The Man Who Falls (9/10)

Apr 07, 2011 13:12

Title: The Man Who Falls (9/10)

Pairing/Characters: Clark/Bruce, Jack Ryder, Alfred Pennyworth, Harleen Quinzel, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon
Rating: R for violence
Warnings:  None needed
Continuity: The Dark Knight/Superman Returns crossover; a continuation of Leap of Faith.
Word Count:  5000Summary:  Clark Kent arrives in Gotham after the events ( Read more... )

series: leap of faith, ch: harley quinn, ch: clark kent, ch: alfred pennyworth, ch: barbara gordon, ch: bruce wayne, p: clark/bruce, ch: jim gordon, ch: jack ryder

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Comments 86

tabru April 7 2011, 05:38:12 UTC



It's one thirty in the morning where I live and I was all set to go to sleep, but then I saw that you posted and started reading and couldn't stop and NOW I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF.

I'll have to sleep on this and respond more articulately in the morning because OMG! This was...OH MY GOD.

Bruce's POV! And Harley! And Alfred! And Jim!!! AND CLARK! AND BRUUUCE!!! AND OMG GOTHAM!!!!!! Ahhh!!! too much awesome for my overtired brain to handle. I'm having epic dreams tonight!

Tomorrow morning, I'm gonna spam your inbox with love! :D


mithen April 7 2011, 06:22:59 UTC
It's one thirty in the morning where I live and I was all set to go to sleep, but then I saw that you posted and started reading and couldn't stop and NOW I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF.

*bounces around*

Man, I'm really happy to be able to share this! I wrote all of the last part in Bruce's POV about three days ago in one long gulp and then collapsed into bed and of course had nightmares about hanging from bridges all night. :P And then the beta lasted for hours and I posted right when it was finished and ended up all restless and adrenaline-y. At least it's still early afternoon here and I can stop poinging around by bedtime.


Gotham was maybe my favorite part--every time I went in and tinkered it insisted on being there more, and I kind of fell in love with Burly Guy With Baseball Cap, lol. Anyone who would call Batman "man" is okay with me...

So glad it worked for you! I AM EXCITE.


zolac_no_miko April 7 2011, 07:02:44 UTC
Heh, yeah, even your nameless Gothamites seemed very Nolan somehow...


tabru April 7 2011, 13:14:30 UTC
Okay, comment part two: THE COHERENT VERSION 2.0

First, if there is an award in excellent writing and beta-ing, it should go to you and damos! *applause* I'm even using my special Lois&Clark reporting team FTW icon in your honor, cause you guys are amazing. GO TEAM! :D

Okay, onto te story! I love how the media is all over the violence, so willing to show the possible death of children/civilians/batman on live tv. And I love Clark's perfectly legitimate disgust with it. I know that he uses that disgust as an excuse to get the hell out of there and help Bruce, but it was also great for him to use that opportunity to give Ryder a big F-YOU.

"--Hey, maybe you've got the luxury of sober reflection, Mr. Print Media." Ryder pointed the index cards at him. "But here in Gotham we don't shy away from showing the truth in all its messy reality!"OH HOW I LOVE THIS LINE. The jab at newspapers, and then later when he calls Clark a wuss, made me rage in a good way. It's as though being seen and getting to shout at people on tv makes him more of a ( ... )


kirai_slasher April 7 2011, 06:10:56 UTC
Awwwwwesome. That was amazing. Gawd Bruce, that was amazing - I love how he defied Harly, how he /didn't/ make the choice, saved the kids and Gotham.

Bruce does the impossible after all - he's the Goddamn Batman. :D


mithen April 7 2011, 06:34:26 UTC
It was really hard to write him taking that kind of punishment! But yeah, there's always this knowledge that whatever Harley dishes out, he can take and keep holding on. He's impressive that way. :)


undomielregina April 7 2011, 06:16:28 UTC
Oh, this was perfect. It was public, it was understated. It was exactly what Gotham needed, and it was Bruce reaching out and trusting someone to be where he couldn't. It's what was missing when he faced the Joker, and that's so fantastic. And it was redemption because this time, Bruce refused to make the devil's bargain and won as a result.

In an instant the world re-aligned, everything was clear, and there was no time to curse his own stupidity because Batman--Bruce--was speaking again.Knowing Clark, he'll feel so guilty the second he has time. It's great that as soon as it makes sense, everything makes sense. And I do kind of love how through the entire story Clark likes the most real part of Bruce he sees and turns on the mask as a result. So there's no conflict when suddenly it all unifies into a sensible whole ( ... )


mithen April 7 2011, 06:47:48 UTC
It was public, it was understated. It was exactly what Gotham needed, and it was Bruce reaching out and trusting someone to be where he couldn't.

It was so satisfying to write Bruce reaching out and trusting Alfred and Clark (and Jim) to be there for him and do what he couldn't do.

Knowing Clark, he'll feel so guilty the second he has time. It's great that as soon as it makes sense, everything makes sense. And I do kind of love how through the entire story Clark likes the most real part of Bruce he sees and turns on the mask as a result. So there's no conflict when suddenly it all unifies into a sensible whole.

That's exactly the sort of feeling I was going for, yay! That he's always understood Bruce's heart, if not which mask was his. :)

And Gotham learned that she has a hero who is never, ever going to give up on her. Plus, you know, the whole thing where being obviously friendly with Superman is likely to make it flat out impossible for anyone to think you're a murderer or child kidnapper.I bet some people do manage it! (I ( ... )


zolac_no_miko April 7 2011, 07:09:35 UTC
It was exactly what Gotham needed, and it was Bruce reaching out and trusting someone to be where he couldn't. It's what was missing when he faced the Joker, and that's so fantastic. And it was redemption because this time, Bruce refused to make the devil's bargain and won as a result.

THIS. THIIIIIIISSSSS. That's the key to this story... how the addition of Superman, and of the relationship between Batman and Superman, makes all the difference. It shows growth and positive change in Bruce's outlook on life. It's better for Gotham, and better for Batman, and better for Bruce.


angelinachaser7 April 7 2011, 06:20:55 UTC
Wow that was action packed and edge of your seat drama, but I knew in the end Superman would come through in the end.

I was wondering when Clark was going to make the connction that Bruce was Batman, it was interesting to see how that come about.

I loved how the people of Gotham got together to rescue their city's hero and Batman's determination to keep holding on, until Superman showed up to tell him he could let go.

I've enjoyed this series, it's sad to see it's about to come to an end, I look forward to the conclusion :D


mithen April 7 2011, 14:26:11 UTC
Wow that was action packed and edge of your seat drama, but I knew in the end Superman would come through.

It was hard not to cut away to Clark's POV, but OTOH it wouldn't be THAT interesting to read "He checked the first bridge. Then the second. Then the third." :P

I loved how the people of Gotham got together to rescue their city's hero and Batman's determination to keep holding on, until Superman showed up to tell him he could let go.

I SO wanted to make sure the people of Gotham got in on it all, as witnesses and more! It was so satisfying to write...

I'm looking forward to writing the conclusion as well! There's such a wonderful sense of tension released now...


jlvsclrk April 7 2011, 06:26:24 UTC
Magnifique! The action was absolutely riveting - Harley makes for a wonderful villain.


mithen April 7 2011, 14:26:58 UTC
Harley worked so well here that it makes me sad Nolan isn't using her! She's very good for continuing the themes of the second movie... I'm really glad you liked her!


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