
Nov 11, 2007 04:57

[oom: Inari returns back through her door to the distruction the Onin Wars has brought to Fushimi, Kyoto. Her pack is formed and the hunt begins though a complication is met upon the trail ( Read more... )

will scarlett, mark antony, ryoko hakubi, ryu hayabusa, kevin ford, inari, oom

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Comments 92

falconryu November 11 2007, 22:41:39 UTC
"Inari-sama!" The shinobi moves over, startled by her reaction. "What happened?"


kinshou_kitsune November 11 2007, 22:49:15 UTC
She wasn't expecting this or encountering anyone aside from her pack. A dagger is drawn and pointed straight at Ryu's neck, a wild look behind her blue eyes, before it is slowly lowered back to the ground. Tears start to streak down her cheeks as she slides to the floor with her back to the wall. "Kazuichi. Spider Oni. Surprised us in a village..."

Reaching a hand up she pulled a strand of razor sharp webbing that had stuck into her armor out burning it in the palm of her hand. "I have to go back, Ryu! Why would the bar do this? My pack is out there.."


falconryu November 11 2007, 22:54:10 UTC
He does take a halfstep back at the pointed dagger, brow furrowing. "I do not know, Inari-sama. But ime should not be passing, back at japan. Maybe the Bar wants you to gather your friends and allies, to return with reinforcements?"


kinshou_kitsune November 11 2007, 23:03:27 UTC
What Ryu said could have been true. It had been the plan from the start before Will had gotten sick. The dagger falls from her hand landing with the tip sticking into the floorboard- the blade singing as it does so. "No. I cannot risk any of you becoming injured or worse..dead.."

Refusing to turn her head back towards Ryu she looks up at the wall where the door should be. "I cannot believe this would happen..not now. Not when they need me."


shadowsfound November 11 2007, 23:32:32 UTC
Wither's on the way to the door, when Inari enters.

The screams make him freeze, and curse softly in English. He shuts his eyes at her reaction; he can see a door, but it's obviously not there for her.

He sighs, and goes to the spot where her sword landed. He knelt and
reached for the hilt, lifting it, hands automatically shifting to the correct grip.

"Lady." He waited til she was calmer, before coming over to offer it to her, hilt-first.


kinshou_kitsune November 11 2007, 23:46:42 UTC
When the sword is picked up the blade sings in a way a warrior can understand. It's light and perfectl balanced for anyone to use should they know how.

Inari places a hand upon the wall where her door should be, green flames forming around the fingers causing a slightly scorched spot in the shape of her hand. It's not that she ment to do it but her temper was flared.

The unexpected voice causes the kitsune to turn her head sharply in his direction, bright blue eyes wild behind a dirt and blood spattered face. A good two munites pass before she lowers her gaze with a held breath escaping through her nose. "I cannot go back," Inari says hoarsly seeming very much the human for the moment instead of a composed kami. "My door is gone.."

She'll get the sword in a momen.


shadowsfound November 11 2007, 23:54:25 UTC
Kevin mutters angrily.
"I thought as much." He scrutinizes her. "And how much of that blood might be yours?" Concern's there, though the tone is largely neutral.


kinshou_kitsune November 11 2007, 23:57:38 UTC
Turning to where her back rests against the door she shakes her head a little. Honestly she does not know though the way she speaks is said otherwise. "None. It is that of a spider demon who tossed me in here."

Blue eyes look back up at Kevin before she reaches out a gloved hand for the hilt of her sword. "I need to get back. Why would the Bar do such a thing? My pack is in danger.."


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 23:45:09 UTC
Will shouldn't be downstairs, he should be resting, but he hasn't seen Inari since the night he arrived and that worries him.

So he slowly makes his way down the stairs, a blanket wrapped around him,

"Inari, let me 'elp ye."


kinshou_kitsune November 11 2007, 23:53:13 UTC
It has been five days in her time since she left Milliways. Resting against the wall she sobs quietly against it still banging a gloved fist against the wood wishing the door to return.

However, when Will speaks to her she turns, shock upon her dirt and blood spattered face. "You should not be here..You should be back in bed."


will_scarlett November 11 2007, 23:54:36 UTC
He just comes closer to her, he's still a bit shaky, "I'll go up soon as ye tell me what's wrong."


kinshou_kitsune November 12 2007, 00:01:30 UTC
A gloved hand is held up trying to keep him away. It is best not for him to be so close if he was still sick. "No. You will return where can heal and not be here. Where is Kate? She is supposed to be watching you."

With a groan the kami starts to pull herself up off of the floor using the wall to help her. Her armor is covered in blood with droplets falling to the floor in the process.


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 01:20:40 UTC
She doesn't look familiar to Antony, but he's more than familiar with the sounds of battle, and he tenses up from where he is lurking near a table.

"Are you all right?"


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 01:29:25 UTC
She thumps her hand against the wall again all but trying to command the door to appear again. There was no reason that the kitsune could think of why it would vanish at a time like this. First time she could, but now?

Turning red-rimmed blue eyes up at Mark she blinks a couple of times trying to place his face. She's dirty and thanks to a leg being sliced off, splattered in blood. "Antony...Your name is Antony.."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 01:35:37 UTC
"Antony, yes." He studies her carefully, moving closer and offering her a hand. "We've met... I think? It's a little hazy."


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 01:43:09 UTC
The hand is accepted after another glare at the wall is given, letting herself he pulled up as she helps. Surprisingly even in full samurai style armor she is surprisingly light weight. "It has been quite some time since we have last spoken, Mark-san. I was a small child when last here if I remember correctly."

When she stands spider blood on her armor starts to drip towards the floor in soft little splats. "As for your first question. No. No I am not all right. I need to get back through my door to my pack but it is gone now."


ryoko_set_free November 13 2007, 04:04:22 UTC
It is the sound of the battle that catches Ryoko's attention. Her perch in the rafters gives her a good view of the Door, even if what's behind it isn't very clear. Whatever it is sends a chill through her.

Moments later Ryoko is beside Inari. "What the hell were you fighting?" Something about whatever they were lingers.


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 04:14:14 UTC
A fist pounds against the wall with soft curses in Japanese coming from the generally well spoken kami's mouth. When Ryoko is suddenly at her side a dagger appears out of nowhere ready to strike for the suddeness of her actions. When a thought passes through her mind of who the other woman is the dagger is lowered. "Spider oni. Kazuichi."

Grunting she sets back with her feet against the wall trying to push hoping to find a way through to get back to her world. "Something isn't right- I have to get back to my pack!"


ryoko_set_free November 13 2007, 04:34:39 UTC
The dagger shouldn't be a surprise. She should have thought better than to approach someone in the middle of a battle-rage. Still, Ryoko's relieved that the kami remembers in time.

"The door can't be forced, you'll just hurt yourself trying," she eyes the blood and mess on Inari, "or hurt yourself worse."


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 04:37:51 UTC
Still the kami pushes on the wall with her feet. "It is not mine." For the most part. "But that of one of Kazuichi's legs."

A small victory until he tossed her like a ragdoll into the Bar. From the back of her throat a growl manages before she throws the dagger at the wall causing the blade to sing in a song that warriors would know best before it thunks into the wood. A reminder of what has to be done in the village.

"It is not right. The Bar has never done this to me before."


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