PZ Reports 1/24-28

Feb 26, 2014 16:23

PZ'14 1/06-11: here
PZ'14 1/12-17: here
PZ'14 1/18-23: here
PZ'14 1/24-28: here


Note: All reports are still in writing progress. It might take a while since I still have like 35 twitter accounts to read and like 8 shows missing.


Nagaoka-san of CBC Radio mentioned about TheyBudou and Suzue Hideki-san mentioned about Kouta in their tweets, right after Playzone.

Gakuen Opening
Yudai: Ikura in English is simple, “How much?” but, “Ikura” for salmon egg is difficult. It is “Shakei no baby~” ← Pronounce it like “so English”.

Ikeda: Which type are you? Tsubasa-kun type? Yara-kun type? Or… are you Iketan type?
Yuma: If you don’t decide it…
Ikeda: I’m busy right now, don’t talk to me!
Yudai: That takes him a lot of courage to say so, I think.

After Yuta said “Yuma, this isn’t the place you should come to!”, Yudai repeated it.
Yudai: Yuma, this isn’t the place you should come to. The right place you should come to is to PitaRaji as a guest!
So, when Matsu and Yuma were left in the class, Hayashi-sensei said:
Hayashi: I’m going to look for the rest. Please call TheyBudou to PitaRaji too!
(This attract Nagaoka-san’s attention, who was the guest that day)

Host: Hiroki
Q: 2/14 is Valentine Day. What do girls give boys on this day?
A: Chocolate.

Yuma: White rice!
Yuki: Salted fish!
Yudai: It tastes good with white rice!
Ryota: Gyoza!
Hiroki: That’s stinky!
Shime: Hormone!
Hiroki: You mean, meat, right?
Shime: Yes.
Ikeda: Lions Mansion!
Asahi: Frisks!
Hiroki: Because your breath smells bad.
Kouta *Tapping his heart with his fist* HEART!
Aran: Golden bread you bought in Seven Eleven!
Eda: iTUNE card! Which you can buy in Seven Eleven!
Kaito: Wig! *Glanced at Tatsumi*
Note: Previously Tatsumi impersonated Koichi-kun.
Yudai: Why are you looking at me? Do I have that much character of Koichi-kun!?
Yuta: Eh!? Is it true (that you’re bald), Koichi-kun!?
Yudai: Like I said, don’t bring such topic!
Noeru: TVFan which Travis Japan senior group appeared on is on-sale today! Please buy it.
Hiroki: Shime and I appeared too, so please buy it.
Yudai: That’s a power abuse!
Shime: It’s that thing, right? Something brown but, I don’t know.
Eda: It’s that thing, right? Something you put in the shoes rack. …Letter!
Hiroki: Are you from Showa!?
Yudai: Love and a little bit of courage!
Hiroki: …Anpanman?
(Some other confusing answers)
Yudai: Chocolate!

1/25 Afternoon

Kouta dyed his hair darker than before.

There was camera in the center of GC row.

Maitta Ne Bar
Yara: One raw lemon sour, Master.
Matsu: The raw lemon sour packed with love, dream and happiness. You'd wanna be an exile once you drink it.
Fuku-chan, Yara and Yudai did choo choo train.

Kouta did usa pyon pyon (That pose which his hands on his head like a bunny pose if I'm not wrong) as he went out of the stage.

PZ Gakuen

Iketan: Which type are you? Tsubasa type? Yara type? ..or Iketan type?
When he said "Tsubasa type", audience were already "It's Iketan type! It's Iketan type" and he got a big applause.

When they said Yuma is Fukuda's kid, Kouta rolled on the floor and stomped his legs like a kid.

Q: What do you throw to the orge on Setsubun Day (2/3)?
A: Soy bean.

