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ostro_goth July 9 2008, 07:51:24 UTC
There is a Goth nearby, with a mug of tea in his hands. No armour, this time, no axe; no blade at all except the small knife on his belt, and that is tool and implement more than weapon.

He recognises the Doctor that had explained to him about the time loop, and the nature of this place, and greets him with a polite nod.


thedoctorwho July 9 2008, 17:20:41 UTC
The Doctor returns the nod, after the initial startlement fades away. "Hello again. Been a while."


ostro_goth July 9 2008, 18:03:03 UTC
"It has," Teja says. "I was but newly arrived, and you explained to me what truly happened behind that window."


thedoctorwho July 10 2008, 01:21:11 UTC
"Ah, yes. Right right. Things been well with you since?"


ostro_goth July 10 2008, 01:28:42 UTC
"Astonishingly so, yes," Teja says.


thedoctorwho July 10 2008, 02:08:29 UTC
He grins. "Glad to hear it. This place can have that effect."


ostro_goth July 10 2008, 12:17:08 UTC
"It is, all in all, an astonishing place, and any man's philosophy will be bent oddly out of shape by it," Teja says. "It is, for one thing, full of deities."


thedoctorwho July 10 2008, 14:21:00 UTC
"Deities, magic, anthropomorphic personifications, and the walking dead. Enough to throw any scientifically-minded person into a tizzy," he agrees with a nod.


ostro_goth July 10 2008, 15:19:40 UTC
"The fact that I am the walking dead," Teja says, "is not helping, under those auspices."


thedoctorwho July 20 2008, 21:21:46 UTC
"Fair enough," the Doctor says. "But you definitely seem to be adjusting well."


ostro_goth July 20 2008, 21:26:44 UTC
"I am, indeed," Teja says. "My philosophy is more expandable than I would have thought, at first."


thedoctorwho July 24 2008, 00:32:15 UTC
He grins.

"More things in heaven and earth. And that's just for starters."


ostro_goth July 24 2008, 07:54:04 UTC
"What comes next?" Teja asks.

This man has much more experience than he has, being a time-traveller.-


thedoctorwho July 31 2008, 16:45:03 UTC
The Doctor sighs. "I wish I knew."


ostro_goth July 31 2008, 16:47:54 UTC
"So all I may expect is: - things will be even more unexpected than I expected?" Teja asks, somewhat amused.


thedoctorwho July 31 2008, 16:58:40 UTC
"It was an Earth biologist, J.B.S. Haldane, who said 'My own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.' And that was without even meeting me."


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