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Comments 101

bitunlikely July 9 2008, 01:58:08 UTC
It takes Jenny a second to connect the face to a name. After receiving only a 25% familiarity rate among patrons within the bar in concerns to her father, she had made a decision.

If Dad did come here, it wasn't very often.

Which is why, just for that second, she hesitates and remains frozen to the spot. And then? Then Jenny is throwing herself at him in a bone-crushing hug.

"Dad! Dad, look, I'm alive!"


thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 02:02:21 UTC
The Doctor isn't as quick on the reaction time anymore, but he still manages not to stagger too badly when he gets an armful of Timelady. He wraps his arms around her and spins her around.

"Jenny! I didn't think I'd ever see you again! What do you mean, you're alive? Of course you're alive! Have you been here all this time?"


bitunlikely July 9 2008, 02:08:03 UTC
She laughs so very happily when he spins her around and beams when she's set back down.

"I got here yesterday!"

Given her enthusiasm, it takes Jenny a moment to realise that there might be something not right with his questions. But that's okay. Clearly Ray saw him first and told.

"I'm sure Ray must've told you that. Did he tell you he's going to take my ice skating? On Earth? It's going to be brilliant!"


thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 02:13:25 UTC
"Yesterday?" he asks, shaking his head slowly. "So you haven't seen me here before, then?"


born_running July 9 2008, 02:01:15 UTC
There is a Luke, with his typical armful of books and things. He does not see the Doctor, at first, but after he finds himself a seat conveniently near the front door, the Doctor gets a giant Luke grin thrown his way.



thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 02:05:10 UTC
"Luke!" he calls out, grinning right back. "Luke Smith, defender of Earth. How are things? Back to normal? Your mother? All good?"


born_running July 9 2008, 02:12:10 UTC
His grin becomes somehow puzzled without actually getting any smaller. Which is rather normal for him, actually.

"I suppose so. Mum made me watch a video on basic safety, but after I promised her I'd be more careful around 'weirdo nuns' she's been all right with me leaving the house on my own again."

(There is, perhaps, something of a time discrepency here.)


thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 02:15:31 UTC
It's definitely enough to pull him up short. The Doctor cocks his head and looks more closely. "You look younger than the last time I saw you. When is it for you?"


unhingedwarlock July 9 2008, 03:37:51 UTC
"Probably not," says the man by the bar sitting next to the horse.


thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 03:41:42 UTC
The Doctor turns toward the voice. "It's just that I hadn't expected to ever come back here again," he explains. Then he sees the horse. "Hello there, beautiful. Your name's not Arthur, is it?"

All horses are named Arthur, as far as the Doctor's concerned.


unhingedwarlock July 9 2008, 03:46:01 UTC
"No," answers the horse in a rather good facsimile of a human male.

"His name's Fess," he explains with a brief smile. "An old FCC unit, if you would be of a time to know what I'm talking about."


thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 03:49:10 UTC
"I don't know what an FCC unit is exactly, but you're saying he's a construct of some sort?" he asks after getting over his initial startlement of the horse speaking.


ostro_goth July 9 2008, 07:51:24 UTC
There is a Goth nearby, with a mug of tea in his hands. No armour, this time, no axe; no blade at all except the small knife on his belt, and that is tool and implement more than weapon.

He recognises the Doctor that had explained to him about the time loop, and the nature of this place, and greets him with a polite nod.


thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 17:20:41 UTC
The Doctor returns the nod, after the initial startlement fades away. "Hello again. Been a while."


ostro_goth July 9 2008, 18:03:03 UTC
"It has," Teja says. "I was but newly arrived, and you explained to me what truly happened behind that window."


thedoctorwho July 10 2008, 01:21:11 UTC
"Ah, yes. Right right. Things been well with you since?"


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