So in today's installment of Stuff That Is So Obvious I Don't Even have To Say It, HOW FREKAING HOT IS IT? I am dying. For those of you who don't live here, Melbourne is going through a mini-heatwave right now - for the last 3 days the temperature has peaked at around 43C/109F, which is the highest temperature recorded in Melbourne in six years.
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Comments 5 to be the slashiest AO ever too i think i saw roddick feeling roger up at the net at the end of the match but sight is not my strong point so i COULD (unlikely) be wrong.
about the heat - i was too stranded at the train station on wednesday for the same purposes that you were ...darn uni. My timetable is so screwed up because ive signed myself up for a philosphy tutorial but they havent allocated me to a lecture! and im allocated to a psych lecture but not a tutorial (because everyhing is apparently full) guess who's going to call ACU and demand answers - yep, me :P Did you speak to anyone at uni? the only time i opened my mouth was to yawn and then gulp down some water HEHE
(im alive btw :D)
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