
Feb 03, 2009 17:30

The door isn't so much opened quietly and politely as it is fractured down the middle and busted apart as a yellow, orange and red flying chunk of metal comes crashing through it, through several tables and chairs (and possibly patrons, deepest apologies for any and all injuries), until finally skidding to a stop on its knees with its hand digging ( Read more... )

samus aran, vic sage, mouse, bumblebee

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52_dropoff February 4 2009, 02:00:50 UTC
Charlie watches the rather odd scene unfold from his usual perch in the rafters. He leaps down to see if anyone needs help, and then notices the robot. He wonders if there was some sort of refresher course he needed in How to Fight Robots Without Superpowers.

He puts his face-hding mask on, though he's not sure why. "Um, hello?" Maybe it can be talked into standing down?


aranprime February 4 2009, 03:37:56 UTC
The cannon is aimed at him.

"Identify location." it states, voice skirting the edge of synthetic and organic. For a male it would be on the higher side, for a woman on the deeper side.


52_dropoff February 4 2009, 08:39:11 UTC
He doesn't flinch at the cannon. Though he is a bit concerned. And is very curious as to whether he can die twice.

"Milliways Bar. It's...not where you were? Beyond reality?" He hopes that makes sense to the machine. He can't say it quite does to him.


aranprime February 4 2009, 09:34:08 UTC
There's the dim flickering of lights inside the helmet as the head moves marginally.

It catches sight of the observation window just in time to see the universe hit where it restarts in its destruction.

"...I'm listening." it says after a moment, plasma cannon beginning to power down, but still aimed.


52_dropoff February 4 2009, 09:42:41 UTC
"The Bar is at the end of time, and outside it. I really can't explain much more. People come here from various times and timelines. Some can come and go, others are stuck." He leaves out the part about some being dead.


aranprime February 4 2009, 09:52:42 UTC
"How can I tell if I am 'stuck'?" it asks, first and foremost. There are other life forms around, it can get its answers from them.


52_dropoff February 4 2009, 10:01:26 UTC
"Can you see a door?" Charlie has never seen it clearly.


aranprime February 4 2009, 11:11:02 UTC
It glances over to make sure the door has not spontaneously vanished (as doors are sometimes wont to do - that or seal shut, but those are mostly blast doors) before turning back to Charlie and nodding.


52_dropoff February 4 2009, 14:32:56 UTC
"Then you can leave. You don't have to stay." Or fire that nasty looking gun.


aranprime February 4 2009, 22:09:06 UTC
Firing the nasty looking gun is out of the equation for the time being.

"Why was I brought here?" it asks instead of heading back out right away.


52_dropoff February 4 2009, 23:17:06 UTC
"I wish I knew. There's no rhyme or reason to who comes, or why, or who gets stuck." Aside from the dead. Which can't include the robot since it sees a door. (Robots can die, at least in Charlie's world.)


aranprime February 5 2009, 01:05:04 UTC
It nods, apparently satisfied with that answer for now.

"Are there local customs I should be made aware of?" it asks next. These are the important things to know.


52_dropoff February 5 2009, 02:35:40 UTC
"There are rules of conduct, if that's what you mean. But only three. No sex in the Bar, no outside grudges if an old enemy arrives, and no violence." He thinks that only the last one really matters in this case. "If you misbehave, there are security people here with some authority and a holding cell.

"The only other things are that the Bar charges for its drinks, and that the first one is free." He says this just to see how the robot reacts.


aranprime February 5 2009, 04:14:24 UTC
The 'robot' just nods in reply to all of it. "Understood." it says, and then follows up with the question - "Are you one of the security personnel of this establishment?"


52_dropoff February 5 2009, 09:08:54 UTC
"Ah. My mask. No, I just wear it sometimes because...well, because it suits my mood. I was a crimefighter of sorts. Here I'm just a patron." He presses a button on his belt buckle and a puff of gas emerges, changing his hair color a little and loosening the mask enough for him to remove it.


aranprime February 5 2009, 09:13:57 UTC
"...Interesting." it observes in regards to the sudden change of appearance.


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