
May 13, 2011 15:35

[It's early afternoon. The journal flies open and turns on abruptly in mid-air, a blast of resonating energy having blown it away from where it had been placed. As it flies, a few flashes of red, white, and black are visible, and when it lands, Asch and Luke are in the distance, swords clashing, the rec center just beyond where they're fighting. ( Read more... )

stupid fabre genes, dreckdreckdreck, luke goddammit, now where the hell are they, hyperresonance is being fail, fun with fonons, that'll leave a mark, hyperresonance training

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[voice (with some action)] poppetry May 13 2011, 19:58:11 UTC
[ So, at first, that was almost entertaining to watch. The spar, anyway. Training is training, and it's interesting, at least, so she'd just kind of settled to observe.

And then that shout came. And then the explosion, first (briefly) from the journal and then outside, making her flinch and drop it and scramble to look outside all in the same movement.

... oh, god. She's not been outside in a week, but she doesn't even stop to think. After scrambling to pick up her journal and open a darkness corridor, she appears at the nearest landmark she could see -- the rec center -- just moments later, leaving her not far from the crater. In something of a daze she wanders over, discovering Asch's devastated journal as she does so. ]

What ...

[ She scoops it up, the first seed of true dread blossoming in her stomach. Clutching it to her chest, she opens her own journal and begins to scan it for ANY sign. Anything... ]

What did they ... [ with growing panic ] Where did you go? Luke! Asch!


[actiony action threadjack] antlioncyclone May 13 2011, 23:38:34 UTC
[Mewtwo drops out of the sky on the other side of the crater, a bit less gracefully than usual, and a bit more agitated. He looks back and forth across what remains of the battlefield, tail lashing, and begins to pace along the edge of the crater, leaning forward in an intent crouch.

The light breeze that kicks up around him skitters over the edge of the blasted-out area and along the ground, as though searching, but Mewtwo doesn't focus on it - he gets the feeling that it's pointless.]


[craziness] poppetry May 14 2011, 00:01:19 UTC

oh god

what was

... oh

it's Mewtwo

hi Mewtwo thanks for the heart attack that was totally awesome and exactly what i needed while i ponder the possibility of my boyfriend having blown himself to smithereens

After, uh, screaming like that -- at least she kept it short! -- Xion just stares at Mewtwo, white in the face and clearly not sure how to react. She's still clutching Asch's journal and her own, as if hoping some sort of answer will come, as impossible as that is... ]


[shenanigans] cakeblocked May 14 2011, 00:05:01 UTC
[... Or is it?!

There might have been some quiet noises from Asch's journal before Xion screamed - waves, light muttering, but after? There's a distinct splash, a curse, some coughing, then a slosh of water before:]

Xion? Xio- [Oh god yelling is not fun at all like this COUGH COUGH.]


[PARTINESS also pardon the brief interjection here] mirrorbirth May 14 2011, 00:13:18 UTC
[And from behind Luke, slightly muffled and VERY irritable-]

Stop coughing in my ear!

[Rrrrgh. Why couldn't the hyperresonance taken out his journal or something?]


[stuffandthings] antlioncyclone May 14 2011, 00:46:15 UTC
[ow. Even my underdeveloped ears got the blast of that, jeez >BT

Mewtwo looks up sharply, the breeze stops entirely, and he goes padding across the crater to verify that that thing that Xion is holding is what he thinks it probably is.



[ponies] poppetry May 14 2011, 01:14:13 UTC
[ OKAY CAN EVERYONE SHUT UP. Luke's shouting and subsequent coughing make her fumble the two journals in her arms -- Asch's falls to the ground while she hands onto her own, which she manages to keep open ]

Luke?! ... Asch, is that you too? You're okay?! Thank goodness...

[ She looks up at Mewtwo again, and nods, waving him over, before speaking to the boys again ]

What happened?! What did you do?


[magikarp] cakeblocked May 14 2011, 02:43:52 UTC
's not like I can help it...

[That was to Asch. Now to Xion, to try and calm her down.]

We just - screwed up, that's all... [He's not sure if he should tell her that a hyperresonance caused it - she might already look on it badly, knowing the destructive power it has.] But we're okay. [C-Cough owww.]


[GYARADOS!?] mirrorbirth May 14 2011, 03:28:05 UTC
This is why we don't use hyperresonance in battle. Dammit, move your hand, you're giving me a cramp.


[puppies and kittens] antlioncyclone May 14 2011, 10:30:21 UTC
[Oh so it's that one...hyperresonance...thing that I still don't exactly get uh]


Tell them that whatever they did, it was incredibly foolish.


[bees] poppetry May 16 2011, 22:56:30 UTC
Hyper-- [ a pause. she'd started to wonder as much, honestly; unless Luke and Asch had some other incredibly destructive power Luke had yet to tell her about, what else could have caused that explosion?

She's silent, for a moment. Once she does speak up, her voice is very subdued and somewhat inscrutable. ]

... Mewtwo wants me to tell you both that what you did was foolish. But ... I'm glad you're alright. Where are you?


[hippopotamus] cakeblocked May 16 2011, 23:08:11 UTC

[Dammit. Oh well... He's pretty sure Xion would figure it out, anyway.]

We didn't mean to do it... [He holds up the journal to let Xion get a clear view of where they are.] We're in the ocean right now.


[DUCK-BILLED PLATYPUS] mirrorbirth May 17 2011, 03:12:26 UTC
Don't act like I'm the jerk for not lying to her. Idiot.

[Swim, swim, swim-]

Stop moving around so much!


[emu] there is a question that will come to him shortly, I have not forgotten antlioncyclone May 18 2011, 01:04:22 UTC
[....this is a little bit silly!

Mewtwo will just sit down now that they have confirmation of the stupid redheads' safety. He might ask for the journal after Xion's done, but for now he'll just listen.]


[pancakes] :|b poppetry May 19 2011, 02:07:25 UTC
[ Xion will remain quiet for a moment, only half-listening to them bicker as she moves to sit beside Mewtwo. Though she keeps the journal angled in such a way -- and hopes that the boys will be sufficiently distracted by not drowning -- that her face is not clearly visible, Mewtwo will be able to see that she is actually very upset.

Frankly ... she agrees completely with Asch. She's very much not happy Luke tried to lie to her, and for right now Asch's blunt honesty is what she needed to hear. But ... that will have to be dealt with later. Despite her roiling emotions right now, her voice remains subdued. ]

Please ... don't worry about it. Just focus on getting back, okay?


[poptarts 8|] cakeblocked May 19 2011, 03:30:10 UTC
[But it wasn't a lie! It was just... avoiding it a little...

He sighs. Okay, it was sort of a lie. But he hates talking about the destructive power of hyperresonance. He'd rather avoid it at all costs unless someone already knows the intricacies of it, like Jade. Still... the reason he told Xion about hyperresonace in the first place was to be honest with her.]

... Yeah. And I'm sorry.

... [His voice turns more subdued.]

That was an incomplete hyperresonance. It happens when two seventh fonists clash together... like me and Asch. I still don't really get it... so I don't like talking about it.

I'm sorry.


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