Cold = Defeating Candice's Will to Be a Good Person

Jan 08, 2010 13:09

My hands have not stopped being chilled since I walked into work today.

And this fact has not stopped filling me with rage since I walked into work today.

I've complained to my supervisor but we're undergoing some construction and people have to move heavy things so THEY'RE hot, but jeez. THEY SHOULD BE SO LUCKY. It's only FREEZING outside. Count your blessings, ingrates! (I refuse to be understanding. I'm going to be the OPPOSITE of understanding, in fact, and be willfully ignorant.) And TURN UP THE HEAT, WORKPLACE!

I don't have any fingerless gloves for effective typing/dialing. And I can only drink so much tea before my bladder just decides to just give up entirely. I'm at the point where my only option is to drink water, which is only better because there's no caffeine but doesn't change the fact that I'm having to cup warm coffee mugs to my hands in an effort to keep my fingers from falling off.

I also, somewhat laughably, brought along a change of work out clothes and running shoes on the off chance that I would be inspired to exercise after work. Instead I have requested that liminalliz and I get together as soon as possible so that we may then retire to our separate apartments. With nary a thought to going to the gym I joined yesterday with jennerose.

Maybe not the best life choice. But all alcohol and no exercise makes Candice a little less murderous!!

Since I will essentially be bed-ridden (not because I'm ill, but because my bed is the warmest place in the house) I'm really, honestly, truly going to attempt to write. It's been so long I'm not sure I remember how. ;__; I might also attempt to tackle all this Nick media that's been flung my way in the past 36 hours, but I don't hold much hope for either prospect.

unfortunately i work for a living, life choices, ranting, i do stuff, up in the gym workin' on my fitness

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