
Jan 07, 2010 09:23

Bad Things1. I got ANOTHER Migraine yesterday. It hit at about 10:00 in the morning, I made it until lunch, but then promptly went home and went down for a two hour nap. I don't know what I've done to break my head, but this is third in at least a month, and the second in a week. I am not a happy camper ( Read more... )

unfortunately i work for a living, ranting, joe jonas is perfect

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Comments 15

lol apparently i'm in need of entertainment too?? liminalliz January 7 2010, 16:07:54 UTC
Bad Things ( ... )


Re: lol apparently i'm in need of entertainment too?? misskittye January 7 2010, 16:30:50 UTC
BAD ( ... )


Re: lol apparently i'm in need of entertainment too?? mangojellytoast January 7 2010, 18:35:41 UTC
Central Market has local artisan cheeses! Sometimes the farmers come out and sample them and talk about how much they looooove their coooows. It's great!


Re: lol apparently i'm in need of entertainment too?? misskittye January 7 2010, 18:48:03 UTC
I need to do a Whole Foods/Central Market stroll soon and get to nibbling.

I want artisan goat cheese! I've seen some advertised as being "Texas Goat Cheese" but was a bit mass produced-y.


lakeeffectgirl January 7 2010, 16:18:57 UTC
migrane, :-(

Where can I find these pictures from last night?


inthenameofjuc January 7 2010, 16:29:32 UTC
I second this request. What elusive pics are you talking about?


misskittye January 7 2010, 16:31:23 UTC
I'll work on getting those up on my lunch break maybe! They're on CUF but if you don't have access, I could only hotlink them to you.


inthenameofjuc January 7 2010, 16:39:43 UTC
Yeah if you could that would be awesome, or find them somewhere else. Nope, I came into this fandom after they had closed their doors.


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misskittye January 7 2010, 21:42:41 UTC
I've made it to three with no migraine-related shenanigans! I think that the construction their doing on the building I'm in is causing some sort of reaction. There was a lot of chemical smells in the air earlier.

1) I still get surprised when people describe me as nice. I consider myself kind of a curmudgeon! I'm also very shy in person! But it's always a lovely thing to hear. Thank you so much!

2) I want to write! I've just been so scattered and unfocused! You should tell me about the things that you're thinking of writing for jonas_harlequin (don't think I forgot!!)

3) I know you second guess yourself a lot, but time is on your side, Ms. Hannah. You'll continue to grow and mature and your world will expand and good things will start coming to you, and you'll start looking for good things to move towards. You'll be alright! Guaranteed!


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misskittye January 7 2010, 21:51:39 UTC
- Never have migraines! They are the dumbest!

- Snow! What's that?? Sounds evil! Don't let it touch you!

- Man, I hope your internet connection realizes soon that it's being a right punk and shows you have everloving hot that boy was. He was all scruffy and well dressed and someone had sat on his chest to actually style is hair and somehow his skin is STILL so dark and pretty.

- I was telling someone that I've never been in a fandom that willingly provided so. much. material. I've been in fandoms that were ripe for the picking, but holy crap? This fandom? This RPS incest fandom? It's NON-STOP. It's WEIRD and AWESOME and I've never been so close to having a LEGIT tinhat ( ... )


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