Eda: Money!
Myuto: Salt.
Asahi: Febreze.
Yuma: Orge!
Shime: Fish flour.
Kouta: Something you throw to the orge, right? Bomb!
Yuki: Bread!
Eda: Clothes!
Ryota: I’m sorry, forgive him.
Ikeda: Eryngii mushroom!
Yudai: Oh, you look like Eryngii now!
Ikeda: Oi, wait!!
Noeru: Sunflower seeds.
Yudai: You’re not cute at all.
Matsu: Marimo!
Shime: Mayo… Mayonnaise.
Yudai: You’re the group who say mayonnaise as mayo, right.
Kouta: Why do we throw it in the first place?
Hiroki: To chase away the ill-will.
Kouta: Hmmmm… But, still I don’t know the answer.
Eda: Sweet dumpling.
Ryota: I’m sorry on his behalf!
Yudai: Are you in that day today, Eda?
Nakamura: Edamame.
Hiroki: Close!
Eda: Fava bean!
All: Wrong!
Matsu: Soy beans!

1/25 Night

During Yudai’s intro in the beginning of PZ Gakuen, there was a baby crying.
Yudai: Ah, I’m sorry. Is oniichan boring?

Q: What is the name of the person who gives the kids presents on X’mas?
A: Santa Claus.

Yudai: There are a lot of kids today, so please be careful with your answer.
Eda: He rides on the deer, right?
Everyone was like, lol it’s not deer Eda.
Yuki: Angel.
Shime flapped his hands.
Yudai: Oh, angel flies with its hands.
Ryota: Johnny-san!
Aran: Kitty-chan.
Asahi: Sanma-san.
Shime: Koakuma no Juliet!
Yudai: Do the dance!
Shime: I don’t know.
Yudai: I’ll teach you later.
Ryota: Koichi-kun.
Yudai: Will you get it from him?
Yuma: Tsubasa-kun. I got one.
Yudai: Tsubasanta? Tsubasanta?
Noeru: Tsuka-chan! I got one.
Kouta: Triceratops! ← Were you sleeping, Kouta!? lol at the flow.
Matsu: Richard Gere.
Ikeda: Colonel Sanders.
Shime: President Obama.
Yudai: You might get a helicopter.
Yuma: Satan.
A kid suddenly cried and everyone was panicked and apologized; sorry, sorry.
Ryota: Samgyetang!
Nakamura: Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Eda: Finland person.
Yudai: Santa Claus!

1/26 Afternoon

Iketan did rondat-somersault.

What's Your name?
Ryota - 4 times backward somersault.
Eda - rondat 1 time proceeded with backward somersault.

PZ Gakuen

Iketan did rondat somersault but landed with one feet proceeded with the other feet.

Fukuda kissed Shizuya 5 times.

Iketan: Which type are you? Tsubasa-kun type? Yara-kun type? Or… me?
Yudai: He probably thinks of that very hard.

Host: Mr. Morik (Myuto)
Q: What do you say to the kids who come asking for sweets during Halloween?
A: Trick or treat

Shime: I live in Japan! (In English)
Yuki: What do you wanna do actually?
Eda: Please give me sweets.
Myuto: So simple.
Yuma: Hand and second.
Aran: Bow down!
All: It’s not about dog!
Ryota: Let’s!
Asahi: Pin pon. Gacha *Door opening sound* It’s courier service~
Myuto called Shizuya.
Shizuya dragged Noeru to the center.
Noeru was confused.
Shizuya: Pin pon. Gacha! *Put his hand on Noeru’s head*
Yuta went to Shizuya and did the same thing as what Shizuya did to Noeru and suddenly kissed him.
Shizuya was confused.
Yudai: Don’t tweet about this, please!
Myuto rose up his hand and was confused.
Yudai: Why Mr. Morik rise up your hand?
Yuki: Shampoo or treatment?
Hiroki: Dead or alive.
Shime: I can do it! (In English)
Yuki: What do you wanna do actually?
Kouta: Your things are my things! (Omae no mono wa ore no mono da!)
All: It’s Giant!! It’s Giant!!
Ryota: This guy has a slight cold today.
Hiroki: Doraemon.
Kouta: Nobita-kunnnn~~
Yudai: I see the team there (Let’s&Go Team) appear like Doraemon now.
Ikeda: Pikachu! 1,000,000 volts!
Shime: I am champion!
Yuki: Just leave from here, you!
Eda: Happy Halloween~!
Myuto: Ops, I almost say “Correct”.
Aran: Let’s leave it to Shokupanman.
Yuki: Trick or treat.

