It's way later than I should be up. Was playin WoW with Mamoo, Dachief, Utterchaos, and a new guy. They were tanking for 'chief's and my lowbies. Got my tauren hunter to 16
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So when I was in Rolla last I was drawn inevitably to Wal-Mart. (I forgot to bring a towel) I noticed these cheapy little laser cut key-chains with various designs in the acrillyc cubes. The one with the motorcycle cut into it was perfect for my miniature garage scene and it was only about $2.50
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...not realy, but it fit. Set up one of these silly things so my RL fiends who have LJs can not worry about forgetting that I can't read updates and then are surprised when I say I didn't know about some fun event, horrid crisis, or emo about whatever.
Today I: -set this up -played WoW -read classifieds -reworked my resume' -wrote new cover