
Feb 03, 2009 17:30

The door isn't so much opened quietly and politely as it is fractured down the middle and busted apart as a yellow, orange and red flying chunk of metal comes crashing through it, through several tables and chairs (and possibly patrons, deepest apologies for any and all injuries), until finally skidding to a stop on its knees with its hand digging ( Read more... )

samus aran, vic sage, mouse, bumblebee

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Comments 75

52_dropoff February 4 2009, 02:00:50 UTC
Charlie watches the rather odd scene unfold from his usual perch in the rafters. He leaps down to see if anyone needs help, and then notices the robot. He wonders if there was some sort of refresher course he needed in How to Fight Robots Without Superpowers.

He puts his face-hding mask on, though he's not sure why. "Um, hello?" Maybe it can be talked into standing down?


aranprime February 4 2009, 03:37:56 UTC
The cannon is aimed at him.

"Identify location." it states, voice skirting the edge of synthetic and organic. For a male it would be on the higher side, for a woman on the deeper side.


52_dropoff February 4 2009, 08:39:11 UTC
He doesn't flinch at the cannon. Though he is a bit concerned. And is very curious as to whether he can die twice.

"Milliways Bar. It's...not where you were? Beyond reality?" He hopes that makes sense to the machine. He can't say it quite does to him.


aranprime February 4 2009, 09:34:08 UTC
There's the dim flickering of lights inside the helmet as the head moves marginally.

It catches sight of the observation window just in time to see the universe hit where it restarts in its destruction.

"...I'm listening." it says after a moment, plasma cannon beginning to power down, but still aimed.


prob_japanese February 4 2009, 02:31:46 UTC
There's a whistlewhistlebeep! from up in the rafters, and a yellow-and-chrome robot with a (very, very loosely) humaniform (ish) shape leans down to peer at the newcomer with bright blue optics.


aranprime February 4 2009, 03:46:03 UTC

Cannon aimed right at the head, Bumblebee.

"Identify yourself!" yells the ... well, there's organic parts in there somewhere that could possibly equal a full human, but the metal and technology are not earth-based and they are very good at jamming scans.


prob_japanese February 4 2009, 03:59:48 UTC

"Bumblebee! Autobot scout, planet of origin Cybertron! Don't shoot!"


aranprime February 4 2009, 04:05:11 UTC
The cannon does not power down and does not aim elsewhere, but it has yet to fire as the being searches memory for any of those words.

"...Autobot. Cybertron. Unknowns- allies to Galactic Federation or Space Pirates?" It asks.


l33t_mouse February 4 2009, 02:59:10 UTC
"Well, Sugar," says a woman sitting at (and with her feet propped up on) a table just to the left of Samus' trajectory, "I do think ya just made one'a the most dramatic entrances on record." She takes a sip from a glass of what looks like liquid static.


aranprime February 4 2009, 04:00:29 UTC
Lifeform: Unknown

It's safer to assume that you are still in a combat zone when you have just come from one into a location unknown to you. So it's nothing personal when the cannon is turned to Mouse after the quick system scan comes up with a big ??? and the being demands "Identify location."


l33t_mouse February 4 2009, 04:12:20 UTC
"It's called Milliways. Bar at the end'a th'universe. I'd take it as a kindness if ya stopped pointin' that pea shooter at me."


aranprime February 4 2009, 09:35:40 UTC
"This does not shoot peas, if you would like me to prove it." it replies, after listening to Mouse's explanation.


mcp3fes February 4 2009, 23:16:16 UTC
MC is a teenage Japanese boy.

Which is to say:

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_______________________sa ( ... )


aranprime February 5 2009, 01:01:01 UTC
[The munagement is stating that this comes after Samus has gotten an explanation of the place so poor MC doesn't have to deal with Samus pointing the gun at him]

The squeak and the starting gets Samus's attention.



mcp3fes February 5 2009, 01:02:40 UTC
[He'd probably pass out with a smile on his face.]

"Hi." Cough. Cough. "Hi."


aranprime February 5 2009, 01:06:00 UTC

There would be head scratching if not for the armor.

"...Hello." a small pause. "Do I know you?"


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