
Mar 10, 2007 18:59

[ooc: So here we have John Adams (again - he's been reset - let me know if you have any complications from his reset... ment!) from the musical, 1776. If your pup recognizes him as being the second President of the USofA, that's fine! He's going to pretty much think that he's lost his mind, along with everyone in this strange place, so I'm not ( Read more... )

will scarlett, the bunny, john adams, george luz, nathan petrelli, megara, tom collins

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Comments 170

mothpapa March 11 2007, 00:13:07 UTC
"Aww, I just love when the new ones come in!" a very female voice coos in John's ear. She sidles past him cleavagely, toga swishing.


"Hiya, honey. Where'd you pop in from?"


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:15:45 UTC

"... Philadelphia, God help me."

He stares incredulously at her.

"Where in the hell am I?"


mothpapa March 11 2007, 00:18:09 UTC
"Oh, not in Hell," she answers patting his cheek. "Unless you're dead. You remember kicking any buckets lately? Eat any fast food? Watch some really GRIPPING sports? Or... maybe a sudden awakening after a... no, you wouldn't do that." Her smirk is suggestive in the way the ocean is wet. "Welcome to Milliways, sugarpuff."


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:22:23 UTC
"Sometimes, madam, I wonder whether or not death would be a fitting escape from the incompetence I am put through on a daily basis."

Not only is he loud - he's emo!



gotapenny March 11 2007, 00:16:16 UTC
[ooc: slightly milli-timmed for George's sake*]

From a few tables away George has his carbine apart, again, cleaning it after his trip to Halloween Town. The chair he sits in is propped back on two legs with his feet keeping him from falling back to far. He's still slightly dazed stareing off into space rubing one of the parts down with an oiled rag over, and over, and over again seemingly unaware of what he's doing. Gear is spread out all across the table rangeing from his backpack radio, helmet, webbing..it's all there.

When the new man enters the bar, however, Luz gives a start. His chair slides upward with the only two legs on the ground seeming to kick back causeing him to fall to the ground. The part he was cleaning and the rag go flying into the air with a wonderful string of curses.

"You," Luz yells from his spot on the floor, "are a very loud man."


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:17:41 UTC
"I AM," John roars, banging his cane against the floor. "And I can be much louder if I do not get an explanation immediately!"


gotapenny March 11 2007, 00:22:05 UTC
Now, George can be as loud as the next person with being a radioman and all, but this man..he takes the cake.

"Jesus Christ! Will you stop with the yelling already? You're worse than the fucking Kraut mortars." Freeing himself from the chair on the floor he stands and brings the wooden item with him.

"This ain't no place for Congress, mac. This is Milliways."


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:27:41 UTC
John sometimes does... odd things.

He glowers at the man before walking out the door he came in from. From the outside, it looks like the Philadelphia State House!

When he walks in for the third time, however, it still looks like that weird bar.

"... let me guess. Hopkins wanted the place turned into his own personal pub, right? As if it wasn't already! I leave for one minute and this place goes to the dogs! Good God!"


waylostandfound March 11 2007, 00:32:02 UTC
Nathan was over by the bar, but the yelling about Congress snapped his head around in a moment.

"What happened to Congress?" He asked, looking around.


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:33:25 UTC
"It disappeared, apparently!"

John leans on his cane, frowning at his surroundings.

"What concern is it of yours?"


waylostandfound March 11 2007, 00:36:06 UTC
"What? Did something happened to the Capitol?"

Nathan then got a good look at his outfit.

"...Are you coming from a costume party?"


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:40:30 UTC
"No and no, but God -- I wish either were true."


will_scarlett March 11 2007, 00:38:20 UTC
John's yelling wakes Will up and he stumbles over to him, looking medieval and bleary and holding his staff, "Would ye keep down, was tryin' to sleep?'


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:42:16 UTC
John's staring.

Oh, John is staring.

"Oh, I'm so sorry that I woke you! Please, go back to dreaming of oppressing my country a bit more!"


will_scarlett March 11 2007, 00:43:53 UTC
"What the bloody 'ell are ye talkin' bout, I'm an outlaw, goes the other way round,"

Will's still not fully awake, but no one has ever accussed him of oppressing anyone, hurting, stealing from yes but not oppressing.


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:47:36 UTC
"An outlaw," John exclaims. "Why am I not surprised?"


mitanarchist March 11 2007, 00:44:14 UTC
"You wouldn't believe how often that question gets asked."


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 00:50:13 UTC
John turns and stares at the man, head tilted just slightly.

"I mean it in a purely locational sense."


mitanarchist March 11 2007, 00:53:32 UTC
"It's probably back beyond the door you came in. Welcome to Milliways. Friends call me Collins." Something about the man is familiar.


obnoxiousadams March 11 2007, 01:04:33 UTC
"John Adams, Congressional representative of the great state of Massachusetts."

Collins is the first to get a smile out of him. John's proud of his title!


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