feels haha
Yeah I got the idea after watching him do it on VSArashi.
Haha I don't think I can write angst even if my life depended on it. Try to angst and 2 paragraphs come back happy happy liao.
Btw Ueda is super kakkoi in Boys on the Run 8D Watch it if you have spare time. And Nakamaru is super dorky in Omoni (I think he's just acting as himself) 8DD
No lah, you don't have crappy writing :3 LULS, SISTAR FEEL
Where do you watch BOTR and Omoni? :O
Frankly, I only survived five minutes of BOTR (Ueda's part obviously) for episode 1 and I didn't start on Omoni because I couldn't find the episode ORZ
Hehe thanks :)) Eh that photo is my favourite KameDa picture. Ueda looks so pretty and innocent you wouldn't believe it's the same person in BotR lolz. *goes makes herself a KameDa userpic with that picture*
I watched on tudou and also downloaded it from random Chinese forum haha. >>;;
I really love the idea of how Nakamaru is comfortable with Ueda and hence the whole read manga and enjoy his soothing presence behaviour- it's how we behave with people whom we're really close with ne?
Really sweet concept, enjoyed this very much, thanks again!!!♥♥♥♥♥
Aiya they 老夫老妻 liao don't need say anything should be able to understand one lor. Silly Ueda to get jealous over a stupid manga xP
Thanks for reading! :))
Ueda is jealous over a manga, how cute :P
Aiya he 耍小孩子脾气啦,要丸哥宠宠才会高兴 :3
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