1/26 Night

Fukuda kissed Shizuya 3 times.

PZ Gakuen

Iketan: Which type are you? Tsubadsa-kun type? Yara-kun type? Or… Iketan type? *Bend his head slightly to one side*
The buzzer (for the quiz) suddenly sounded, shocking everyone.

When Yuta told his story and everyone was like, then? then? - Iketan was seen hopping on his chair, about to jumpp high.
But it then was actually a dream and everyone fell down; Iketan did handstand and Kaito did bridge but Yudai purposely pushed them down. Iketan stood up, rubbing his head.

When Hayashi-sensei was about to go out of the stage, he said he's going to see a sweet dream too and sing "Vanilla~ Amai yume no you na~"

Host: Noeru
Q: Who would come if you dial 110?
A: Police.

Ryota: My mom.
Everyone was like, “Does she come today!? She’s not coming? Ah, what, I thought she comes…”.
Yuta: TOTO worker.
Noeru: Do you mean something like, Toilet TROble?
Yuta: There’s a trouble for toilet No. 110.
Noeru: I see.
Yuki: It’s 110, right? It’s ITOU-SAN!!
P/S: 1 is I, 10 is TOU.
All: Oooo…
Matsu rose up his hand half-way.
Noeru: Zaki-san!
Matsu: Eh?
Noeru: Matsuzaki-kun, please.
Matsu: …
Yuki: Do listen to the question properly!
Hiroki: Yes, me!!
Noeru: Naka-chan!
Hiroki: Does it charge you credit if you call 110?
Noeru: Nn… no, I think?
Shime: Someone with a little bit good-looking face!
Hiroki went to the front and was like “Ah, excuse me, excuse me…”.
Ryota: The king of the beast, Matsumoto!!
Kouta went to the front.
Kouta: Look at me well! I’m the king of the beast, Matsumoto!! *DON - punching his chest*
(P/S: Err… Isn’t The King of The Beast… Thousand Sunny?)

Shime: Eda who is small but very stern.
Eda hesitantly came out.
Eda: OUOUOUOU!!!!!!!!!
Everyone laughed.
Yudai: OUOUOUOU!! I kinda like it!
Hiroki: 118 is Japan Coast Guard.
Noeru: Ooo, I see…

Kouta: Nihon Kotsu! → Nihon Kotsu
(P/S: A company related to taxi service.)
Noeru: I don’t think so.
Yuma: Tokyo Musen!
Yudai: Sato Musen!
Kouta: MK Taxi!
(Hmmm… This reminds me of someone lol)

Noeru: Fukuda-kun!
Yuta: Ah, pass. I’m not into this flow.
Shizuya: Me!
Noeru: Yes, Shii-chan!
Shizuya: Karepanman! *Pointing to Aran*
Aran: Eh? Me!?
So Aran came out and did various types of Karepanman like the beast Karepanman and 110 yen Karepanman.
Aran did a weird movement and said “105 yen Karepanman.”
Yudai: There’s another 5% tax for it.
Shizuya: Yes!
Noeru: Yes, Shizuya-kun!
Shizuya: It should be me (who comes if you call 110).
Yuta went and kissed Shizuya again.
Ryota: Police!!

Fuku-chan forcer an audience to stand and sing but she refused so Fuku-chan apologized.
Kossy went to far behind that he didn't manage to come back onto the stage and do final pose, so he was just like, hang head.

1/27 by Len (raven_weasley)


Tatsumi: Master, your hairstyle is the same as an iwatobi penguin!
Yara: Redbull vodka without the vodka, please.
Matsu: Thank you for waiting. Here’s your redbull vodka without the vodka.
Yara: Thanks. You really look like an… iwatobi penguin lol
Matsu: What did you say!?
Yara: Ah~ I was endowed with wings! (Pun on Tsubasa which means wings)
Tatsumi: Is it okay that Tackey isn’t the one endowed with?
Yara: Shhh!

