
Jan 25, 2011 20:46

When Sariel approaches Bar tonight, she's expecting her request for breakfast (she's got night shift) to turn up... well... breakfast ( Read more... )

bartending, captain kirk, turanga leela, sariel rager

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Comments 93

eyeeyecaptain January 26 2011, 02:51:00 UTC
Leela blinks her one, over-large eye.





"HEY. Who are you calling a 'barmaid'?!"


visible_sariel January 26 2011, 02:55:50 UTC
Sariel, in turn, blinks both her normal-sized eyes.

"Leela? Are you alright?"


"Yes, Milliways. Was that your explosion?"

Beat. Beat and a half.

"I wouldn't--!" Oh. There's a note.

"Oh. Bar..."


eyeeyecaptain January 26 2011, 03:10:01 UTC
You may have avoided the tab recall, but I didn't forget your outstanding debt, reads the next napkin.

Leela feigns innocence. Another napkin pops up with an outrageous figure. Oh.


She brushes herself off and looks at Sariel.

"I wouldn't call it my explosion. The Professor was demonstrating his latest invention, and there was a temporal flux anomaly. Er, I'm not really sure how I ended up here."


visible_sariel January 26 2011, 03:26:05 UTC
"A temporal flux--" Sariel winces. That sort of thing rarely, if ever, means anything good. "Should I ask?"

She keeps her nose out of Leela's conversation with Bar - that's very much not her business. The single napkin that appears for her when she's fully disentangled from her friend bears one letter, repeated. ZZZZZZ.

"I... suppose it is."


i_candozat January 26 2011, 03:06:24 UTC
"Tea vould be nice," says the young boy that slides up to the bar in running clothes that he's obviously been out actually running in, to Sariel. (The Starfleet Academy logo is noticeable on the left side of his chest, though somewhat incongruous with his apparent age.)

"If you do not mind."


visible_sariel January 26 2011, 03:31:52 UTC
A Starfleet delta is visible on Sariel's shirt as well, and if that looks incongruous, it's only because it's pinned to a civilian sweater. Communicators: Don't leave your quarters without one. Even if you're out of uniform. "Do you have a preference?"

Blink. At least Sariel got her question out before noticing the insignia. Pardon the startled look.


i_candozat January 26 2011, 03:41:35 UTC
"Ah, black. Please," he says, before noticing her insignia and her look.

"Hawe I startled you, ma'am?"


visible_sariel January 26 2011, 03:56:52 UTC
Being called ma'am isn't something that happens often, for Sariel. That's not the bigger surprise tonight, though.

"Somewhat," Sariel admits a little sheepishly. That only lasts a second; there are more important questions at hand. "Excuse me, but that insignia is familiar. Are you from the Federation?" When in doubt, make sure of the basics first.

The teakettle isn't whistling yet, but it will be, shortly.


spaceboy3000 January 26 2011, 03:51:50 UTC
The dust has barely settled when a certain spikey-haired redhead pokes his head up from behind the bar.

"Did we just get thrown out of space and time, or has Bender been spiking my beer with motor oil again?"


eyeeyecaptain January 26 2011, 04:11:35 UTC
Leela disentangles herself from her estranged friend and leans hard on the bar. Her hair is looking a little worse for wear as well.

"We just got thrown through space and time, and Bender has been spiking your beer with motor oil again," she supplies helpfully.

"I think I landed on something."


spaceboy3000 January 26 2011, 04:17:33 UTC
"Well that explains the temporary blindness."

He's still shaking the remnants of an ancient Greek column out of his hair as he finally takes in their surroundings.

"Huh. Figures we'd end up here."

It's been so long he was starting to think he'd dreamed the place.


eyeeyecaptain January 26 2011, 04:44:06 UTC
"The end of space and time? Hey, that's suspiciously appropriate."

Almost as if someone planned it that way!

She glances behind her.

"Oops, I did land on something."

Or, rather, someone.


not_his_pa January 26 2011, 04:38:54 UTC
William doesn't look quite like himself, he's flushed and not wearing his hat or jacket,

"Are there any teas that are blue?"


visible_sariel January 26 2011, 04:41:13 UTC
"They probably exist," says Sariel after turning to face William. "They may not be native to Earth, though--are you alright?"

She hasn't missed the flushed appearance or the lack of usual clothing.


not_his_pa January 26 2011, 04:42:52 UTC
"Yeah, I'm fine. Could you see if there is one? I mean blue food coloring is nice but Bar knows ways to do it without that,"

Which is one reason she's so awesome and William feels confused, he's not sure why blue is good.


eyeeyecaptain January 26 2011, 05:00:21 UTC
Leela's had just enough time to dust herself off, apply the towel to her shoulder to make her status as barmaid tender official, and steel herself for duty. In the name of reducing her ridiculous tab.

"Squid ink?"

That can't taste good.

"Oh! How about blueberry? They have blueberries here, right?"


works_in_space January 26 2011, 09:51:43 UTC
"Leela?" Jim is surprised. He hasn't seen Leela in months. And he never expected her to be behind the bar.


eyeeyecaptain January 26 2011, 22:32:16 UTC

Leela is just as surprised, if not more. She's not sure how much time has passed, but she knows it's been a while. And flying into the Bar and landing in a heap isn't the kind of impression you want to make on someone you haven't seen in a while. Especially someone like Jim.

"What are you doing here?"

Silly question #1.


works_in_space January 26 2011, 23:33:38 UTC
"Getting a drink? Taking a break?" He wishes that bar weren't between them because he would so give her a hug. "And apparently getting waited on by a fellow captain."


eyeeyecaptain January 27 2011, 06:14:00 UTC
Judging by the smile on her face and the way she pulls her fingers through her ponytail in an effort to straighten it, she wouldn't say no to the hug.

In fact, she'd return it with gusto.

"Maybe not waited on," she says, rubbing the back of her neck. "Assisted. Or refreshed by."

She hopes, at least.

"Uh, what can I get you?"


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