
May 13, 2011 15:35

[It's early afternoon. The journal flies open and turns on abruptly in mid-air, a blast of resonating energy having blown it away from where it had been placed. As it flies, a few flashes of red, white, and black are visible, and when it lands, Asch and Luke are in the distance, swords clashing, the rec center just beyond where they're fighting. ( Read more... )

stupid fabre genes, dreckdreckdreck, luke goddammit, now where the hell are they, hyperresonance is being fail, fun with fonons, that'll leave a mark, hyperresonance training

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Comments 190

[Action] cakeblocked May 13 2011, 19:37:26 UTC
[Luke had not seen this coming at all. One minute the two of them sparring, then there was that familiar light and Asch's yell, and that feeling of his fonons being stressed, the thing that had knocked him out last time this happened.

All Luke could think was "Not again..." before everything went black ( ... )


[Action] mirrorbirth May 13 2011, 19:48:35 UTC
[Asch has a very different thought in his mind as his location is forcefully shifted; after the flare of light and the abrupt jerk of the hyperresonance, he wonders just how many villagers are about to die. To his surprise, though, when his senses return to him, he can't help but notice that he's falling. He squints at his surroundings, quelling his urge to panic (as Luke flails and screams beside him- great, he's still stuck with the idiot), and once he catches sight of the water below he does several things as quickly as humanly possible-

There's not enough time to twist into a dive, so he straightens his body, arms flat against his sides, and inhales deeply. This sort of fall is bound to send them pretty far down.

The water is cold as he hits, almost enough to knock the air out of him, and his body is aching all over, but he knows he got off lucky. Spreading his arms to slow his descent and kicking his legs, he makes a run for the surface.

Now where did his stupid replica end up?]


[Action] cakeblocked May 13 2011, 20:01:09 UTC
[He's still down in the water, Asch. Once his breath was forced out, he automatically tried to breathe in, only to cough once the water hit his gag reflexes and clamp his hands over his mouth, squeezing his eyes shut and twisting and shaking in the water over his lungs suddenly feeling like they'd burst. Luke knew that he had to find air, and one arm stuck out to flail to the side in an effort to swim, but he wasn't sure how, he didn't even know which way was up, and eyes stung from the sea water and all of his senses seemed to have been shaken - was he going to die here?

It certainly felt like it. If the water wasn't going to kill him, then surely holding what little breath he had would do it. He was sure of it, and he hated it, he didn't want to die, but...]


[Action] mirrorbirth May 13 2011, 20:21:56 UTC
[....Yeah, it figures.

Asch only takes a moment to determine this, taking another deep breath and diving back down into the water. He's probably stunned from the fall, and belatedly he remembers Luke mentioning that he can't swim well. No wonder he's sinking.

With a hasty arm around his replica's waist, he turns around and kicks for the surface once more, pulling Luke along until they both reach it.]

I swear, replica, if you're not breathing...!

[You'd better breathe, dreck, he can't give you mouth to mouth in the middle of the ocean. Not that he'd want to at all. Ewww.]


[voice (with some action)] poppetry May 13 2011, 19:58:11 UTC
[ So, at first, that was almost entertaining to watch. The spar, anyway. Training is training, and it's interesting, at least, so she'd just kind of settled to observe.

And then that shout came. And then the explosion, first (briefly) from the journal and then outside, making her flinch and drop it and scramble to look outside all in the same movement.

... oh, god. She's not been outside in a week, but she doesn't even stop to think. After scrambling to pick up her journal and open a darkness corridor, she appears at the nearest landmark she could see -- the rec center -- just moments later, leaving her not far from the crater. In something of a daze she wanders over, discovering Asch's devastated journal as she does so. ]

What ...

[ She scoops it up, the first seed of true dread blossoming in her stomach. Clutching it to her chest, she opens her own journal and begins to scan it for ANY sign. Anything... ]

What did they ... [ with growing panic ] Where did you go? Luke! Asch!


[actiony action threadjack] antlioncyclone May 13 2011, 23:38:34 UTC
[Mewtwo drops out of the sky on the other side of the crater, a bit less gracefully than usual, and a bit more agitated. He looks back and forth across what remains of the battlefield, tail lashing, and begins to pace along the edge of the crater, leaning forward in an intent crouch.

The light breeze that kicks up around him skitters over the edge of the blasted-out area and along the ground, as though searching, but Mewtwo doesn't focus on it - he gets the feeling that it's pointless.]


[craziness] poppetry May 14 2011, 00:01:19 UTC

oh god

what was

... oh

it's Mewtwo

hi Mewtwo thanks for the heart attack that was totally awesome and exactly what i needed while i ponder the possibility of my boyfriend having blown himself to smithereens

After, uh, screaming like that -- at least she kept it short! -- Xion just stares at Mewtwo, white in the face and clearly not sure how to react. She's still clutching Asch's journal and her own, as if hoping some sort of answer will come, as impossible as that is... ]


[shenanigans] cakeblocked May 14 2011, 00:05:01 UTC
[... Or is it?!