Fukuchan: *impersonating a drunken Yara of 5 years ago* Today is the last time that I would stand on this stage. Ah, this person looks like an iwatobi penguin lol
Yara: That’s what I said a while ago~
Fukuchan: You used to say that someday you’d perform a lot in front of Kinshicho station. Before you realize you’re working hard performing in a place like this.
Matsuzaki: Sorry for having just this kind of bar.
Fukuchan: Shut up! Iwatobi penguin!

PZ Gakuen skit

Tsubasa: Tatsumi will express how Tackey & Tsubasa dance Koakuma Juliet using his whole body!

Tatsumi impersonates Tsubasa’s dance, then Tackey’s.

Tatsumi: Takizawa-kun doesn’t move his upper body that much, ne. Even when welcoming the audience he only extends his arms by this much (extends his arms with elbows bent a little)
(while impersonating Tackey) This is Playzone Gakuen~
I got into this school through a monomane recommendation! lol I did an impersonation during the entrance exam!

Tatsumi impersonates Toy Story’s Woody chasing Buzz, screaming “Buzz! Buzz~~~” while flapping his hands and feet.

Audience: Fuuu~~
Tatsumi: I won’t do it again even if you go fuu~ fuu~
Audience: Ehhhhh!!!!
Tatsumi: I’ll get scolded, “Tatsumi’s part here is too long!”

By the gate
Tatsumi: (People are) like, “Tatsumi~! Tatsumi~! Myuto looks cute in his new haircut~! Hiroki is… is it Nakata? Nakada??”

Students’ appearance
Kouta faces Hiroki and shoots him with specium kousen/beam lol

Introduction of transferee student
Tatsumi: Yoroshi-9 (kyu)!
Kaito: Aa, the number 9, ne! Mental San-9~!
Aran: Ya-9! (*yakyuu = baseball)
Tatsu-Kaito-Aran: We will, we will Rock 9 (You)! *spreads arms to the ground* Chi-9 (*chikyuu = earth) *spreads arms upward* Uchuu! (space) *waves hands* Peace on earth~♪ Peace on earth~♪(Sekai no heiwa~) YAYYYYY~!!!!
Kosshi: I was born in Showa~♪

Someone dropped his mic during the part where they ask, “Yuma is Fukuda’s child!?” Then everyone went, “What happened? What happened?”

Ikeda asks Yuma, “Are you Tsubanyan faction? Eda faction? Or Ikenyan faction?

Kaito approached Myuto. Myuto put his index finger against his lips and was started talking to Kaito.
Taking attendance
Hayashi-sensei: Kawashima-kun.
Noeru: Hai!
Hayashi-sensei: Morita-kun.
Myuto: … hai!
Hayashi-sensei: Why do you sound surprised? Don’t slack off!

Fuku-chan walks to the audience giving them some Tongari Corn while thinking what he seems to be running late for.

Fuku-chan: School? Can you give a different answer? … Kinshichou? Why would I go in Kinshichou!!

During self-study scene
Tatsumi: Yuma, can we appear together on the next Tongari Corn CM?
Kosshi: Let’s tell that to the person in charge of the CM.
Tatsumi: You’re right! Let’s do that! Let’s do that!
Hayashi-sensei: Sensei likes Tongari Corn~~

After Shizuya’s lines, Fukuchan tousles his hair while apologizing then kissed him twice then slaps his face! Shizuya slaps him back!

During Let’s & Go’s introduction, Edanyan does a neko pose while saying, “Go!♡ Nyaa~!”
During Su & Pai’s introduction, Kosshi says, “Tell us if you know who they are.” In Kansai-ben.

Host: Shimekake
Shimekake: I will be your host! I’m Eda Tsuyoshi’s little brother, Eda Yowashi!
(Tsuyoshi = strong; Yowashi, from yowai = weak)
Shimekake mostly calls those who aren’t raising their hands LOL

