
Mar 11, 2005 03:46

Through the din, smoke and wreckage of the most recent battle to baptize Milliways in flame, the small tinny sound of a classical piece can be heard. The tell-tale door of the Loompas opens in the front of the bar, and from which a cleaning crew of 9 in HazMat suits emerge.

Oompa loompa doom pa de do ( Read more... )

meg giry, oompa loompas, roland deschain, murphy macmanus, svava, ace (pyro), bernard mickey wrangle, joe manco, cuthbert allgood, raphael, moiraine, alain johns

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joewithnoname March 11 2005, 08:50:56 UTC
Joe wobbles over to Moiraine, cradling his arm. "Evenin'."


blue_ajah March 11 2005, 08:54:04 UTC
Good evening, Joe. *Her tone is calm enough, but dark eyes are sharp as she looks at him assessingly.*

It appears that you took injury during the battle. May I offer you Healing?


joewithnoname March 11 2005, 08:54:45 UTC
"I'd appreciate it." Joe smiles tightly.


blue_ajah March 11 2005, 09:15:06 UTC
*She nods, and once more a golden light surrounds her.*

Remain still, then, Joe. *It is a formality; he knows, having seen her work before and having experienced Healing himself in the past. Moiraine reaches out and lays a hand on his shoulder.*

*Bright white light streaks from her hand down his right arm and enshrouds it in a mist, shot through with blue and a band of golden-red firelight as well. It sinks into the broken arm, and the bone is mended, bruised flesh soothed and Healed. Silver threads appear out of nothingness, racing over him, searching; they coalesce in a band around his ribcage, as green and more red-gold light swirl together in a blend that sinks through as well, reinforcing and drawing the cracked ribs back into position, then melding them properly together once more.

Small contusions and bruises fall prey to flashes of silver-blue, and then the light around Moiraine fades. The Aes Sedai releases Joe and smiles serenely at him.*



joewithnoname March 11 2005, 09:20:40 UTC
Joe smiles, and puts a hand on a table to steady himself. "Thanks. I'm... beat. Think I better go on to bed. I'll see you, Moiraine."


blue_ajah March 11 2005, 09:32:15 UTC
I am glad you were here tonight, Joe. Very glad.

*She does not allow herself to think long on what would almost certainly have happened had he not been.*

Light illumine and protect you.


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