Title: 丸 だ!Maru da! (It’s Maru!)
Pairing/Characters: MaruDa
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own any of them since they sold themselves to J&A over 10 years ago.
Word Count: ~1400 words
Summary: While hanging out with Marayama, Ueda thinks of his own Maru.
Warning: Un-betaed and written at 12am. Crappy grammar and elementary school level vocabulary
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I really love the idea of how Nakamaru is comfortable with Ueda and hence the whole read manga and enjoy his soothing presence behaviour- it's how we behave with people whom we're really close with ne?
Really sweet concept, enjoyed this very much, thanks again!!!♥♥♥♥♥
Aiya they 老夫老妻 liao don't need say anything should be able to understand one lor. Silly Ueda to get jealous over a stupid manga xP
Thanks for reading! :))
Ueda is jealous over a manga, how cute :P
Aiya he 耍小孩子脾气啦,要丸哥宠宠才会高兴 :3
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