Q: Who is the fairy in the story Peter Pan?
A: Tinkerbell

Kosshi(?): Isn’t that you!
Shimekake flaps his arms like an angel. lol
Kaji: (without the mic on) Me?
Audience: *dead silence*
Kaji: (with the mic on) Me?
Audience: *still dead silence*
Tatsumi: They sure made you do that twice w
YamaRyo: Yamamoto Seiko!
Shimechan: That’s your mom!
Tatsumi: To Ryo-chan’s mama, thank you for the strawberry dessert!
Nakada: Yamamoto Linda!
Tatsumi goes in front and sings and dances like Yamamoto Linda. Everyone buzzes him wrong.
Yuma: Yamamoto Linda!
Tatsumi goes in front again and gets buzzed.
Tatsumi: You don’t have to buzz me~~w
Shimekake calls Shizuya to give an answer.
Shizuya: I’m not raising my hand xD
Shimekake: Shizuya!
Shizuya: Fukuda-kun, Tenpa-bell! (*tenpa = natural curly hair)
Shimekake: (goes to Fukuchan and touches his hair) There sure are fairies in Fukuda-kun’s permed hair~
Audience: *dead silence*
Fukuchan: (stands up) My apologies. (everyone bows in apology) Why does it look like Fuku-chan was the one who failed with his gag? w
Shimekake: Kouta-kun!
Kouta: HA?
4U: This host is bad news wwwww
Kouta: Tsuchinoko… (a legendary snake-like creature)
Audience: ... ...
Shimekake: OK, that’s wrong~
Kouta: That’s your fault! w
??: Do it right, Yowashi!!! wwww
YamaRyo: It’s small, right? Yaracchi!
Tatsumi: There’s no muscular fairy, is there? w
??: Yowashi, there is~wwww
Shimekake: Myuto!
Myuto: … Eda Tsuyoshi! Eda Tsuyoshi!
Shimekake: Wrooooong.
??: OI!!!!!
One of the microphones rustles
??: What’s wrong with today?
??: It’s definitely Yowashi’s fault! ww
Iketan: (points at Edanyan) Little ossan!
The quiz totally goes off-track so Shime repeats the question. Everyone raises their hands.
Shimekake: Aniki!
Edanyan: Captain Hook!
Shimekake: Wrong.
??: Captain Hook! w
Matsuzaki gets pushed to the front.
Matsuzaki: Wani kara no zenryoku de Cook-senchou~ (Captain Hook, full force from the crocodile~ **I’m having a hard time translating this orz I think they made him do the same routine he did in PZ12? Another report is saying it has a nuance of the things a person is battling with.)
Shimekake: Aran!
Aran: (spreads his arms) AMAZING!!
Tatsumi: Why are you praising him? w
Shimekake gives a hint.
Shimekake: It’s a flying creature!
??: Give us more hints!
Shimekake: It’s a tiny, cute flying creature!
Tatsumi: A tiny, cute flying creature, right? Domoto Koichi-kun!
Shimekake: Correct!! www
Matsuzaki: Tinkerbell!!
The mic rustles again.
Shimekake: I want to be a child forever, just like Peter Pan! This has been your host, Eda Yowashi!
A fight among the students breaks out after the quiz.

1/28 (Senshuraku) by Len (raven_weasley)

Domoto Koichi-san watched together with last year’s SHOCK theater owner Maeda Bibari-san and this year’s SHOCK theater owner Mori Kumiko-san.
Ueto Aya was also among the audience. (Tatsumi co-acted with her as siblings in the drama Namida wo Fuite, alongside Ninomiya Kazunari and Kamiki Ryunosuke.)

PLAYZONE IN NISSAY FINAL was written on the screen before the start of You & Me & Who?

Paradise Ginga
Tatsumi & Fuku-chan held hands.

Yaracchi: Wiener coffee, without the coffee please.
Zaki: Thank you for waiting. This is your coarsely ground wiener. XD
Yaracchi: This is quite burnt.
Tatsumi: Please, excuse me. *takes the wiener and throws it out* That was close~~ that was dog poop.
Yaracchi: (°□°;)
Tatsumi: Master you cut your hair really short!
Fukuchan: *drunk* Wait, this person cut his hair too short~
Yaracchi: Please fire that person! I think I’m drunk~

Fukuchan: I wanted us to do more stuff in Lazona Kawasaki Square.
Fukuchan: It seems like this bar is closing down. We have played our utmost at this bar.
Zaki: I’m sorry you had to play at a bar like this…
Fukuchan: Don’t mind, Master.
Tatsumi: I would have come out in Namida wo Fuite part 2 by now~

Tatsumi shouted, “FINAL~~~” during A.Ra.Shi opening.

