Cubefall, why not maybe

May 27, 2010 20:47

Milliways. That's all you can say about all this, really.

Sativa's gotten the spiel, and no she's sitting at the bar scratching her head at the choices in front of her: ( a cat, something in an oriental flavor obviously designed for warm weather (it's kung fu is best), probably some kind of deep-sea diving outfit, a cross-bow wielding cube(?) and... well. )

vic sage, sativa, ellen park, kate barlow

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52_dropoff May 27 2010, 09:21:59 UTC
A silver man hovers above the bar, meditating. Wisps of yellow energy dance around him.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 09:37:37 UTC
Floating yellow-glowing silver men are certainly hard to ignore. Nigh-on impossible, some might even say.

"Hello there," she calls out.

If that interrupts his meditations, then he's obviously not meditating hard enough.


52_dropoff May 27 2010, 09:38:43 UTC
"Good morning. And happy Cubefall." He lowers himself to the bar.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 09:58:18 UTC
She nods as she watches him come down. "You too. Happy, uh, Cubefall," she returns. Because that's what this is.

Looking at him, she asks, "Did you get all that from the floating windows, or is it something you do all the time?"


52_dropoff May 27 2010, 11:02:01 UTC
"Floating windows. Normally, I have the usual sort of skin and body. But I took this form last year and liked it.

"This your first Cubefall?" He order a glass of water on landing.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 11:43:21 UTC
"Not a bad choice." The build at least, if not the color.

"I guess so," she says, looking around, "I don't remember seeing the place look this weird before."

Back to the shiny man: "I am Sativa."


52_dropoff May 27 2010, 11:45:23 UTC
"Charlie." He extends his hand. "And thanks. The power takes a lot of getting used to, but it's nice to try once in a while."


findthegeck May 27 2010, 12:23:11 UTC
She grasps for it with her own. "I'll bet. Floating in mid-air, glowing energies... anything else you can do?"


52_dropoff May 27 2010, 12:26:26 UTC
"Out and out flight at speeds over Mach One, enhanced strength, energy blasts, and a lot of invulnerability. The man who has these powers for real is one of the four or five most powerful men alive, from what I hear." He is careful to barely grip her hand. The skin is cold to the touch but there is a bit of energy around it.


findthegeck May 28 2010, 03:31:16 UTC
"That sounds impressive. And also a little scary."

When there's someone with that much power to throw around you tend to hope they're a good person. Or at least moderately sane.

"Is this one of those worlds with - what did Cyborg call them - 'superheroes'?"


52_dropoff May 28 2010, 07:59:13 UTC
"Yes. Lots of them. Including one named Cyborg, in fact. I count as one when I'm not like this, but I was more the costumed type than the superpowered type.

"And I agree. It can be scary. The power I have now is a bit hard to control." Easier this year, though.


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