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Comments 72

[Action] cakeblocked April 3 2011, 07:43:33 UTC
[... Asch was back.

Luke had a feeling that he was back, perhaps due to the link that they kept connected ever since they first made contact with each other in the mountains. But to actually hear his voice...

He abandons what he was doing to rush downstairs to the kitchen, and he just hovers in the doorway with his hand gripping there, as if he was holding himself back.]



[Action] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 08:04:23 UTC
[Asch glances sidelong at Luke for a moment, then looks away, opening a few of the cupboards and pulling some of the contents out- food, decorations, any sort of dishes he's inclined to keep.]

Don't just stand there, start packing.


[Action] cakeblocked April 3 2011, 08:20:28 UTC
[And in clear defiance, Luke keeps standing there, if only to keep gaping like a goldfish. Once Asch's words get to him, though... Well, he blinks and shakes his head to snap out of it, only to get put into another stupor. Asch was... actually agreeing to go with him?]

... Oh. R-Right!

[Truth be told, Luke was already packing by the time Asch got back. It was... honestly kind for Jade to stay with him for the past few days that he was here, but the house still felt empty. Luke kept expecting to see Guy, and every time he had to remind himself that he wasn't there anymore, he'd have to sit on his bed, on the couch, or at the table and mope. He knew that wouldn't change. This place wasn't a home anymore.

So, he takes a step back, looking at Asch for a little longer before he turns and heads back to his room. Luke had several things to take with him, after all.]


[Action] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 08:41:09 UTC
[It doesn't take Asch very long to pack. He fills a couple of boxes he'd scrounged from the item shop with pointless little odds and ends, belongings but not really reminders. Cups, kettle, a particular tablecloth, a painting that wouldn't make him think of anything but the painting itself. The coffee maker was left behind; he didn't want it. From his room there were books, clothes, weapons, little gifts he'd received over the last year or so, things he'd collected for their uses, rather than for sentimental value. The fon slot seal- that he tucked away, hidden beneath his clothes where Luke would never see it. He hadn't sorted out what to do with it yet ( ... )


[Voice] chiisaichou April 3 2011, 16:15:17 UTC
[Ah, there you are. After Luke's little declaration and breakdown some time ago, and just not seeing or hearing a thing from Asch, Miyabi began to wonder just where he had gone. The words hit hard, so it takes her a moment to reply.

Gone. Not empty, gone.

Well, it's no surprise, then that she sees the smoke rising from the top of Ammy's tree, after all. She swings her legs as she sits on the branch, quiet for a long time to just watch. Should she say a prayer? It felt almost appropriate to do so... Finally, she opens her journal and asks, in a rather subdued tone--]

Where will you go?


[Voice] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 20:00:45 UTC
[Asch doesn't respond for a long while; he's busy keeping an eye on the fire and restraining it carefully with a bit of hyperresonance here and there so it doesn't spread to the other houses. The last thing he wants is to be interrupted by a lynch mob. And naturally his eventual response is as brief as humanly possible.]

Building 2.


[Voice] chiisaichou April 4 2011, 01:39:15 UTC
[No worries, she's keeping an eye on the fire as well, on her side. Even if she wouldn't be able to do much - she never managed to master even the most basic of the water skills - she'd still be right there, just in case.

Pausing to think of that, building two was close to where she used to live, with Salt, she kind of sighs. A little drastic, to do this much, but who was she to judge?]

Can I come visit you once you're settled into a room? ...Please?


[Voice] mirrorbirth April 4 2011, 04:18:43 UTC
[Asch hesitates to answer once again, pausing to give it some thought. Much as he'd like to say no, she probably has been worried. If all she wants to do is see him, then he can give her that, at least. He's not exactly thrilled about having visitors, but rejecting her now would likely come back to bite him in the ass later.]

...If you have to. [His reluctance, can you feel it.]


[action] offallingsnow April 3 2011, 16:40:33 UTC
[It's later in the evening when she goes to see exactly what he was talking about.

And the house is on fire.

Nephry stays at a distance, though, just watching. There's no good way to react to this, really.]


