Michiru breaks sudden hiatus.

Jul 12, 2006 21:23

Well, I was going to take a break from LJ (and some other online activities) but I think I feel the need to say something about this ( Read more... )

mom, hello my entries are public, family, sister, life, dad

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Comments 33

magedragonfire July 13 2006, 05:17:56 UTC
Huh... That kinda sounds like me and my brother - except I'm the older one, in university, always had good grades when I was a kid, etc etc. He's the socializer, the one who could never keep his grades up, rebellious all the time, fought with the parents like mad, finished high school and spent the next three years working at a McDicks, and it doesn't look like he'll be in post-secondary any time soon. He's an asshole, quite plainly.

And admittedly, so am I, and I never feel bad about lording something over him when I want to, because he does so much more stupid shit than I do. XD I hold out some hope that some day, one of my sarcastic remarks will get through to him and turn him around, but not much. (Oh, and just talking to him plainly doesn't work, since he's the most self-delusional person I know.)

No family's perfect, gal. Those only exist in cheesy '50's television. Someone's going to feel left out or inferior or what-not. There's not really much you can do about it, either, unfortunately... Just gotta keep being yourself.


miluda July 13 2006, 07:34:00 UTC
I don't need a perfect family, but I wish she'd wouldn't give everyone such a hard time... about everything. I mean, once she's on her crazy roll of yelling, she yells about everything-- including things not relating to the topic at all. I didn't share a lot of things she said today, because they were just awful (and I'd rather not see them in text form to see again and again)...

I just don't like it, that's all. So I had to write about it... which I did.

While I can't change the fact she feels inferior, having her tell me all these things about me really just makes me wonder what she thinks of me.

Maybe I should just stop being so nice and just leave her alone.


magedragonfire July 13 2006, 07:53:50 UTC
Sean's... just like that, actually.

Leaving her alone might work, but it also might leave her really feeling ignored. It could go either way.

If you're prepared to ignore any future whinging out of her, I'd say do it.


miluda July 13 2006, 08:00:14 UTC
Is he? I've heard a lot of stories of similar type of siblings from other people. I wonder if families can be placed into types-- err, sorry, I know that sort of thing exists, but I'm afraid I don't know much about it.

Well... I've left her alone before, and she... umm... got pissed at me for leaving her alone, so I don't even know what to do.

Hell, she's been telling me that she was fucking pissed at me for not telling her that I'm a lesbian, simply because I'm her only sister, and then she uses it against me each time she's pissed at me.


sifrid July 13 2006, 05:35:55 UTC
Though, can you control her emotions about you?


miluda July 13 2006, 07:32:08 UTC
She is another person. How could I control anything about her?


sifrid July 13 2006, 16:06:53 UTC
Then... ♥ You're fabulous and it's okay if she feels bad 'cuz she's just being meanspirited!


miluda July 13 2006, 20:12:59 UTC
Okay, Ms. Snapple.


:< minitsu July 13 2006, 07:16:09 UTC
Oh man, last thing you should do is feel bad. It sounds like her inferiority complex is entirely her fault. And unfortunately, this is affecting you and your family. I'm...really sorry to hear about this. That you have to go through those negative emotions because of things she brought on herself. ...I'm not really knowledgable or good at this kind of stuff, but, um, I dunno.. Easy answer would be to ignore it, but that's nigh impossible. I guess... Bah. I dunno. WHATEVER. *HUGS INSTEAD* >:B)-/

Sorry if I'm being harsh on her...but those kind of people--to my friends especially--no! I do not like it, no, missyyyy!


miluda July 13 2006, 07:35:44 UTC
Somehow, she finds a way to fight about everything... it's really, really weird. It also doesn't help that much of the time she attempts to recall something, she always... umm... remembers it... quite wrong... >_>;;

Yeah, I usually would ignore it, but she's my older sister; I was born into this world and she already existed for a year already... and living with her makes ... it... very... difficult... ;_;

I mean, oh yay, internet hugs oh thaaaaanks.


minitsu July 13 2006, 07:39:48 UTC
Sounds like she has problems that are her own fault that she doesn't want to admit to and/or deal with. I'm sorry you have to put up with her and the negative effects of her inferiority complex. :[ *hughug* Parents not of much help?


miluda July 13 2006, 07:43:08 UTC
She hates admitting when she's wrong, and is more willing to yell about other things than admit it.

I mean, there are times that she does, and there are times where the whole subject is dropped. Or like... something like this will happen:

Me: ????
Me: O_o????
Me: ...
Me: :/
Her: ASFDAFEWFW *door slam*
Me: *door slams too* >___>~~
*ten seconds later*
Her: *open door*
Me: >___> *hears knocking on door*
Her: Wanna go to the mall?
Me: Okay.


Well, my mom can't speak English effectively, and sometimes she gets confused on what we're saying in English... takes it the wrong way, miscommunication ensues... and my dad is trying to reason, but he has a bad temper, so he raises his voice a lot, and... yeah. Each time I try to talk, I'm so calm in those family situations that sooner or later my words just aren't heard anymore because it's been drown out by the yelling.


kirbymasterchef July 13 2006, 07:42:14 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that she feels that way.

Family feuds are never any good... Always ends up leaving everybody discouraged. I understand why you feel bad. Sometimes I'm pricked because I try to do really well and I recieve some attention for it... and it leaves my mass amount of siblings just feeling discouraged about themselves, so.. sometimes things happen.

Anyway... I hope you feel better soon.


miluda July 13 2006, 07:45:23 UTC
Thanks, Shawn.

It's like... umm, a sign. Each time we go on a family trip, I just know we're going to fight... right BEFORE WE LEAVE. >__>;


kirbymasterchef July 13 2006, 07:56:45 UTC
I know how that is...

Well, it's better than it being totally unexpected.. I guess. Is it usually her that ends up starting things...?


miluda July 13 2006, 08:01:57 UTC
... the thing is, I don't to expect something like that. It's just a bad thing to think about-- so what if what I expected comes true? I just wonder to myself why can't we have just ONE trip where that specific expectation just doesn't happen?

Yeah, it's ... okay, it's always her starting up things.

Unless you count the times I start yelling my head off at her for saying something about me being lesbian and it screwing my life over... wait, does that mean I started that, or she? Because she'll say it in normal conversation.


first_tears July 13 2006, 08:47:01 UTC
First off, I have to say that there is no possible way you can make her think or feel anything. Unfortunately, no matter what you do, there's still the chance that she's going to feel like that.

And, also unfortunately, this is mostly her problem. I'm not saying that she's evil or bad or whatever, but she is at fault for acting like that and just thinking that she can do it. You're not just there for her to yell at, and you're certainly not just there to make her feel bad.

I don't know, I fail hardcore at advice, but really you have to just let it go. There are always going to be people saying things like that, even if it's not true. Don't take it to heart. You're not doing anything wrong and eventually she's going to have to face it and deal.

You can always call me if you want to talk.


miluda July 13 2006, 09:41:03 UTC
Yeah. I can't make her feel anything except upset, it seems. Seriously though, no matter what I do, she's just upset.

Yeah, I think it's her problem too... she... just doesn't think her doing it is wrong.

I usually let it go, but... recently I've heard that I'm a self-centered bitch and that I only think of hurting others a lot, so... I think that's why I've been so bothered lately tacked on with the fact that so many people have been letting me know that I'm obviously lesbian and obviously going to hell and there's no point to continuing and blahblahblah whatever.

Thanks, Chris.


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