Cubefall, why not maybe

May 27, 2010 20:47

Milliways. That's all you can say about all this, really.

Sativa's gotten the spiel, and no she's sitting at the bar scratching her head at the choices in front of her: ( a cat, something in an oriental flavor obviously designed for warm weather (it's kung fu is best), probably some kind of deep-sea diving outfit, a cross-bow wielding cube(?) and... well. )

vic sage, sativa, ellen park, kate barlow

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Comments 47

52_dropoff May 27 2010, 09:21:59 UTC
A silver man hovers above the bar, meditating. Wisps of yellow energy dance around him.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 09:37:37 UTC
Floating yellow-glowing silver men are certainly hard to ignore. Nigh-on impossible, some might even say.

"Hello there," she calls out.

If that interrupts his meditations, then he's obviously not meditating hard enough.


52_dropoff May 27 2010, 09:38:43 UTC
"Good morning. And happy Cubefall." He lowers himself to the bar.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 09:58:18 UTC
She nods as she watches him come down. "You too. Happy, uh, Cubefall," she returns. Because that's what this is.

Looking at him, she asks, "Did you get all that from the floating windows, or is it something you do all the time?"


ikissdhimbck May 27 2010, 11:49:00 UTC
Kate's slowly getting used to her -- his -- new body. He's taller by several inches, disturbing her coordination. But, aside from that (and the issue of having to use the facilities -- honestly, nobody ever told her what an ordeal that would be), she's settling into the form right nicely.

Sitting himself down near Sativa at the Bar, he orders a drink and glances at the number of choices the woman is currently considering.

"Not the first one," he offers helpfully, an amused smile on his face.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 12:14:09 UTC
Sativa turns her head and returns the smile. "What, the cat?" she asks, looking back at the window. "I haven't seen many of those."


ikissdhimbck May 27 2010, 12:29:08 UTC

He shakes his head, tipping his hat off his brow with one finger, and then gestures to a waitrat.

"They're not too keen on each other. So, unless y'wanna spend the next three days hunting your own food, y'might be safer choosin' somethin' else."


findthegeck May 27 2010, 13:07:51 UTC
"Not back home, anyway. I know people used to keep them as pets, but something like that doesn't last very long out there. Not when people are hungry, anyway."

She shrugs. "I don't think I'd be much good with more legs than I'm used too as it is."


aaaaaaaagh_sky May 27 2010, 12:38:00 UTC
"That's an interesting set," says Ellen, glancing at the vidwindow. "Not that I recognize anything but the Deathclaw, but."


findthegeck May 27 2010, 12:45:32 UTC
Oh hey Ellen. "Deathclaw?" Sativa has yet to encounter them, but give her a moment to figure it out. Maybe the name will give her a clue.

"Have you a bunch of these things pop up in front of you?" she asks, motioning to the windows.


aaaaaaaagh_sky May 27 2010, 12:49:56 UTC
Ellen nods. "It happened yesterday. People said if you pick one it lets you turn into that thing for a few days. It goes away after that and you turn back into yourself again."

She indicates the Deathclaw. "Those are huge. Fifteen feet long, claws like this-" She's not carrying one right now, but she indicates something at least as long as her hand from wrist to fingertip. "They slashed my combat armor all to pieces. If there hadn't been a dead woman nearby in power armor I'd've been in a very bad way."

Talking to Castiel the other night helped a lot with some of the background tension that was making it impossible to get through a sentence without halting or stammering. Some of that is still there, but... it's easier now.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 13:19:27 UTC
She bites her lip. "Yeesh." Sativa thinks that warrants a comforting hand on Ellen's shoulder.

She examines the beast. "Now that I think about it, this sounds like one of the things my grandfather described in his journals. Taller than any man, skin tougher than any armor." It gets mentioned one or two times.

"Well, it's not my idea of a first choice... picking my nose could be deadly."


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