
Jan 07, 2009 00:45

Sam's out the back, sitting on a rock so large it's practically a boulder and feeding one of the giant squid.

Moody Lucifer is moody; minimalist mun is minimal, and semi-plotlocked post is semi-plotlocked. Ping at herworldsonfire on AIM if you want a thread, though.

[The tiny tag that could: Cal Chandler, Charles Monroe, The Pilot.]

sam linnfer, cal chandler, the pilot, matilda wormwood

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Comments 234

isaysimplewords January 7 2009, 00:57:11 UTC
Cal is finishing his daily run when he spots Sam. He veers over and drops down next to him, because Cal is one of those people who isn't so good at picking up on exactly how open to company someone might or might not be.

"Hi." He's breathless enough to need to keep it to a few syllables at a time, though not as wrecked as last time he encountered Sam after a run. This one he just kept to the one lap.


necessary_child January 7 2009, 01:05:57 UTC
Luckily for Cal he's, well, Cal, so Sam doesn't really mind.

"Hey." He throws a crust of bread neatly into the reach of a waiting tentacle.


isaysimplewords January 7 2009, 01:12:39 UTC
Cal takes a couple more breaths before he says,

"Scared the crap out of me. First time I saw one of those things. Just giant tentacle. Outta nowhere. Fwoosh." He makes the appropriate gesture to accompany the sound effect.

He doesn't mention the part where he kind of fell over. Because he's out of breath and it would be a long sentence, that's why.


necessary_child January 7 2009, 01:32:00 UTC
Of course that's why. Were he to know, Sam would never suspect otherwise. Cal is brave like tadpole!

He chuckles. "There's two in there, I think. Possibly three counting Puck's kid. Maybe."

It's Puck, after all. Some things aren't meant to be understood.


licensed_pro January 7 2009, 01:14:29 UTC
Charlie's watching Sam, feeding the squid. Prior to this he wasn't aware there were any.

Or that it was a good idea to feed them.

"Don't you look lonely, cutie."


necessary_child January 7 2009, 01:37:30 UTC
At the voice, Sam tilts his head back to look at the other man, raising an eyebrow at the descriptor.

"I'm just bored," he says lightly, although this isn't entirely the truth. Doesn't mean he'll refuse company, either. "Hi, Charlie."


licensed_pro January 7 2009, 01:39:52 UTC
"Hi, Sam." He comes over quietly and sits near Sam, smiling lightly for a moment as he pulled his knees up to his chest. "You sound more than just bored. Something up?"


necessary_child January 7 2009, 02:00:02 UTC
"Nah." He shrugs, in a let's-not-get-into-this kind of way. "Just been Bound for too long. Got itchy feet."


precocioustilda January 7 2009, 02:45:14 UTC

Don't look now, but it's a cheerful seven-year-old with a book.

"You look like you could use a hot chocolate, Sam."

This is her way of saying what's wrong and how do I fix it?


necessary_child January 7 2009, 02:59:59 UTC
O hay, issa Tilda!

Sam leans back, tilting his head to smile at her. "Hey, Shortarse. Long time no see."


precocioustilda January 7 2009, 03:02:46 UTC

"Good to see you too."

She beeps his nose.

'cos she can, that's why.

"How've you been? I haven't seen you in a while."


necessary_child January 7 2009, 20:57:21 UTC
Sam sticks his tongue out at her.

"I'm al right. Sick of being stuck here, that's all. What've you been up to?"


ecrivez_moivite January 7 2009, 02:48:23 UTC
The pilot is, by contrast, relatively chipper.

He slips out the back door of Milliways, throwing on his flight jacket as he heads towards the lake. He doesn't offer a greeting until he's a little closer.

"Bonsoir, Sam."


necessary_child January 7 2009, 03:01:43 UTC
Sam looks up, offering the other man a smile that's not quite as bright as usual, but a smile nonetheless.

"Bonsoir, Antoine," he says politely. "How's things?"


ecrivez_moivite January 7 2009, 03:08:03 UTC
"Well," the pilot responds, taking a seat on the edge of the rock.



necessary_child January 7 2009, 21:03:14 UTC
"Eh," he says, shrugging eloqently, and tosses a scrap of bread to the squid. "I've had more than enough of being here."


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