right. and that is where things can, and will, go wrong. but hey, he still is making an excellent point
CAD tools are getting fairly advanced now, with lots and lots of different "physics" (equations and proper simulators) built-in. this is one of reasons, by the way, the architects can now design those crazy looking "impossible" buildings. the buildings of course pass all tests in simulation. stress, wind, airplane collision, earthquake, etc etc
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today, this is called "computer aided design"
literally everybody has to simulate and demonstrate the idea works in simulation before actually building anything
CAD tools are getting fairly advanced now, with lots and lots of different "physics" (equations and proper simulators) built-in. this is one of reasons, by the way, the architects can now design those crazy looking "impossible" buildings. the buildings of course pass all tests in simulation. stress, wind, airplane collision, earthquake, etc etc
Now almost anyone can be like Tesla in that respect but few have enough imagination.
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