First Entrance

Nov 01, 2011 21:55

The door opens, admitting a tall guy in a red, white and blue costume that may or may not look like he was mugged by an American flag. The shield he's carrying on his left arm, decorated in the same motif, doesn't help either. He stops, confusions flickering across the part of his face not obscured by a hooded mask, which mainly consists of his jaw ( Read more... )

captain america, dean winchester, adrian shephard, ava wilson, the fool, noriko ashida, molly hayes, oom, tyler marlocke

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Comments 300

remindmeof_me November 2 2011, 04:01:57 UTC
Halloween, thank the good Lord above, is over. Shephard got up this morning and came downstairs in his much-repaired urban camo fatigues, and he's still in his fatigues. After what Bar's been making him wear the past few days, it's nearly enough to make a man cry with gratitude. He gets to wear his own clothes. He gets to swear. This is fucking fantaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-

He's just seen who walked in.

"Great googly moogly."


captained November 2 2011, 04:17:33 UTC
He heard that, Adrian, and it's close enough to his own inward reaction to pause on his stalk to the bar and glance over in the guy's direction - taking in the military outfit, even if he doesn't recognize the cut or the insignia patch. Could be Steve straightens up even further.

"Couldn't have said it better."


remindmeof_me November 2 2011, 04:22:13 UTC
Thank God this didn't happen yesterday. He would never, never, ever in a million years be able to explain. Whether this is the guy who winds up becoming the General Rogers that Shephard met, or some other version of him, he'd still never be able to explain. In the meantime, though-

"Lemme guess, sir; this is the first you've been here, and you ain't clear on where you are just at the moment?"

It would be cruel to make the man flail around. Even if he is Army. He can't help not being one of God's Chosen Sons.


captained November 2 2011, 04:41:37 UTC
Yes, it would be very cruel, especially since Steve has to go out and perform his routine once he figures out where he is, what happened, and how to fix it. And while saluting the other soldier is very tempting, he's not sure how well it'd be received.

"That about sums it up."


hadyougoing November 2 2011, 04:04:55 UTC
One hell's intern looks on in equal, if not greater confusion.

This guy is super patriotic.

"... Nice jumpsuit!" she decides.


captained November 2 2011, 04:19:10 UTC
Super-duper patriotic. And very serious about it.

"It's not a jumpsuit." He may look a little apologetic.


hadyougoing November 2 2011, 04:22:41 UTC

Maybe where he's from, they call them canoodkins.

"Uh. Well. I like it."


captained November 2 2011, 04:43:49 UTC
No, they pretty much call them 'costumes' or 'nice tights', although Steve gets more of the first to his face, and the second one behind his back. Not that he can't hear them, but the kids seem to like how he looks, so he's choosing to see that as a good thing.

"Thank you, miss. Would you mind if I asked a question?"

Well, another one.


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captained November 2 2011, 04:25:39 UTC
The color of the hair makes him blink, and it make take another few seconds before he gets past that to notice the uniform and metal accessories. In fact, the latter may get a longer second look once Steve manages to get to the bar.

"Halloween? You mean All Hallows Eve?"


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captained November 2 2011, 04:48:30 UTC
The glowing putty is more distracting than it looks. He wants to ask what it is, because it's new and glowing shiny, but he manages to restrain himself and just lean against the bar. The bearings he's supposed to be getting are a little late.

"It's not for a holiday. I'm doing a USO tour across the country to sell bonds and raise support for our guys overseas."


forgottenmotley November 2 2011, 04:14:19 UTC
A gentleman in motley Victorian era clothing is sitting at the bar watching the fella in just as odd clothing. At least in his opinion. He's never seen a superhero before and has no frame of reference. So this is highly entertaining for him.


captained November 2 2011, 04:29:50 UTC
The Victorian-era clothing isn't something that Steve is all that familiar with, outside family photos or those in the homes of the wealthy, so he does a little bit of staring himself. At least it's only a few seconds until he catches himself and looks faintly embarrassed under the hood.



forgottenmotley November 2 2011, 04:40:38 UTC
Well it could be worse. He could be wearing his paper crown on top of his hat.

"Hello. You look..." he searches for a good word to use.


captained November 2 2011, 04:49:46 UTC
A crown might clash? Maybe.


Helpful Steve is helpful.


wolfnamedkitty November 2 2011, 04:16:29 UTC
Kitty steps in- apparently wholly unexpectedly, given the sudden trail of paper and tripping- and is temporarily gobsmacked at the sight of the giant walking declaration of hello, America.

There is a small attempt on her part to whirl around to go back through the door and focus on this research she's trying to pick through, but that just sends even more papers flying and wafting about.

Here you go, one perfectly normal seeming young woman trying to pick up all these papers she dropped. Totally ignore that some of them seem to be in governmentese and researchese.


captained November 2 2011, 04:33:52 UTC
Oh, he's been there before, Kitty. Not too long ago, Steve was small and beset with medical problems, which meant that getting through a week without dropping something or being bumped into was just about a miracle. He turns at the sound, veering away from the bar and back to help the young lady with her mess, and crouches down to start picking up handfuls of paper.

It's the least he can do, right?

"You alright, miss?"


wolfnamedkitty November 2 2011, 04:42:19 UTC
"Yes, thanks," she manages to say. Gobsmacking Kitty, that's quite an accomplishment there. She is usually not at a loss of words. Usually.

The papers, if he looks at them at all, seem to be based on the existence- the scientific and medically proved existence- of vampires and werewolves and zombies oh my.

Running into people in costume was not on her list of things to do today. (Neither was ending up at Milliways, but now she's beginning to think she deserves a fruit, alcoholic drink. Possibly with an umbrella.)

"I just wasn't expecting the step." Which is true.

She's still a bit wide eyed at the whole getup.


captained November 2 2011, 04:53:46 UTC
"You're welcome." If he seems a little overly formal, or stiff, it's only because women are mysterious creatures to Steve, even the fearless Agent Carter, and he's doing his utmost not to offend this one.

It'll only take a glance at each paper to memorize the visible parts, but it's not something he'll mention, or even think about. More important to finish gathering what he can, and straighten up to offer them out, like some sort of peace offering to the deity of paperwork.

"Which step?"


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