Cubefall, why not maybe

May 27, 2010 20:47

Milliways. That's all you can say about all this, really.

Sativa's gotten the spiel, and no she's sitting at the bar scratching her head at the choices in front of her: ( a cat, something in an oriental flavor obviously designed for warm weather (it's kung fu is best), probably some kind of deep-sea diving outfit, a cross-bow wielding cube(?) and... well. )

vic sage, sativa, ellen park, kate barlow

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ikissdhimbck May 27 2010, 11:49:00 UTC
Kate's slowly getting used to her -- his -- new body. He's taller by several inches, disturbing her coordination. But, aside from that (and the issue of having to use the facilities -- honestly, nobody ever told her what an ordeal that would be), she's settling into the form right nicely.

Sitting himself down near Sativa at the Bar, he orders a drink and glances at the number of choices the woman is currently considering.

"Not the first one," he offers helpfully, an amused smile on his face.


findthegeck May 27 2010, 12:14:09 UTC
Sativa turns her head and returns the smile. "What, the cat?" she asks, looking back at the window. "I haven't seen many of those."


ikissdhimbck May 27 2010, 12:29:08 UTC

He shakes his head, tipping his hat off his brow with one finger, and then gestures to a waitrat.

"They're not too keen on each other. So, unless y'wanna spend the next three days hunting your own food, y'might be safer choosin' somethin' else."


findthegeck May 27 2010, 13:07:51 UTC
"Not back home, anyway. I know people used to keep them as pets, but something like that doesn't last very long out there. Not when people are hungry, anyway."

She shrugs. "I don't think I'd be much good with more legs than I'm used too as it is."


ikissdhimbck May 28 2010, 01:15:09 UTC
Kate can sympathize with that last statement.

"Ya'll eat cats out in your world?"

He picks up his drink, sipping thoughtfully.


findthegeck May 28 2010, 02:56:14 UTC
"Not me," she insists, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. "I've heard stories, though. Desperate times and all. But I could never eat anything someone named Cuddles." For instance.

"I'm Sativa, from Arroyo. We don't eat pets there." At least not yet. Hopefully she can return with the GECK before anyone starts sizing up the village dog for the spit.


ikissdhimbck May 28 2010, 03:04:19 UTC
He laughs quietly, a deep chirruping sound.

"Sounds like y'live on the frontier."

He sets his glass down and extends a hand.

"Kate," he introduces with a wry smile. "I'm, ah. Not in my typical body."


findthegeck May 28 2010, 03:39:41 UTC
"Everybody calls it the Wastes: a region of mostly desert plains on the west coast of what's left of the United States of America," she explains.

Sativa shakes 'his' hand and nods. "...Okay. Well, with a name like Kate..."

Moving swiftly along she asks, "Your Cubefall choice? How are you getting used to...?" Insert vague gestures here.


ikissdhimbck May 28 2010, 05:52:35 UTC
"I live in Texas--" ignore the slightly perturbed expression on his face when Sativa talks about what's left of the United States, "--so I'm no stranger t'long stretches of barren land."

Leaning back, he grins and scratches absently at his jaw. He'd spent fifteen full minutes just on acquainting himself with the oddness of having stubble alone.

"With a name like Kate, y'don't 'magine I'm usually this broad?" he winks. "Yes'm, this was my Cubefall choice. It's been informative, t'say the least."


findthegeck May 28 2010, 07:08:25 UTC
"Texas, you say. My friend Cassidy talks about that place sometimes. We don't really know what it it's like outside this region apart from rumors, but it's probably similar. There was a War," she explains, somehow pronouncing the capital W.

"That, and it's probably a good thing you're not," She replies with a laugh. "I'll bet it it has. Dangly bits in new places..."


ikissdhimbck May 28 2010, 07:31:06 UTC
That would get his attention, with or without the capital W. He sobers, and nods.

"Wars tend t'limit how oft y'travel."

Before he's allowed to think on it too hard, though, she's switching gears back to playful irreverence, and Kate finds 'himself' turning a shade red and laughing.

"And an overwhelmin' abundance of testosterone, mind," he adds.


findthegeck May 28 2010, 10:34:57 UTC
"It does slow you down a bit, unless you find one of the few working cars left in the world."

She raises her eyebrows. "Yeah? What is that?" This is where a less formal education gets you.


ikissdhimbck May 28 2010, 13:02:09 UTC
That's all right; Kate didn't learn about testosterone and estrogen until she came to the bar. Oh, the joys of 'modern' science and tough-minded girl friends.

"S'what makes menfolk want t'punch things," he supplies simply. "An' shoot things. And do... other things."

Given the color that lingers in his face, and the way his eyes stubbornly stay above Sativa's neckline, there's a very clear definition for 'other things' in mind.


findthegeck May 28 2010, 22:44:57 UTC
"Ah. I think I get it," she says, with a grin at the look on his face and the mention of other things.


ikissdhimbck May 29 2010, 07:10:21 UTC
He smiles serenely, no less innocent than a newborn cherub.

"So, yes. In short, it has been a bit of an adjustment," he says, clearing his throat. "No regrets on my end, though."


findthegeck May 29 2010, 07:21:29 UTC
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained," Sativa replies.

"Few complaints on the other end, I think."


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