Dearly beloved,
Here is a simple truth.
If you believe that gay marriage is wrong, even by name, you are a bigot, you are intolerant, and you do not have my respect.
Let's run down the list.
1) Leviticus 18:22: What the church doesn't want you to know and why God doesn't give a damn.Part I
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? Merriam Webster, nor any other dictionary, defines "bigot" as "hypocrite." What you read was that "hypocrite" is the French etymology of the word. In no way does bigot=hypocrite.
A bigot is someone intolerant of other's beliefs because their own beliefs are best. By ignoring any evidence given to you on the contrary to your beliefs, you exhibit bigotry towards those beliefs. You also exhibit bigotry towards a group of people different from yourself who also share these differing beliefs.
It really helps when you don't try to skew the simple definition of a word to your own advantage. This is what we call lying.
And as I have stated before, because the forefathers of the United States (Christian, Athiest, and what ever else they were) put in the bill of rights freedom of speech, freedom of religion and several other of our rights. I can have any opinion or belief I want and it doesn't ( ... )
Sorry-wandered over from metaquotes and had to jump in here. This idea (that the average lifespan of a homosexual is 44 (sometimes 43)) is the result of an erroneous study done by Paul Cameron. Essentially, what he did to achive that statistic was to gather data from obituaries in gay publications and use that data to determine the average lifespan of homosexuals. This is an extrememly ineffective way of gathering such data, as it excludes large groups of the population-for example, anyone who was gay but not publicly, or anyone who didn't have a relative of friend to write an obituary. From "The Cameron Group's "Gay Obituary" Study"Obituaries in gay community newspapers do not provide a representative sampling of the community. This is evident in the fact that only only 2% of the Cameron group's obituaries were for lesbians. Moreover, community newspapers tend overwhelmingly to report deaths due to AIDS (only 11% of Cameron's gay male obituaries were not related to ( ... )
And frankly, I know from past experience that I HAVE to argue it because you refuse to put up any physical evidence to support your claims. As a responsible, educated person, that is the least I can ever ask from someone. When you repeatedly ignore this, it is my obligation to argue against you when I have proof that contradicts your unsupported claims.
I don't do this because it gives me kicks. I do it because it's my duty to call people on their bullshit, which is all an argument is when it's unsupported and flies in the face of all available evidence.
I merely stood up for my beliefs because you were twisting the Word of God.
Prove where I twisted the Word of God. As I've already stated, I have not uttered a single word that isn't supported by droves of Biblical scholars, who are devout Christians just like yourself.
Once again, do not make up lies and unsupported assertions. it's very unbecoming.
Impeding the civil ( ... )
you're a walking contradiction & a moron.
if you don't read this, you're keeping yourself
from information and that's not ignorance,
that's stupidity.
have a good 'un
argument over.
If there is no God, then we don't exist. Because even with Evolution something had to cause the bang.
Traditionally, Christians have believed that the Pentateuch [the first 5 books of the Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament] were written by Moses under the inspiration of God circa 1450 BCE during the nation's exodus from Egypt. The book of Daniel was seen as having been written by Daniel himself, in the 6th century CE, etc. Conservative Christians still believe this today, largely because the Bible mentions the identity of its authors in many locations, and conservatives believe the Bible to be inerrant. However, analysis of the Bible as a historical document since the late 19th century has convinced essentially all non-Evangelical Old Testament scholars that most of the Pentateuch was not written by Moses. It is rather made up of a mixture of writings and editing by three individuals or groups: in 950 BCE by "J", 750 BCE for "E" and 539 BCE for "P". Deuteronomy was written in the 7th century BCE, and Daniel was ( ... )
Critique of Obituary Study by the Paul Cameron Group
Cameron, Playfair, and Wellum (1994) counted obituaries in various gay community publications and claimed to be able to use them to calculate the average life expectancy for homosexuals.
Their conclusion - that homosexual men and women have a shorter life span than heterosexual men and women - provides a textbook example of the perils of using data from a convenience sample to generalize to an entire population.
The average length of a gay marriage is 18 months and during those 18 months there is an average of 8 other partners?
What the “Dutch Study” Really Says About Gay Couples
Now that you’ve read these claims, what can you assume? Like most people, you’re likely to guess that these statistics can from a broad-based general population survey in the Netherlands studying homosexual behavior and gay relationships. Unfortunately, you’d be wrong. It turns out this “Dutch Study” was performed by a team of ( ... )
But it also means that every other person, regardless of religion or any other factor or characteristic of being human, has the exact same right to live life as they choose. Allowing this to occur isn't "forcing" a chosen lifestyle on your or your children (although I do hope that if one of your children ever comes to you with any such issue, you will be able to understand and continue to love him or her unconditionally). Making it legal for homosexuals to marry has absolutely nothing to do with your rights.
After all. You already have them.
False. Unless misscheeveeuss is passing a law making homosexuality or gay marriage mandatory, then they are not "forcing their beliefs" on you. However, by making gay marriage illegal, supporting laws against sodomy, and rejecting anti-discrimination clauses that address sexual orientation, that is EXACLTY what you yourself (and the Religious Right) are doing. As a Christian, I am DISGUSTED.
It sums up one of my arguments in one tiny little 100x100 package. And that's just plain awesome.
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