There might have been some quiet noises from Asch's journal before Xion screamed - waves, light muttering, but after? There's a distinct splash, a curse, some coughing, then a slosh of water before:]

Xion? Xio- [Oh god yelling is not fun at all like this COUGH COUGH.]


[voice] offallingsnow May 13 2011, 20:16:25 UTC
[confession: She was sort of watching their fight.

Which at least one of them will notice after she gets her thoughts together enough to...call into the book]

Asch? Luke!


[voice] cakeblocked May 13 2011, 23:54:51 UTC
[Actually, neither of them will notice that first part since they're both kind of concentrating on keeping their heads above the water. After a few minutes, there comes a response. Luke's voice is rough and quiet, and if Nephry cares to look, it looks like he's partially on Asch's back as they swim through the ocean.]

Nephry, hey... we're okay. [He has to clear his throat after that.]


[voice] offallingsnow May 14 2011, 00:30:20 UTC
What happened to you?

[they're okay. So she has her calm face back.]


[voice] cakeblocked May 14 2011, 00:32:17 UTC
We kind of - [cough uuugh] screwed up.


[Voice] chiisaichou May 13 2011, 20:21:26 UTC
[It's no surprise that Miyabi's out in the forest today, her good mood not a smudge dampened ever since two of her best friends arrived in Liceti. She was just tugging at a wild strawberry to take home when she hears clashing far off in the distance, which she shrugs off. Tons of people come to the forest to train, so it's no big deal. Then the explosion came, and she has to cover her ears from the deafening sound ( ... )


[Voice] cakeblocked May 14 2011, 00:00:39 UTC
[What, no call for him? 8( Luke doesn't really care though, especially not in the mood he's in. Since it took Miyabi a while to get there, it doesn't take long at all for her to get a reply from Luke, whose voice is rough and quiet.]

Miyabi... He's okay. [C-Cough.]


[Voice] chiisaichou May 14 2011, 01:05:07 UTC
[Hey, she didn't know you were involved. D| Luke's voice startles Miyabi - she was expecting to hear Asch - but it has two definite effects on her. First, relief. ...Okay. Asch was okay, they were both okay. Miyabi lets out a huge sigh, practically slumping as the oppressive weight from earlier lifts from her body.

And then, once she's done feeling relief, comes the anger. The anger from being so damn scared, and concerned. She'll apologize later, once she's calmed down and is able to wrap her arms around the two, but for now,...brace yourself, Luke. There is an angry poncle on the other side of that journal, aura shifting to a red hot glow.]

What the heck were you two doing?! I heard a huge explosion in the forest, and when I went to see, I saw a huge hole and Asch's journal all charred and smoking! Do you know how scared I was?! I thought you blew up or something! The moment you get home, I'm going to hit you both so hard, you--you idiots!


[Voice] mirrorbirth May 14 2011, 01:32:54 UTC
[Speaking of Asch, he's carting his dumb replica through the water, and her tirade is not impressive in the least.]

You think we wanted this to happen? Hey replica, tell her to stop yelling already! Is she trying to drown us?


[Voice] once_knighted May 13 2011, 22:43:20 UTC
[Yuri just happened to be flipping through his journal, checking for any sign of Estelle, when this goes down. That shout, plus that weird explosion ...


... What the hell just happened.]


[... Calling out is probably pointless, though -- or at least he seems to think it is. That explosion was ...

... Well. He'll be heading to that crater to check for any sign of them, bringing his journal along with him as a just in case. It really doesn't look good, but something like that happening so suddenly ... There's got to be at least some kind of explanation for it.

Dammit, he may have said that there wasn't much for him to do around Luceti, but that didn't mean kidnappings and explosions and such had to start happening.]


[Voice] cakeblocked May 14 2011, 00:12:11 UTC
[Yuri's probably already reached the crater by the time Luke gets to responding to him. His voice is quiet and rough, and if Yuri looks, Luke appears to be half on Asch's back and half in the ocean, where the two are soaked and trying to swim to shore.]

We're okay.


[Voice] once_knighted May 14 2011, 15:08:49 UTC
[---Oh hey, he really did get a response. And he got an answer for the first question he would've asked, too. Good. Sighing now.]

... Good to know. [... Wait, is that the ocean? What--] What the hell happened?


[Voice] cakeblocked May 14 2011, 19:41:04 UTC
[Now, how to explain this simply? It took Luke forever to actually get what hyperresonance actually was, and he still doesn't really understand it. How do you tell someone who's never heard of it before?]

We, uh... screwed up. [He has to cough a little - that's what happens when you swallow sea water and nearly drown.] With our power.


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