
Nov 11, 2007 04:57

[oom: Inari returns back through her door to the distruction the Onin Wars has brought to Fushimi, Kyoto. Her pack is formed and the hunt begins though a complication is met upon the trail ( Read more... )

will scarlett, mark antony, ryoko hakubi, ryu hayabusa, kevin ford, inari, oom

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m_antonivs November 13 2007, 01:20:40 UTC
She doesn't look familiar to Antony, but he's more than familiar with the sounds of battle, and he tenses up from where he is lurking near a table.

"Are you all right?"


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 01:29:25 UTC
She thumps her hand against the wall again all but trying to command the door to appear again. There was no reason that the kitsune could think of why it would vanish at a time like this. First time she could, but now?

Turning red-rimmed blue eyes up at Mark she blinks a couple of times trying to place his face. She's dirty and thanks to a leg being sliced off, splattered in blood. "Antony...Your name is Antony.."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 01:35:37 UTC
"Antony, yes." He studies her carefully, moving closer and offering her a hand. "We've met... I think? It's a little hazy."


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 01:43:09 UTC
The hand is accepted after another glare at the wall is given, letting herself he pulled up as she helps. Surprisingly even in full samurai style armor she is surprisingly light weight. "It has been quite some time since we have last spoken, Mark-san. I was a small child when last here if I remember correctly."

When she stands spider blood on her armor starts to drip towards the floor in soft little splats. "As for your first question. No. No I am not all right. I need to get back through my door to my pack but it is gone now."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 01:54:02 UTC
He blinks, remembering. "So you're the... older self? You're..." He pauses. It's best to be careful when talking to someone so fresh from the heat of battle, especially when they're less than happy.

"You're not quite what I pictured. Is your door usually more... stable?"


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 02:12:00 UTC
Inari opens her mouth to talk, pausing once, before letting out a small laugh. No she doesn't look like the picture perfect goddess she usually does right now. Not her full fault sadly. "I am sorry if my current state seems not to meet the expectations you had, Mark-san. This is not my usual attire." She's a kitsune with a kick after all.

"My door generally is, yes, but...I do not understand why it has vanished again now. Unless Bar is trying to make a point to me."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 02:23:31 UTC
"I didn't say I didn't like it... I do. I imagined you as being older, that's all."

It's a pleasant surprise, but disconcerting.

"Maybe it's trying to keep you safe. Maybe if you went back out there right now, that'd be it for you, and we wouldn't want that."


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 02:34:16 UTC
See her cheeks? They blush bright red. "Time matters little to my kind, Mark-san. We age slow."

Brushing back stray locks of hair with a gloved hand she starts to frown even if the blush remains. "I do not know. Others were supposed to go with me but I fear for them. Maybe this place is trying to teach me a lesson."

Because even Gods need to learn them it would seem.

"Something is not right though. It is not how it was supposed to be there."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 02:41:14 UTC
"It... didn't sound good, out there. Didn't sound like a normal battle, either, not like any I've been in. What's going on? How was it supposed to be?"

He glances back toward where the door hand been, and then to her again. "Do you need anything? Water, or... something stronger?"


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 02:52:37 UTC
"Define normal battle," the Goddess says with a sly smile, tugging her gloves off and tucking them behind her belt. "Normal for us is battling the bad sort of oni, demons if you will, amongst other things." Moving to where her sword lays she picks it up, sliding it back into its sheath that is straped to her back.

"The Spider Oni, Kazuichi, isn't supposed to be that strong," turning back around to look at Mark she frowns a little after a moment. "Which leads me to believe something is seriously wrong."

As for a drink? She pauses, nodding her head once, "Tea."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 02:56:51 UTC
"We only fight other men. And, well, sometimes women, up in Gaul, but usually just men. Humans, anyway." He watches her, thinking.

"What do you think happened? Is somebody or something helping him?" He starts toward the bar, to ask a waitrat for tea.


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 03:05:16 UTC
"It is hard to tell. The Spiders generally spend their time within he mountains or deep in the wood where there is no light. They overtook a village and noone is left there." Following behind Mark the kitsune shakes her head, reaching back and pulling her hair free of the leather string before moving to retie it. "It can only mean that something darker is involved."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 03:10:05 UTC
"I don't suppose you have Arachne, in your world?" He rummages behind the bar, while he's over there. "Spiders mean different things for you than they do for us, I mean. It helps to know what you're dealing with."

He chooses a small bottle of wine. "Were the villagers driven out, or... eaten?" He hopes they were simply driven out.


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 03:24:44 UTC
"Arachne?" One slender eyebrow raises slightly as she slides onto a barstool, wincing as she does so. Her side still aches from the cursed wound that still bothers her. "These spiders are quite large if I say so myself. The smallest ones are the size of a grown man's fist- and those are the infants."

Raising her right hand a ball of green flame forms floating a good two inches from her palm. The foxfire starts to take shape into the form of a spider, growing in size until it is the size of Mark's fist should compair the size. "Kazuchi is unique to when he goes into his true Oni form he resembles a half man half spider." As she speaks the form changes just to what she describes and it is not a pretty picture.

"There was the smell of blood- faint, but it was there. Everything was left where it had been droped. We fear the worst."


m_antonivs November 13 2007, 03:39:56 UTC
"Arachne... she was a weaver, got into a competition with the goddess whose jurisdiction weaving is under, and lost. For her vanity, in thinking she could be as good as a goddess, she was turned into a spider." He starts to open the bottle of wine, but gets distracted by the fire.

"Are there a lot of those spiders?" And then something else occurs to him.

"...are more going to hatch?"


kinshou_kitsune November 13 2007, 03:43:51 UTC
Closing her hand the spider vanishes, green smoke and flame escaping from between her fingers before it vanishes. "There are many quite possibly. I killed one before Kazuichi attacked me." Which right there is key enough to know something is up. "They hide using their webbing that is razor sharp. It's a trick of the light, really, that makes them such."

With a little sigh she rests one elbow on Bar and her chin going into that hand. "Unless more were laid in the darker corners of the huts..no. Not now."


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