
Jul 20, 2009 19:01

Justin has stayed in the bar since his last shift, mostly out of morbid curiousity. And he debated whether this theme was crass or not but in the end decided, why not? If there are reminders around the place, maybe people will think of something that could help.


Cuban Crime of Passion
Murder in the Forest
Purple Problem SolverAlso, ( Read more... )

teja, bartending, momiji sohma, ivy tamwood, river song, justin taylor

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Comments 131

riversinger July 20 2009, 18:47:53 UTC
River can't help but notice the Specials board. She stops to read, her eyes drawing down to slits.

"Honestly? Honestly?"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 18:51:40 UTC
Justin looks...confused.



riversinger July 20 2009, 18:59:27 UTC
She dumps her armload of books and a comm pad on the bar top, and pulls the stool closer before she sits. "Pint of Guinness, please. And I know the bar is all a twitter with the news, but isn't it a bit -- gauche? Like something a 21st century tabloid newspaper would do."


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 19:04:34 UTC
'What can I say, I'm a 21st Century kid.'

He grabs a pint glass and twirls it on his hand, though he does have the grace to look a little embarrassed.

'Security put a notice up. It's not like everyone doesn't know.'

He takes his time with the Guinness, as every good barman should.


ostro_goth July 20 2009, 19:23:02 UTC
"Problems were never solved by anything purple," Teja says, turning up by the bar. "Greetings, Justin!"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 19:27:28 UTC
'Barney solved the problem of how to keep kids entertained?' he offers, before cracking a grin.

'Hi, Teja.'


ostro_goth July 20 2009, 19:42:57 UTC
"Who is Barney?" Teja asks.


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 19:49:37 UTC
'Barney the...you don't know who...oh. No, I guess you wouldn't.'

He shrugs a shoulder and tries to think of a way to explain.

'Barney the Purple Dinosaur. He's a character on kids TV.'


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 20:02:37 UTC
"...People name drinks really weird things, huh?" Momiji observes, settling down onto a stool and turning his eyes curiously upwards to the Specials boards.

He doesn't appear to recognize the theme - he's kind of been away from the Bar for the most part of late, and he's missed a bit of important news, from the looks of things.

"I guess they probably all have alcohol in them, too, huh? Murder in the Forest wouldn't be a very good name for Kool-Aid or something."


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 20:08:39 UTC
'People are weird, Momiji,' he says, sagely, while polishing a glass.

'They do all have alcohol in them. I didn't think of putting up anything virgin - you can have something for half price, if you like.'

Justin caters for all comers.


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 20:23:30 UTC
"Yeah, I suppose so."

The rabbit-boy figures he probably can't criticize much on the weirdness front, though. After all, he's...well, a rabbit-boy.

"I wonder how they come up with them, though. I mean, I guess the last one's probably purple, after you make it? But I dunno how you'd get the names for the other ones. 'Specially the middle."

Then, after a brief moment of thought: "Banana smoothie, maybe?"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 20:31:21 UTC
'Banana smoothie coming right up.'

He gets the blender out and is concentrating on the ingredients when he adds;

'I don't know how people name drinks - I guess they just pick something thwy think sounds cool. I just thought it was appropriate at the moment.'


lilmsmiraclegro July 20 2009, 20:19:00 UTC
Claire has not had a very good time of it recently, what with West and Peter and... West.

So though she won't admit it, it's probably a relief to have something to really get angry at, on reading the specials board.

"What the Hell?"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 20:21:22 UTC
Justin looks around from where he's rearranging bottles. The automatic smile on his lips dies as he sees the face of the girl.



lilmsmiraclegro July 20 2009, 20:25:20 UTC
"Is this supposed to be a joke?" Claire demands, waving angrily at the specials board.

Because it damn well isn't funny, and she's all set to take anger out on him.


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 20:32:41 UTC
He follows her hand to the board and then looks back at her.



'I mean...I picked them because they're appropriate. I'm not laughing at anyone.'

Especially not West.


living_vamp July 20 2009, 21:00:09 UTC
Justin can have a bored-looking woman looking for booze.

"I'd like a Cuban Crime of Passion, please," she says, as she saunters over to the Bar.


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 21:04:31 UTC
'Wouldn't we all?' he shoots back at her, grinning quickly before grabbing some bottles.

'You don't look like you're having a very invigorating evening.'


living_vamp July 20 2009, 21:11:06 UTC
She smiles a bit at him. "Maybe that's why I need a crime of passion?" If she were a lesser living vamp, there would have been fang showing in that smile...as it is...he's probably lucky.

She watches his movements, lazily as she perches on a barstool.


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 21:20:20 UTC
'Oh, well,' he says, not looking at her as he mixes the alcohol, 'I'm of the opinion that everyone could do with any kind of passion whether they're having an invigorating evening or not.'

Because really, is there ever a bad time for it?


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