FIC: Two Forms, One Soul (Epilogue)

Jul 25, 2009 19:25

Title: Two Forms, One Soul (Epilogue)
Pairing/Characters: Bruce/Clark, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, J'onn J'onzz, Wonder Woman
Continuity: Animated series, a few years after B:TAS.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bruce asks his family to come home, informs the JLA of two changes in his status...and practices flying with his lover.
Word Count: ( Read more... )

ch: wonder woman, ch: clark kent, ch: tim drake, ch: alfred pennyworth, ch: dick grayson, ch: j'onn j'onnz, ch: bruce wayne, p: clark/bruce, series: two forms one soul

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Comments 87

icarus_chained July 25 2009, 17:44:07 UTC
Wing-pr0n! Guh! Sorry, sorry, but that hits so many buttons for me! Wow. *drools* The whole bird-of-prey thing does so much for me, you know! Brute beauty and valour and act, oh air, pride, plume here!

Um. Right. Where was I?

I love the reactions. Batfamily all 'Did you honestly think you could fool us? And Alfred being Alfred is absolutely a reason for him to be able to know or do just about anything. *nods* *grins*

And J'onn! *loves* "I confess this is not what I thought you were going to announce." *grins* Yeah, boys, like you were fooling *anyone*, let alone J'onn! *bounces* And this:

"It seemed the easiest way to propose to you. A fait accompli. Less chance you'd say no."

This is so very, very Bruce. Poor insecure man that he is at heart. *snuggles him* And Clark's little "As if!". *snuggles them both*

*sighs happily* I love it. All of it. *hums* Thank you!


mithen July 26 2009, 03:42:48 UTC
I was hoping you'd enjoy the flying sequence! Bruce with wings, able to match Clark in the air...whoo.

And J'onn! *loves* "I confess this is not what I thought you were going to announce." *grins* Yeah, boys, like you were fooling *anyone*, let alone J'onn! *bounces*

J'onn makes me all kinds of happy with his, "Well, I understand humans have some folkloric fear of these creatures, but they do aliens as well."

Bruce's surprise trap proposal made me all kinds of happy to write. It's one of those weird moments where he actually surprised me with it as well. Oh Bruce. <3

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


bradygirl_12 July 25 2009, 17:57:10 UTC
Wonderful ending!

Dick's thoughts were amusing, and the whole matter-of-fact acceptance of the Bat-Family makes me love them even more. :)

Poor Bruce, though. Never eat Alfred's cooking again? That seems like cruel and unusual punishment!

J'onn's reaction: very J'onn. As was his expectation of the love announcement. ;)

Diana's reaction was understandable. Not all vampires are like Bruce, and since the Amazons have dealth with them, she'd be well put to be wary. But she has accepted in the end, and that makes me love her even more. :)

The aerial scene and the promise of pinioning is quite luscious! :)

Bravo for a story well done! :)


mithen July 26 2009, 03:45:08 UTC

Poor Bruce, though. Never eat Alfred's cooking again? That seems like cruel and unusual punishment!

Excellent point! He seems to consider it an even balance, but I'm not sure everyone would agree. :)

Diana's reaction was understandable. Not all vampires are like Bruce, and since the Amazons have dealth with them, she'd be well put to be wary. But she has accepted in the end, and that makes me love her even more. :)

I think no one will be as accepting as J'onn--I think Green Lantern especially will have grave reservations--but as time goes by they'll come to accept that Bruce isn't a risk. He's always been a dangerous member, in some ways, and they've come to trust him anyway...

Mmm, the flying made me very happy to write. Glad you enjoyed it too and thanks for the original inspiration again!


bradygirl_12 July 26 2009, 04:03:08 UTC
Bruce's wings as erogenous zones is a delight! :)

I hope you do consider more in this 'verse. More reactions, that pinioned scene, heh heh. ;)

Mmm, the flying made me very happy to write. Glad you enjoyed it too and thanks for the original inspiration again!

Always love flying scenes, and glad to be an inspiration with such lovely results! :)


ilovetobefree July 25 2009, 18:45:07 UTC
That was absolutely marvelous!

It was good to be home.
It was good to have them all at home again. :)

Dick didn't need explanations. He wasn't the World's Greatest Detective, but he was probably in the top ten, and he was capable of putting facts together
Tim was probably in the top five, so he certainly didn't need an explanation.
And Alfred was...Alfred.
That was perfectly written! (And the last line was the best. Exactly what I'm always thinking and telling about Alfred. :))

Besides, you didn't need to be in the top one hundred detectives in the world to see the light in Bruce's eyes when he looked at Clark, or the way the Kryptonian stayed almost close enough to touch Bruce at all times.
Awwwww. *Happy smile*

I think I was dreaming of your meals by the end, Alfred."
Well, I don’t blame him. I’m sure everyone would miss Alfred’s cooking. (And not only this. Alfred is just so unique person. I'm so glad he is back at the Manor and in Bruce's life.)

"Ah, get a room," Tim said cheerfully, and Dick almost burst out laughing. ( ... )


mithen July 26 2009, 14:30:06 UTC
They are such a great and happy family! I loved the harmony, understanding and the gentle humor there.

I don't write them as a full family often enough, I don't think! They're fun to write that way.

I loved Superman being so fast to defend Bruce. :)

*happy sigh* Me too. :)

WOW! A marriage! *Hugs Bruce and Clark*

*grin* I have a hard time getting them married--they tend to resist it, somehow. This worked better than most attempts, somehow...

l so love Bruce so amazingly teasing Clark.

I really like when Bruce is playful with Clark--it just makes me so happy to write!

I'm so glad you enjoyed this series! I had more fun writing it than a lot of longer stories, somehow--it all fell into place very nicely and naturally, that doesn't always happen with longer stories especially. :)


northern_star July 25 2009, 18:51:19 UTC
heee!! *flails*

Such a wonderful, happy ending. This entire series makes me smile so much - it's just great. *happy sigh*


mithen July 27 2009, 11:28:52 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! I'm thrilled you liked it!


twinsarein July 25 2009, 19:10:12 UTC
*shivers* What a wonderful ending to a fantastic story. It's been a while since I've taking the time to read a story in one sitting and comment on every section, but I couldn't stop once I started. You write so well - all of your stories are so well told. If you ever write professionally, I'll order your stuff as soon as it's released.


mithen July 27 2009, 11:33:51 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! I really appreciate the comments, too! It's always wonderful to know what worked for people. *bounces*


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