
Mar 11, 2005 03:46

Through the din, smoke and wreckage of the most recent battle to baptize Milliways in flame, the small tinny sound of a classical piece can be heard. The tell-tale door of the Loompas opens in the front of the bar, and from which a cleaning crew of 9 in HazMat suits emerge.

Oompa loompa doom pa de do ( Read more... )

meg giry, oompa loompas, roland deschain, murphy macmanus, svava, ace (pyro), bernard mickey wrangle, joe manco, cuthbert allgood, raphael, moiraine, alain johns

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Comments 78

joewithnoname March 11 2005, 08:50:56 UTC
Joe wobbles over to Moiraine, cradling his arm. "Evenin'."


blue_ajah March 11 2005, 08:54:04 UTC
Good evening, Joe. *Her tone is calm enough, but dark eyes are sharp as she looks at him assessingly.*

It appears that you took injury during the battle. May I offer you Healing?


joewithnoname March 11 2005, 08:54:45 UTC
"I'd appreciate it." Joe smiles tightly.


blue_ajah March 11 2005, 09:15:06 UTC
*She nods, and once more a golden light surrounds her.*

Remain still, then, Joe. *It is a formality; he knows, having seen her work before and having experienced Healing himself in the past. Moiraine reaches out and lays a hand on his shoulder.*

*Bright white light streaks from her hand down his right arm and enshrouds it in a mist, shot through with blue and a band of golden-red firelight as well. It sinks into the broken arm, and the bone is mended, bruised flesh soothed and Healed. Silver threads appear out of nothingness, racing over him, searching; they coalesce in a band around his ribcage, as green and more red-gold light swirl together in a blend that sinks through as well, reinforcing and drawing the cracked ribs back into position, then melding them properly together once more.

Small contusions and bruises fall prey to flashes of silver-blue, and then the light around Moiraine fades. The Aes Sedai releases Joe and smiles serenely at him.*



nitro_is_ace March 11 2005, 09:05:37 UTC
There's an Ace. In the bar. Possibly for the last time in a while, but she doesn't know that yet. Due to the wonder that is millitime, that's at least a few hours into her future, down a different trousers leg of time.
Right now? She's trying to get up. One can no properly do a victory dance while sitting flat on one's rump.


skjaldmeyjar March 11 2005, 09:08:13 UTC
Svava's grinning slightly, and offers Ace a hand up.

"That? Was wonderful. Most effective. Simply.... Wow." She laughs quietly.

"Are you alright, then? In one piece, but anything broken?"


nitro_is_ace March 11 2005, 09:11:18 UTC
Ace staggers a bit when she gets her feet under her, but manages not to fall. She looks decidedly dazed, though whether it's from the force of the blast, or just her pyro reaction to such a splendid explosion, not even she could tell you. She focuses on Svava.
"Didja see that? Didja see that?" She stares at the door for a moment, then looks at Svava again. The grin on her face could light up Milliways all on it's own. "It was BRILLIANT!"


skjaldmeyjar March 11 2005, 09:18:35 UTC
She laughs, keeping a hand on Ace til it seems like she can keep standing on her own. "Yes, I did. And if you didn't do that... we'd all be much off worse, Ace. Thank you."

Svava looks at the door, and the crater. And idlely wonders damages. Oh well. They won, they were all in relatively one piece....

She keeps grining.


balletrat March 11 2005, 09:07:37 UTC
*Meg doesn't get a good look at the Loompas from the lake door, where she is slowly and painfully getting to her feet.

But she cheers them on anyways.*


a_gunslinger March 11 2005, 09:14:43 UTC
And there's a gunslinger by the front door -- wild-haired and -eyed. He runs a hand through his hair, and looks around, blinking.

He can't quite believe it.


balletrat March 11 2005, 09:17:55 UTC
*Meg sees Roland, this time, instead of hearing him, and an enormous smile breaks out on her face.

And quite possibly appreciates her eyes more than she ever has before.*


a_gunslinger March 11 2005, 09:20:41 UTC
It takes a moment for Meg to come into focus.

And then one word, from across the bar, low but pitched to carry --



joewithnoname March 11 2005, 09:27:04 UTC
Joe finds Roland, once his arm is healed, and buys some whiskey. His tab is now plus a wide variety of chairs and cleaning and two bottles of tequila. He can't possibly make it any worse.



a_gunslinger March 11 2005, 09:28:23 UTC
Roland rubs at his face. It's almost numb. Cold as fuck, out there. He hasn't tried to stand up yet.



joewithnoname March 11 2005, 09:29:54 UTC
Apparently Joe needed to buy whiskey so he could say so. He sits there and smokes.


a_gunslinger March 11 2005, 09:31:55 UTC
His hands grow steadier with each passing moment.

Eventually he takes the cigar that Joe gave him and lights it. It takes him two tries to get the match to flare.

Eyes closed. Exhale. Smoke.


"You all right?"


blue_ajah March 11 2005, 09:52:56 UTC
*She looks around to check on the others after she finishes Healing Joe, in the process taking in the destruction and the actions of the busy Oompa Loompas cleaning up the mess.*


balletrat March 11 2005, 09:56:35 UTC
*Meg grins at Moiraine, weary but proud.*


blue_ajah March 11 2005, 10:01:34 UTC
*Moiraine looks back at Meg with a serene gaze, dark eyes warm with understanding and approval, both.*

Are you well, Meg? *She looks carefully at her.* Were you hurt?


balletrat March 11 2005, 10:04:47 UTC
Just a bruise on the elbow or something, *Meg says cheerfully.* War wounds. I'm just impressed I managed not to misfire anything, really.


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