Dearly beloved,
Here is a simple truth.
If you believe that gay marriage is wrong, even by name, you are a bigot, you are intolerant, and you do not have my respect.
Let's run down the list.
1) Leviticus 18:22: What the church doesn't want you to know and why God doesn't give a damn.Part I
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You need me to prove that the earth moves, that the sky is not a dome, that the moon is not a light, that the sun doesn't hide in a "tent" in the sky, that the earth was not created in six literal days, that the account of the order of life appearing on earth contradicts all fossil evidence?
1) Psalms 104:5, "You set the earth on its foundations, so that it shall never be shaken."
• The Earth does not stand still, as evidenced by countless observations into space. If the Earth stood still, all celestial bodies would revolve around it. With the observance of retrograde motion, the appearance that certain planets move backwards for short periods of time, shows that the Earth must be in its own orbit that visually "catches up" with that of other bodies' orbits.
Also, missions into Earth's orbits show that it takes tremendous speeds to keep up with the Earth's rotation, and leaving that orbit to head for the moon, to send satellites into space, to send rovers to Mars, etc. shows that the Earth also has a unique orbit around the sun, like every other planet in the universe.
The Earth does not stand still.
2) Genesis 1:14-19, The sky is referenced as an "expanse," a "firmament," and a "dome" in various translations.
All of these imply that the sky is a fixed object beneath the heavens, and that the sky is where all the lights (the sun, stars, and moon) are placed. We know for a fact, having traversed through all the layers of the atmosphere, that all of these "lights" rest infinitely beyond the scope of the Earth and sky. We also know that the sky is not a finite object, it's simply the coloration of elements in the layers of the atmosphere, and that it is as easy to pass through the sky as it is to take two steps forward through air.
The sky is not a dome.
3) Genesis 1:16, "God made two great lights - the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars."
This line states that the moon itself is a light. The moon, as first observed by Galileo, is nothing more than a body of rock covered in craters, simply reflects sunlight when the sun is on the opposing side of the earth, preventing the side with "night" from receiving intense "daytime" light.
Also, we know that many of the stars are remarkably older than the sun, the moon, and the Earth, simply from the calculation of their distance from us. Scientists can accurately calculate a star's lightyear distance from us (how many years it would take for light to travel from it to us, knowing for a fact that light takes a certain amount of time to traverse a distance), and some of the distances show that stars we see today must be much older than the entire Earth.
This means the stars could not have all been created at the same time as the sun and moon, that the moon is not a light, and that none of these have been "placed" in the sky.
4) Psalms 19:4-5, "In the heavens [or dome] he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridgeroom from his wedding canopy"
This states that the sun disappears into and reappears from a "tent" that God has set up in the sky. This goes against all evidence that the Earth revolves around the sun and rotates on its own axis, which causes only half of the planet to be illuminated by sunlight at any given time.
We know this from simple scientific observation into space, and from how the Earth interacts with the planet as a whole. If the Earth were still and the sun hid itself when it was nighttime, the entire planet would be in darkness. Also, if the Earth is still and the sun only moves into this tent, that would mean that only half of the planet is ever lit, and that the other half never receives sunlight because when the sun isn't visible (meaning the other side of the Earth should be in nighttime darkness), it's hiding in a tent.
In actuality, when it's darkness for one side of the Earth, it's light for the other. The sun does not hide, the Earth rotates to face the sun in different directions.
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