first entrance x 3

Mar 21, 2008 18:35

First impressions are what matter most, in any society, situation, or upon the first meeting of a stranger. You have no idea who it is that you are about to come into contact with, and when image is everything, it is crucial to look your best and project the image of dignity, power, and grace ( Read more... )

weyland, agent k, demeter, deerskin, porthos, ace (pyro), athos, aramis, agent zed

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Comments 140

srsbsnss March 22 2008, 02:02:45 UTC
Aramis blinked curiously at everything, and traded glances with his friends, "I don't recall anything about heaven having this much metal and wood though."


srsdrinker March 22 2008, 02:05:38 UTC
"You would be the expert," Athos muttered, still glancing around at the interior. "And I hardly would believe that lowlife could have gotten the best of the three of us in one go."


srspirate March 22 2008, 02:08:08 UTC
"But," Porthos said, already working his way into the bar and winking at a fine looking woman and nearly chasing after her, "while we are here I suggest we try the local brew. Since them out...and..enjoy.."

Oh look another pretty woman has just caught his eye. Removing his feathered hat he drops a courtly bow to her sending her giggling and aay. "..the pleasentries the place has to offer."


srsbsnss March 22 2008, 02:10:29 UTC
"Well, I suppose so if there's no sign of him here." He re-sheathed his sword. His eyes took notice of another comely lady in passing. Curious fashion here.


mechanicalswans March 22 2008, 02:10:30 UTC
It's a good thing Weyland's reflexes aren't as jumpy as they used to be, because men charging in with weapons... well, it's usually a bad thing.

(The fact that he hasn't got a sword of his own on him at the moment probably helps.)

So the newcomers get a wary look, from over by the bar.

"Are you looking for someone, gentlemen?"


srsdrinker March 22 2008, 02:16:41 UTC
"That depends."

Athos gives the man who's addressing them an even look. He lowers his sword ever so slightly.

"On if you've seen someone who would fit the description."


mechanicalswans March 22 2008, 02:27:32 UTC
"Description of whom?"

There are a lot of people of a lot of descriptions here. He may have seen some of them.


srsbsnss March 22 2008, 02:36:37 UTC
Aramis then stepped forward, and held his hand up to estimate an average height of 5'10" man.

"The man we were seeking who had entered the stables. He stands about so high with dark hair, and brown attire. Have you seen him, perhaps?"


hisimprlmajesty March 22 2008, 02:52:13 UTC
"Marvelous Acrobatics!" says a smiling older man as he claps his hands.


srspirate March 22 2008, 03:01:59 UTC
"Well," one of the men says (the one with the scarf about his head), "we have been known to pull a few stunts in order to do as we must for King and country." Brushing dust off his blue tunic bearing a guilded cross he beams a wide and friendly smile. "As we are doing now. In a tarvern that is supposed to be in a stable."


hisimprlmajesty March 22 2008, 03:07:16 UTC
"You came in from a stable? Remarkable, I came in from a bar, but not this bar, and only after hitting my foot. You serve a King?"


srsbsnss March 22 2008, 03:14:11 UTC
Aramis stepped forward, and nodded, "We do indeed. We three are part of the King's Musketeers, his royal guard."


lissla_lissar March 22 2008, 02:57:59 UTC
Lissar blinks at the three men and their swords, ready to flee if flight seems necessary. It is a holdover from a time in her life where anything male was a danger.

She is white, from hair to skin to the clothing she wears. (Although rather than the emblem on the linked picture, hers is the Autobot sigil.)

Her eyes, though, are a gold brighter than the buttons and studs.


srsbsnss March 22 2008, 03:11:40 UTC
Very strange and curious women here.

Aramis immediately re-sheathed his sword, and bowed to her, doffing his hat as he did so.

"My humblest apologies, dear lady. We mean no harm."


lissla_lissar March 22 2008, 03:14:34 UTC
"Lissar." she says quietly, returning the bow with a regal nod of her head. It suits her far better than the clothing, but she is not fond of gowns. Loudly, as Bar found out yesterday. "My name is Lissar. You are new, then, you three."


srsdrinker March 22 2008, 03:52:03 UTC
"If this place is not where we expected," Athos bows his head as well and removes his hat, feather sweeping to the floor as he tucks his sword back in the sheath with the movement.

"Then yes, we are no. Pray tell, milady...where have we found ourselves?"


k_in_black March 22 2008, 03:02:34 UTC
Zed eyes the three gents, then the falling down, then the swords, and shakes his head.

"You want to tell them or should I?"

K looks up, surveys them with a frown, and takes a drink.

"Long as they don't knock over the bourbon, I say leave it to Security."

Zed nods. "Touch the bourbon, get neuralyzed. Sounds fair."


srspirate March 22 2008, 03:17:01 UTC
If there was bourbon to be had no doubt the three would not wish to spill a single drop onto the floor. Because it was a precious drink and all three had aquired tastes for fine liquids. Just ask Athos or Porthos.

The one with the old looking pistols replaces them into proper spots about his person before nodding his head and beaming from ear to ear. "..a a stable. Aramis, I think our prayers have been answered."


k_in_black March 22 2008, 03:30:52 UTC
K's expression shifts to thoughtful.

"Then again. A man who prays for a bar can't be all bad."

Zed drinks to that.


srsdrinker March 22 2008, 03:53:57 UTC
"Porthos will pray for anything," Athos pipes up from where he's eyeing the pair and the surroundings at the same time.

Tavern. Stable. Tavern in said stable.


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