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[Action] cakeblocked April 3 2011, 07:43:33 UTC
[... Asch was back.

Luke had a feeling that he was back, perhaps due to the link that they kept connected ever since they first made contact with each other in the mountains. But to actually hear his voice...

He abandons what he was doing to rush downstairs to the kitchen, and he just hovers in the doorway with his hand gripping there, as if he was holding himself back.]



[Action] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 08:04:23 UTC
[Asch glances sidelong at Luke for a moment, then looks away, opening a few of the cupboards and pulling some of the contents out- food, decorations, any sort of dishes he's inclined to keep.]

Don't just stand there, start packing.


[Action] cakeblocked April 3 2011, 08:20:28 UTC
[And in clear defiance, Luke keeps standing there, if only to keep gaping like a goldfish. Once Asch's words get to him, though... Well, he blinks and shakes his head to snap out of it, only to get put into another stupor. Asch was... actually agreeing to go with him?]

... Oh. R-Right!

[Truth be told, Luke was already packing by the time Asch got back. It was... honestly kind for Jade to stay with him for the past few days that he was here, but the house still felt empty. Luke kept expecting to see Guy, and every time he had to remind himself that he wasn't there anymore, he'd have to sit on his bed, on the couch, or at the table and mope. He knew that wouldn't change. This place wasn't a home anymore.

So, he takes a step back, looking at Asch for a little longer before he turns and heads back to his room. Luke had several things to take with him, after all.]


[Action] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 08:41:09 UTC
[It doesn't take Asch very long to pack. He fills a couple of boxes he'd scrounged from the item shop with pointless little odds and ends, belongings but not really reminders. Cups, kettle, a particular tablecloth, a painting that wouldn't make him think of anything but the painting itself. The coffee maker was left behind; he didn't want it. From his room there were books, clothes, weapons, little gifts he'd received over the last year or so, things he'd collected for their uses, rather than for sentimental value. The fon slot seal- that he tucked away, hidden beneath his clothes where Luke would never see it. He hadn't sorted out what to do with it yet ( ... )


[Action] cakeblocked April 3 2011, 09:20:08 UTC
[Most of his belongings were things Luke got for himself, but even the ones Guy got for him, he took with him. What Paprika told him was true - you can go on remembering, but remember the happy times. He still remembers how Guy got him the jacket with the buttons: Luke hated zippers, which he finally revealed after Guy embarrassed him publicly. The memory makes him smile faintly before he packs it away; One day at a time. He was already getting better at this "remember the happier times" thing ( ... )


[Action] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 09:37:03 UTC
[He doesn't stay like that for long. The last thing he wants is to break down and crash in front of Luke, or even in the same house, and with their link in the state it's in now, he's well aware of Luke's presence only moments after his replica's arrival at the door. Only his distraction kept him from even realizing Luke was on his way there. Once it occurs to him that Luke is there, however, he pushes those emotions away, shoving them off to the side and forcing himself to rise. He'd considered taking the blanket with him, just one small token of what had been left behind, but now? He knows he has to leave it. It has to stay out of his life now, just like Guy himself, or he'll cling to it and avoid moving on. Like a child forced to relinquish a security blanket, he pries his fingers loose, smoothing down the fabric and stepping away.

And by the time he reaches the door his expression is that trusty mask again, just the way it should be.

There's nothing left for him in this place.]


[Action] cakeblocked April 3 2011, 09:58:08 UTC
[Once Asch came out of the room with that same stoic mask on, Luke pursed his lips, but that was the only hint he gave at disapproval over bottling it all up. Though he sometimes ran from such things himself, Luke still believed that letting it out really did do some good sometimes ( ... )


[Action] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 10:06:26 UTC
[...Dammit, Luke, he'd just left that room, he didn't want to come back 8| It's with great reluctance that Asch returns to glare into the room, ready to snap angrily about being called over again, but the words die on his lips as he realizes what Luke had found.

The Jewel of Gardios.]

What the hell... why is it still here...!?


[Action] cakeblocked April 3 2011, 14:38:01 UTC
[It had been hidden in the shadows, which is why Luke didn't find it the first time. He thought he'd lost it forever, again. But now...

There it was, still as shimmering and impressive as ever. Luke turned to Asch while holding the hilt in his hand, absently stepping towards him while he stared and wondered. Once he was close enough, he held the weapon out for him and spoke of his wondering out loud. If Asch didn't want to take it, though, Luke would himself. They couldn't leave this behind.]

I thought everything they owned was supposed to disappear...


[Action] mirrorbirth April 3 2011, 19:49:56 UTC
[Asch stares at it for a long moment, trying to wrap his head around the fact that it's there, when Guy is already gone. It makes no sense. How...?]

...You asked for it, didn't you? You asked the Malnosso if they could give it back.


[Action] cakeblocked April 4 2011, 00:41:18 UTC
Well, yeah, but... Wait, don't tell me they think it's mine?

[Just the idea sounds ridiculous. Maybe back when he didn't know whose it was, but now...]


[Action] mirrorbirth April 4 2011, 04:02:05 UTC
I can't think of another reason. Either way, I don't care. [His gaze shifts briefly to Luke, then back to the sword for a moment before he turns and heads out. There's still a lot to do, so if Luke wants to take the sword, he'd better bring it.]


[Action] cakeblocked April 4 2011, 04:21:15 UTC
... How could you-?

[Luke cuts himself off by gritting his teeth. Ugh, was Asch just trying to push Guy away completely? But... They can't argue. Not now. Not when Asch just came back, not when they were in the process of moving.

Once he takes in a breath, Luke follows Asch out, keeping the Jewel gripped in his hand. There's no way he's leaving the sword behind.]


[Action] mirrorbirth April 4 2011, 04:40:32 UTC
[Asch ignores Luke's halted comment, leading the way back to the kitchen and fishing a notepad from his tunic. He passes it over to Luke.]

It's a list of available apartments I found. Pick one, it doesn't matter which. That's where we'll go.


[Action] cakeblocked April 4 2011, 05:11:38 UTC
[Luke sets the sword on the counter before he leans beside it and looks over the list, recalling where the community houses are in Luceti. At first, Building 1 seems like a nice place, though his reasons are a tad selfish. It was a little further away from Xion, but what was another block or two? They were still close.

There were a lot of people there, though... It'd be weird enough moving into such a small place - at least, compared to House 5. The decision makes him a little annoyed at himself, but he thinks about other areas. He had Asch to think about too, after all. Which location would suit the both of them?

He thinks about Building 2 then. Not only was it still fairly close to Xion, but it was also near the Battle Dome, a place he knew Asch liked to visit regularly. That seemed to be a good choice. Now, as for rooms...

That decision doesn't take nearly as long, and he leans over to point out the apartment he thinks would be best.]

How about this one? Room five.


[Action] mirrorbirth April 4 2011, 05:45:56 UTC
I told you, it doesn't matter. [Asch takes the notepad back, tucking it away and lifting a box off the table. This would be a hell of a lot faster if they could teleport or something, but moving the boxes from the house to the new apartment would at least give him some time to think.

Because he needed more of that, obviously.]


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