Title: 丸 だ!Maru da! (It’s Maru!)
Pairing/Characters: MaruDa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own any of them since they sold themselves to J&A over 10 years ago.
Word Count: ~1400 words
Summary: While hanging out with Marayama, Ueda thinks of his own Maru.
Warning: Un-betaed and written at 12am. Crappy grammar and elementary school level vocabulary
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Of course, I'm still a JunDa fan, though recently I started shipping KameDa, hmm...
“It’s Nakamaru. MARU!” He emphasized, drawing a circle with his finger.
My favourite sentence! I think I saw him doing that a couple of times during variety shows too XD
Aww... so fluffy ♥ Thanks for sharing :3
Haha I don't expect my crappy writing to convert you hehe. KameDa used to give me sister brother feels (like in this picture), but after Ueda's image change there seems to be more shipping feels haha
Yeah I got the idea after watching him do it on VSArashi.
Haha I don't think I can write angst even if my life depended on it. Try to angst and 2 paragraphs come back happy happy liao.
Btw Ueda is super kakkoi in Boys on the Run 8D Watch it if you have spare time. And Nakamaru is super dorky in Omoni (I think he's just acting as himself) 8DD
No lah, you don't have crappy writing :3 LULS, SISTAR FEEL
Where do you watch BOTR and Omoni? :O
Frankly, I only survived five minutes of BOTR (Ueda's part obviously) for episode 1 and I didn't start on Omoni because I couldn't find the episode ORZ
Hehe thanks :)) Eh that photo is my favourite KameDa picture. Ueda looks so pretty and innocent you wouldn't believe it's the same person in BotR lolz. *goes makes herself a KameDa userpic with that picture*
I watched on tudou and also downloaded it from random Chinese forum haha. >>;;
I believe it's the hair that has changed his image greatly. now shipping kameda wouldn't feel that weird anymore, rofl I'm sorry I digressed.
Urgh, chinese >_> My true nemesis! I think I shall wait till the english subs are out D: I'm so helpless without them.
Haha I haven't really read KameDa fics before though *makes mental note to find some after tomorrow*
I'm sure if you can understand shows like Startling with Each Step (Is this the English title? lol. You know what show I am refering to lah) you can understand Chinese subs lor.
KameDa ficts are usually... angst? I only read a few but I'm starting to write on a new kameda fict liao /needs to write when I still can; I can't believe 7 months are over like that T___T
Eh, I watched 步步惊心 via channel 8 one leh! Got english subs one, lol. you overestimated my capabilities, haha!
I am ok with angst lah, I started off reading Chinese fics and they all angst 到要死 (sometimes literally haha) Is yours going to be angst too? :3
Haha can one lah Higher Chinese one leh!
Wah! You read chinese fics? Oh my god *worships* Eh, I'm quite inept in writing angst, but I'll try.
Higher Chinese is a hoax. I only passed due to bell-shape curve :x
最近不读了,现实生活已经够悲惨了啦 ;_; 可是如果是你写的话我会读哦!
我大部分的经济课程都是靠bell curve才会过的哈哈 xP
做个乐观主义者!日子会比较好过~ 我在说谎,因为人家自己是个悲观主义者
好啦好啦偏心就偏心嘛 >///<
你要和我培养感情啊? 哈哈哈 xPP
要和淳学习,不管遇到什么都要保持笑容 :DD (虽然说我大概做不到)
And to think I used google translate quite a few times, LOL.
看到这么多华文字,我真的笑不出来了 T_______T
and sorry for spamming your inbox / comment box xD *unrepentant*
You want to to type in Japanese instead HAHA
Well I am also spamming your inbox right lolz we always have random long comment threads one lor xP
I sure hope I get the language @ NTU though I got zero idea how their module system works after reading through all their guides, meh!
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