Yara: Tsubasa-kun, today’s the last class!
Tsubasa: Is that so? We’ll begin with Tatsumi impersonating Koichi-kun stirring up the fans with a nice step.
Tatsumi appears on the stage.
Tsubasa: This is “I want to impersonate Domoto Koichi-kun no matter what!”- Tatsumi Yudai! Douzo!
Tatsumi impersonates Koichi-kun (that ribbon-flying scene from SHOCK). He then acknowledges the audience.
Tatsumi: Isn’t Koichi-kun in the audience?
Tsubasa: Kou-chan *waves at Koichi-san* Sumimasen, Koichi-kun~ (Tsubasa & Tatsumi bowed at him)
I’ll go pick some flowers for Yuma♪
Tatsumi: Please don’t leave me alone~>< I should’ve researched more on Koichi-kun~ It’s frustrating! ><
Tatsumi greets the audience and recites the lines of the theater owner in SHOCK.
Tatsumi: This is NY Off Broadway… oops, this is the line for next month’s stage play. Moreover, this isn’t my line. xD
Tatsumi: You guys think if you say fuuu~~ I’d do something, right? If my talk gets too long I’d get scolded so I won’t do anything! www
I got into this school because of my face… NOT! Through a monomane recommendation! But I could get in with just my face as well, you know! www
By the gate
Tatsumi: “Kyaa~ Kyaa~ Tatsumi~!!! Your face is so small you get called mame~ (mame = bean, this was quite a topic in one of their pitaraji specials where they had to decide on Tatsumi’s nickname lol)
Kosshi looks like Shokupanman! Matsuzaki is Baikinman. *Shokupanman Kosshi appears on top of Iketan* Wow, Shokupanman!
Kosshi: This is painful for Ikeda. XD

Introduction of transferee student
Tatsumi: Yoroshi-9 (kyu)!
Kaito: Aa, the number 9, ne! Mental San-9~!
Aran: Ya-9! (*yakyuu = baseball)
Tatsu-Kaito-Aran: We will, we will Rock 9 (You)! *spreads arms to the ground* Chi-9 (*chikyuu = earth) *spreads arms upward* Uchuu! (space) Shiroi hikari no naka ni~♪ (They were singing Tabidachi no Hi ni, a popular graduation song)
Kosshi: Yuma-kun, you just transferred here but it’s almost graduation. It’s sad.
Iketan: Are you… Johnny’s World faction? SHOCK faction? Or PLAYZONE faction?
Yuma: But I like all…
Iketan: I like you, too! *guts pose*
Fukuchan explains why he’s late.

Fukuchan: Haa? I didn’t oversleep! Today while I was walking to school, a woman was being attacked. I told the attackers to stop! Then I attacked the woman…… no, I didn’t attack her!! (Fukuchan slipped on his line XDDDD)

During self-study scene
Tatsumi: Yuma… I enjoyed spending some time with you. The truth is, I wanted to be with you more.
Kosshi: What are you saying!?
Tatsumi: Iya, I don’t know even if you ask me…
Hayashi-sensei: Everyone, please self-study. I will be checking on your progress… I had fun~ shall I sing? Owari wo tsugeru bell ga~♪

During Fukuchan’s background story
Kouta: What the hell, Fukuda-shi… you smell of alcohol!
Kosshi: No, that was water.
Kouta: Is that so…
Fukuchan & Shizuya scramble on the floor. (I think it’s this one. XD) Shizuya stayed lying on the floor until Kosshi told him, “It’s OK now.” Asahi started with the Tatsumi crying scene.
Tatsumi: It was hard to go out when you’re all this fired up! >_<

During SPY’s introduction
Kosshi: Tell me if you know who the spies are.
He’s holding a harisen instead of a slipper. He hit Zaki with the harisen XD

1. What is kuchi in English? A: mouth
2. Who is Japan’s current Prime Minister? A: Shinzo Abe
3. Which is the tallest mountain in Japan? A: Fuji-san
Duty: Myuto & Aran
HOST: Since this is the last time, I will go by my real name. I will be your host, Principal Nakada Hiroki.

