(no subject)

Jan 07, 2010 09:23

Bad Things
1. I got ANOTHER Migraine yesterday. It hit at about 10:00 in the morning, I made it until lunch, but then promptly went home and went down for a two hour nap. I don't know what I've done to break my head, but this is third in at least a month, and the second in a week. I am not a happy camper.

2. Shake ups at work. I knew they were planning to get rid of someone, but I didn't realize HOW SOON. This makes me feel a little less cocky.

3. THE EPIC COLDNESS THAT IS TEXAS RIGHT NOW. I don't think that any one of you can appreciate how much I desperately hate the cold. I HATE IT. I want to run my heater at 80* and drink nothing but hot tea and wear six sweaters. Weather.com predicts 18*. WTF?! This is is Texas! NOT ALLOWED. Sure all you Northerners are laughing but I am NOT BUILT for these kinds of shenanigans. NOR IS MY APARTMENT.

Good Things
1. Joining a gym today.

2. Nick Jonas is in love with his brother. Listen, sometimes things are so right they can't be wrong, and passions overrules logic, and you have to kiss your brother cause you're not going to see each other for thirty-six hours.

3. I was able to scrape together a quick easy lunch from the random things I had in my fridge meaning that I will not have to leave the safety of work to purchase noms. (Major goal today: Spend likes than 15 minutes total outside).

4. Despite the migraine I was able to do sensible things like the dishes, and laundry last night. Now if I can just get it together to vacuum, life will be pretty sweet.

5. Jesus Christ but Joe looks delicious in those pics from last night. I sense a picspam in the future...

Talk to me, LJ. Entertaaaaaain me. Pretend I cut and paste a meme, and asked you to request I say something nice about you, or answer a fandom related question, or... opine about cheese. I can do all these things!

unfortunately i work for a living, ranting, joe jonas is perfect

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