[action] cakeblocked April 4 2011, 03:03:04 UTC
[Asch might be calm about this, what with him staring passively at the fire and concentrating every now and then to make sure it doesn't get out of control, but Luke? Well, it looks like he had no part in this, considering how he has his hands on his head and a cringe set on his face, wincing just a bit with every loud noise that comes from the inferno.

Luke is the very picture of the phrase, "What did you just do?"right now.]


[action] offallingsnow April 4 2011, 03:08:44 UTC
[If it helps, this isn't what she expected either.

Neither of them seem to be hurt, or anything. There's that.

But Luke looks plenty surprised, as well. He didn't know this would happen?

...She still won't approach. She doesn't want to risk...angering Asch.]


[action] cakeblocked April 4 2011, 04:57:14 UTC
[It's either out of instinct or the need to look around and assure anyone who might've seen the fire that everything is okay, but Luke lowers his hands a little to look over his shoulder - and that's when he sees that they do have an audience.]

H... Hey, Nephry! [Don't mind the raging inferno going on in front of them, really.]


once_knighted April 3 2011, 20:13:23 UTC
[It's hard to miss a raging inferno when you only live a good five minutes or so away from it. So, when he's nearly home from his little battle dome adventure, he notices the fire in the distance and ... well, Yuri being Yuri, switches directions and heads straight for it.

... When he sees the two and their cheagle standing there, just watching it, he stops. He doesn't know what's going on or why it's happening (since he hasn't looked through his journal all day), and it's more than likely none of his business, but--]

... There are better ways to move out of a place than this, you know.

[Even though it's pretty clear he's not being serious, there isn't much of a teasing tone to what he said. After all, he knows better than to walk in and start trolling around when a obviously serious situation is going down.]


mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 21:16:18 UTC
[Asch glances sidelong at his new audience, unresponsive at first- merely offering a dull glare as his only indication that he'd even heard. Then he turns back to the fire, more interested in making sure it burns what he wants burned than having a snark session.]

If I had just wanted to move out, I would have done that.


once_knighted April 3 2011, 21:55:33 UTC
[... Yeah, this is definitely a situation where snark is not called for -- therefore, he doesn't say anything about how the house will probably be back in a week or however long that sort of thing takes. No doubt Asch is no mood to hear that right now.

He takes another glance at the fire for a moment or two before looking back at Asch.]

Then why ...?


cakeblocked April 4 2011, 03:06:45 UTC
[Luke will answer that one. Sort of. That nearly horrified cringe on his face tells any passerby that he had no idea Asch would set the place on fire, and it almost looks like he expects the Malnosso to smite them with lightning for committing such an atrocious act. Or something.

But once Yuri speaks up, Luke seems to break out of it a little by letting his hands fall from his head and heaving a large sigh.]

Don't ask. [Really. Don't.]


[action] poppetry April 6 2011, 05:01:58 UTC
[ it's only, purely by chance that Xion glances out one of the windows in her home and spots the light coming from down the road. she hadn't been looking at her journal, hadn't seen Asch's comment -- she'd been having a quiet night, really. after all that had happened, she wasn't up to being terribly social, even with people turning into bizarre creatures here and there.

but the chance glimpse makes her pause ... and actually step outside. as soon as she processes what she's seeing, she bolts down the road, alarmed and quite a bit worried.

once she sees the two boys and the cheagle, though, she slows, then comes to a stop ten feet aware from them... and from the raging bonfire that was once their house. she looks from it, to them, back to it again...

... she'd liked it there.

not sure which of the two she actually wants to get the attention of, she simply takes a few steps closer and calls out, to be heard over the roar of flame ]



[action] cakeblocked April 6 2011, 09:02:10 UTC
[Luke's horrified expression possibly grew even more when he heard that voice. Ooooh no, no no no, not Xion of all people! Luke was already freaked out enough by this, and now his girlfriend has to see it?

He turns, hands still in his hair, to look at her with wide eyes. Asch himself turns his head to look at her for only a second before he turns his gaze to the fire again, obviously not in the mood to speak, but at least acknowledging her presence. Instead, Luke will do the talking for him.]



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