Nakada: If Me is eye, then what is kuchi in English?
Tatsumi: Frisk!
Nakada: Is it smelly?
Kouta: Kiss!
Morita: Ku~chi~ *in foreign accent*
Nakada: Are you an elementary student!
Shizuya: Ro!
Nakada: Ah, that’s katakana. Yes. XD
Eda: Mouth!
Everyone: ….. (Edanyan gave the correct answer so abruptly everyone’s shocked. Lol)
Tatsumi: I… I don’t want to end it like this! ><
Nakada: And let’s move on to the next question! Who is the current Prime Minister of Japan?
Tatsumi: Shinzo Abe!
(Here, Tatsumi also gave the correct answer immediately. Noeru was laughing so hard he accidentally kicked Yuma when he jumped. XD They then moved on to the last question.)
Nakada: Which is the tallest mountain in Japan?
Yuma: Rikidouzan! (a pro wrestler)
Nakada: ‘Dosukoi! Dosukoi!’ ne?
Fukuchan: Hakkaisan!
(Hakkaisan may mean the actual mountain in Niigata  or the sake brand. I’m guessing he meant the sake brand based on Tatsumi’s reaction.)
Tatsumi: That’s adult-like~!
Shime: Fuurinkazan
Nakada: “Be immovable as the mountain,” something like that, right?
Kosshi: Choi Hong Man!  (a pro wrestler)
Nakada: He’s huge indeed…
Yamaryo: Mount Yamamoto!
Nakada: That is the smallest mountain in the world!
Yamaryo: OI! There’s still Yaracchi!!
Asahi: Kajiyama!
Tatsumi: It doesn’t look like it’s the youngest mountain, right?
Yuma: Tenzan!
Eda: Kenzan!
Nakada: That one hurts!
Shime: Aoi Sanmyaku!  (This is a popular song sung by Fujiyama Ichiro which was released in 1949.)
Nakada: Yuki wari za~ku~ra~♪
Tatsumi gets a mask with a red × mark on it and puts it on Shime.
Tatsumi: Because he’s going to be on a rampage from here on. XD
Shizuya: Aoyama!
Iketan: My father!
Tatsumi: That’s deep! Because he has a huge built, right?
Kosshi: My father is balding though…
Tatsumi: I don’t think we needed to hear that www
Fukuchan: Didn’t you say he’s using Provia?
Kosshi hits Fukuchan with the harisen wwww
Nakada: Please stop the jokes about family members XD
Shime: Me! Me! *raises his hand*
Tatsumi: He’s already wearing the mask but he’s still talking!
Kouta: Takaosan!
Fukuchan(?): Tengu!
Someone calls Zaki for an answer.
Zaki: Yamada Man! (a rapper from the group Rappagariya)
No one responds except Noeru who almost collapsed from laughing. Kosshi hits Zaki with the harisen.
Tatsumi: What’s wrong?
Zaki: I’ve been in a bad shape ever since I cut my hair.
Eda: Jonathan!
Tatsumi: Isn’t that the most delicious mountain!
Nakada: That’s funny!
Aran: Fujisan!
Nakada: Correct! Incidentally, my favorite ‘yama’ is Nakayama. Yes, Nakayama Yuma. Today, I’m also graduating. *removes his golden jacket and leaves it on the stage* ADIOS!!

Travis Japan joined in Yoku Asobi, Yoku Manabe. The Anigumi was mixed with They!Budou, while the Otoutogumi (minus Asahi) was mixed with 4U. Yaracchi joined during the robot dance.
Tsubasa gave Yuma a red&white rose bouquet and hugged him during Flower.

Everyone’s silhouette was reflected to the screen after the set list.
Tsubasa: Those are their cool poses.
Zaki does the Y-balance and struggles in keeping his position until the end of Tsubasa’s speech. Tatsumi supports Zaki’s left foot with his left hand, while maintaining a 4-balance.Fukuchan has his left hand raised, while Kosshi does a K-pose.
Yaracchi & 4U: It was really tough because we had to appear in PLAYZONE right after our SHOCK noon rehearsals. We did our best! (*^^)
During the second curtain call, Tsubasa called out on Asahi who appeared in civilian clothes. He couldn’t join, i.e. appear as a performer, anymore since it’s already past 9:00 pm.


