Life: Jack's Story - part seven

Mar 29, 2008 14:55

Okay guys, part six was here-

This is Jack's story and it does link in with Owen's and Ianto's stories which I'm hoping to start posting at the end of next week. Owen's part will come first and it starts right after this finishes so I hope you keep an eye out.

Alright with out futher delay here is seven -

Life: Jack's Story - part seven

Things didn’t go exactly to plan. Owen got the first code wrong and when he did the water flowed faster. Toshiko thought that she had the next code right but before Owen had finished punching it in the time lock activated and the code changed. They got the code wrong again and the water flowed faster. “Stop, Owen every time you get the code wrong the water increases your drowning us. It’s connected somehow,” screamed Ianto through the door.

“Okay, okay” Owen shouted back, they could hear him muttering to Tosh over the comms. “Right we’re going to try something else, I’ll be right back” there was the faint sound of Owen running back up the tunnel then silence.

Jack and Ianto were both standing up now and the water almost reached shoulder height. Jack was trying hard not to panic; Owen had told him that stress was bad for the baby. But it was hard not to panic when the water was filling up at such a rate that it had double in the last twenty minutes.

He was freezing his legs felt numb and he was wondering weather he’d be able to float or not. His worrying must have shown in his face because Ianto moved towards him and took Jacks face in his hands and kissed him.

“Don’t worry, Owen and Tosh will get us out.” He smiled “And I take you back to mine and you can have a nice hot bath and a long sleep. I’ll make dinner and we can watch TV or talk about what’s going to happened when Miss Harkness gets here.”

Ianto stroked Jacks stomach. It was comforting to think of sitting down and discussing with future with Ianto, especially when two days ago Jack counted himself lucky if Ianto had called him ‘sir’.

“I think I’m to heavy to float” Jack said, he knew it was stupid but he couldn’t help letting his worry slip out. Ianto laughed.

“Jack, human beings float its what we do.” He paused still giggling at what his lover had said. “I won’t let you drown” Ianto kissed the end of his nose. Jack smiled.

“How much time do you think you have before… you drown?” Shouted Owen through the door. Jacks face dropped panic gripped him once more.

“Great thanks for that Owen I had just got Jack calmed down.” Ianto shouted back.

“Don’t let him get stressed its bad for the baby” doctor Harper screamed through the door.

Ianto rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling some six foot above their heads. “Forty minutes, hour tops” he answered the question.

“We were thinking of trying to drill through…”

“No you’ll crack the glass,” screamed Jack.

“I know that, like I was saying we were thinking of drilling but we were afraid of cracking the glass. So what we’re thinking is…” suddenly the door made the sound of the deadlock activating.

“What did you do?” shouted Ianto. They pressed their ears to the door. They could hear Owen growling at something, a low rasping growl that he usually made at the weevils.

“A weevil came up behind me, god I’m like a magnet for them these days, it set of the heat sensor the door just activated the deadlock steal.”

“Oh my god, we’re going to die,” shouted Jack.

“Sweetie, just calm down” Ianto told him gently “Owen you’re sounding oddly calm about this”

“Well that’s because we have a new plan, stand back… we’re going to blow the bloody door off” he explained. Jack liked this plan; it was simple and easy to remember. “Try to hold on to each other, we’re going to stick and rope ladder down the manhole try to grab it when you get flushed by. I’ve finished setting up the explosives the bomb will go off in two minutes thirty seconds.”

“Get yourself clear” Ianto told him.

“Okay” said Owen.

Now the water was so high that they had to swim, Ianto pulled Jack as far away from the door as possible. They were both treading water, Ianto checked his stopwatch. “One minute” he told Jack gripping his arm tightly. Jack held his breath as Ianto counted down the last ten seconds, Ianto held his breath they waited for a slit second before. BOOM both the door and wall were remove in a large implosion. The water rushed out and they were both swept along the tunnel. Jack saw the ladder; Ianto grabbed hold of it with one hand and dig his nails into Jack’s arm with the other. He heard Owen shouting somewhere above him, the ladder started moving upwards towards the manhole. The next thing Jack knew he was being pulled out of the manhole by Owen and Rhys. Tosh wrapped him in a blanket as they pulled Ianto from the manhole.

“Come on,” said Ianto standing up and pulling his blanket around himself. “Let’s get you back to mine.”

“Finally come to your senses have you” questioned Owen. “He’s not going anywhere until I’ve checked you both out.”

“Fine, by me I’ll get some clothes for Jack while we’re there.” Ianto and Rhys helped Jack to his feet.

“Wow you’ve put on some weight Jack.” Rhys told him. Gwen hit him on the arm.

“He’s pregnant,” she snapped. Rhys looked at Jack’s stomach.

“Someone going to have to explain to me how that works,” said Rhys.

“Owen will, he’s got a slide show,” said Tosh.


Four hours later Jack was sitting in a nice hot bath in Ianto’s bathroom. Ianto had run it for him and put bubbles in it, which made Jack’s skin feel soft. Ianto had also made him a nice steaming cup of hot chocolate and was currently cooking them both dinner. Jack closed his eyes and relaxed, his little girl safe in his stomach and the love of his life happily cooking away in the kitchen. To think five hours ago he wouldn’t have believe this possible. He made a metal note never to doubt his team again. Owen had given them both the all clear and sent them home demanding that he saw neither of them for at least a week. Jack protested but was secretly happy about it, running Torchwood was to draining these days. He stepped out of the bath and wrapped himself in a towel. He wondered into Ianto’s bedroom and dried himself off.

“Dinner in ten” shouted Ianto from the kitchen.

“Okay” Jack shouted back.
He pulled on some of the fresh clothes that Ianto had brought from the hub. Sitting on the bed he looked down at his feet, his socks would have to wait until after dinner he decided laying back on the bed. He closed his eyes again feeling happy and safe for the first time in decades, it was amazing how love could do that to you.

A hand stroked Jacks face he smiled to himself and opened his eyes. He screamed when he realised how the hand belonged too. Bilis Manger stood in front of him.

“Ianto” Jack screamed for him, “Ianto” he screamed again.

Ianto burst into the room, “what is…” he stopped talking when his eyes found Bilis Manger. Ianto drew himself up to his full height and pulled out his gun pointing it directly at the old man’s chest. “Get out” he breathed.

“Now that really isn’t necessary Mr Jones,” said Bilis in his silky voice.

“You just locked us in a room and left to die, so I think it fucking is”

“Very well” said Bilis. Calmly he took a step towards Jack. Ianto moved in front of him blocking his path. Bilis smiled a cruel smile and grabbed Ianto’s hands. Ianto dropped the gun and went ridged his eyes went cold and dim like his was looking at something far away.

“Let him go” Jack was his feet rage pumping through him. Ianto screamed at the thing he was looking at. Jack had a feeling that Manger was showing him a possible future just like he did to Gwen. Ianto fell to the floor; Bilis stepped over him and grabbed Jack. His grip was vicelike for a man so old.

“Come Captain, let make you more comfortable” said Bilis. Suddenly there was darkness unlike any Jack had known before. He felt like he was being pulled long at lighten speed through something that was full of pain and misery. It stopped just as suddenly as it started. Bilis let go of him and left him in the middle of this darkened oblivion with nothing but the sounds of creatures howling in pain.

jack harkness, torchwood, ianto jones, toshiko sato, gwen cooper, bilis manger, rhys williams, owen harper

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