
Jul 20, 2009 19:01

Justin has stayed in the bar since his last shift, mostly out of morbid curiousity. And he debated whether this theme was crass or not but in the end decided, why not? If there are reminders around the place, maybe people will think of something that could help.


Cuban Crime of Passion
Murder in the Forest
Purple Problem SolverAlso, ( Read more... )

teja, bartending, momiji sohma, ivy tamwood, river song, justin taylor

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candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 20:02:37 UTC
"...People name drinks really weird things, huh?" Momiji observes, settling down onto a stool and turning his eyes curiously upwards to the Specials boards.

He doesn't appear to recognize the theme - he's kind of been away from the Bar for the most part of late, and he's missed a bit of important news, from the looks of things.

"I guess they probably all have alcohol in them, too, huh? Murder in the Forest wouldn't be a very good name for Kool-Aid or something."


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 20:08:39 UTC
'People are weird, Momiji,' he says, sagely, while polishing a glass.

'They do all have alcohol in them. I didn't think of putting up anything virgin - you can have something for half price, if you like.'

Justin caters for all comers.


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 20:23:30 UTC
"Yeah, I suppose so."

The rabbit-boy figures he probably can't criticize much on the weirdness front, though. After all, he's...well, a rabbit-boy.

"I wonder how they come up with them, though. I mean, I guess the last one's probably purple, after you make it? But I dunno how you'd get the names for the other ones. 'Specially the middle."

Then, after a brief moment of thought: "Banana smoothie, maybe?"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 20:31:21 UTC
'Banana smoothie coming right up.'

He gets the blender out and is concentrating on the ingredients when he adds;

'I don't know how people name drinks - I guess they just pick something thwy think sounds cool. I just thought it was appropriate at the moment.'


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 20:46:21 UTC

Then, though, Momiji tilts his head to one side in a somewhat puppyish way and casts a look at him likely innocent enough to win some major competitions.

"...Appropriate for what?"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 20:52:32 UTC
The blank look he gets in return is equally impressive. Justin can't believe there's anyone left in the bar who doesn't know.

'The guy. In the woods.'


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 20:59:35 UTC
And Momiji is usually so good at keeping up with gossip back home, too! It's disappointing, truly.

But, for now, Justin is just getting stared back at.

"What guy in the woods?"

In his defense, it doesn't take long for one of the drink titles to click the pieces grimly into place in his mind.

"Y'mean somebody got...? Out there...?"

He's gone all wide-eyed and frowny, now.


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 21:08:31 UTC
'You didn't know?'

Fabulous! He never thought he'd get to break the news to someone.

'Yeah. A guy named West Rosen. They found him in pieces out in the forest.'


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 21:12:44 UTC
"No - I kind of just got back to the Bar after a while."

Well, Momiji is glad that his ignorance can brighten Justin's day?

Actually, no. He's just increasingly green-looking. Having a sharp imagination is pretty much only a curse, once one passes eight years-old.

"That's awful. Did he get attacked by the demon-rabbits or something?"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 21:23:12 UTC
Justin felt pretty grossed out by it too at first, but he's over that now as is probably pretty obvious.

'No. Even worse - he was murdered.'

He leans over the bar to heighten the air of conspiracy.

'By someone here, they think. Security have a notice up about it and everything. And it was apparantly really bad - he'd had his arm pulled off. And lots of inside bits were missing.'

It's probably a good thing that Justin doesn't know about the fact his head was missing too.


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 21:29:32 UTC
"So...they don't even know who did it yet?"

The other blond blinks a few times, the mild nausea his features had displayed gradually shifting to a more general dis-ease, with just a slight hint of fear.

He's known for a while that there were people around Milliways that one wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley (or, uh, anywhere ever) but he never figured they'd actually do anything.

"But..! Then, whoever did it could just be hanging around here right now!"


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 21:40:58 UTC
'I know!'

Justin sounds both horrified and thrilled, all at the same time.

'That's why there are so many Security people areound at the moment. And hey - the guy who was killed was about our age so...y'know, if I were you I'd stay out of the woods until they catch him.'


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 21:49:48 UTC
"Aw, hey...that's not funny."

Justin gets pouted at a lot - mostly just because it's easier to treat it as a dark joke than as something serious. Still, the wary glance that he directs over his shoulder and off towards the back door is enough to hint that he won't be going anywhere near a Milliways tree until he hears about something getting caught.

He's not used to crime at all. It's scary.

"I didn't hang around the woods much anyway, though."


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 21:56:18 UTC
'Who's joking?'

And he's really not.

'I'm sure as hell not going near them for a while. Not until they catch the person.'


candied_rabbit July 20 2009, 22:01:19 UTC
"...Me neither," he sighs, worrying at his lower lip.

"I'm sure Security'll catch whoever did it before too long. They probably have, like, a hundred billion superheroes working for them or something."

Not that this makes him sound in any way confident. After all, for all he knows, the murderer could be a gigantic, nuclear-powered demon monster with fangs and laser eyes and tentacles!

And who knows how many superheroes you'd need to fight that off?


art_and_brian July 20 2009, 22:39:00 UTC
'Uh...probably not that many.'

He helps himself to a Coke.

'The ones I've seen around don't look like superheroes either but I could be wrong on that.'

Who is he to say what a superhero should look like?


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