As I already wrote some of the reports, let's keep it below (^^;

Iketan - Rondat → Back flip → Backward somersault → Landing with both foot

Hatto Shite
Yuki divided his bangs into two portions.

It's BAD
Eda did a very high ron-chu.

Maitta Ne Bar
Yudai: I wanted to become an actor and act in Namida wo Fuite Part 2.

Honey Beat
During "Nee kisu wo~" Eda put his index finger onto his lips and blew a kiss.

PZ Gakuen

Iketan did 3 back flips proceeded with high backward somersault, landed on both foot.

Ikeda: What type are you? Johnny's World type? SHOCK type? Or Playzone type?
Yuma: I like all though...
Ikeda: I like you too.

Hayashi sensei before going out:
Hayashi: It was so fun. Owari wo tsugeru beeru ga~ (Singing epilogue)

Yudai: Yuma, I enjoy the time we've been together. Actually I wanna be with you longer.
Yuki: What are you saying?
Yudai: I don't even know myself.

Kouta: What, Fukuda-shi. You smell of alcohol.


Host: Nakata Hiroki
Q1: Eye in English is EYE, what is mouth (Kuchi) in English?

Yudai: Frisk!
Hiroki: Because your mouth smells bad?
Kouta: Kiss!
Audience: Hyuuuu~
Myuto: Ku~chi~ (In foreigner style)
Hiroki: Are you a primary school student!?
Shizuya: RO! (Note: Kanji for kuchi - 口 looks similar to RO of katakana - ロ)
Hiroki: Ah, the katakana!
Yudai: I. I don't like it to end with this...
Hiroki: So, the next question!

Q2: Who is current prime minister of Japan?
A2: Abe Shinzo

Yudai: Abe Shinzo!!

Q3: What is the highest mountain in Japan?
A3: Mt. Fuji
Note: 山 - Yama/ San/ Zan - Mountain

Yuma: Rikidozan! (Sumo wrestler)
Hiroki: The dosukoi, dosukoi one? (sumo exclamation)
Yuta: Hakkaisan!
Yudai: So adult.
Shime: Furin Kazan.
Yuki: Choi Hong-man.
Hiroki: He's definitely big.
Ryota: Yamamoto-san!
Hiroki: That's the smallest mountain in the world!
Ryota: Oi! There's still Yaracchi!
Asahi: Kajiyama.
Yudai: The mountain that doesn't look like the youngest mountain, right?
Eda: Mt. Tsurugi. (Tsurugi means blade)
Hiroki: That's hurt!
Shime: Aoi sanmyaku. (Film/ Song)
Hiroki: Yuki wari zakura~

Yudai took out a mask with red X drawn on it and put it onto Shime.

Yudai: 'cause he'll run wildly afterward (better put this).
Shizuya: Aoyama.
Everyone was like, "'cause it's Playzone!" - Playzone was run at Theater Aoyama before.
Ikeda: Otousan! (My dad)
Yudai: That's so deep! Your dad is certainly tall.
Yuki: My dad is getting bald though.
Yudai: We don't need such info now, do we? (Laugh)
Kouta: Mt. Takao.
Matsu: Yamada-man!
Eda: Jonathan! (Family restaurant)
Yudai: That'd be the most delicious mountain in the world.
Aran: Mt. Fuji.
Hiroki: By the way, my favourite mountain is, Nakayama. That's right! Nakayama Yuma. So, with this, I'm graduating. (Striped off his golden shining jacket) Adieus.

-uchuusix: yamamoto ryota, -4u.: matsuzaki yusuke, -uchuusix: hayashi shota, -uchuusix: matsumoto kota, -unit: theybudou, reports: stageplay, -uchuusix: eda tsuyoshi, -unit: "mad", -4u.: fukuda yuta, -4u.: koshioka yuki, -4u.: tatsumi yudai, -ma: yara tomoyuki, -unit: mad, -unit: ふぉーゆー (4U.)

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