Ladies and Gentlemen...Johnny Blaze!

Mar 10, 2007 11:00

OOM The SoBe dome is proud to present the "TouchDown Jump" starring everyone's favorite daredevil, Johnny Blaze!

Milliways has seen it's fair share of patrons dressed oddly.

So maybe the man in the snazzy white jumpsuit with his name emblazoned on the back won't cause a stir. Then again, if you're at all familiar with motocross (in at least ( Read more... )

asakura yoh, johnny blaze, chase stein, riley poole, ray stantz, garion of riva, tiger (zodiac)

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Comments 173

fortunateking March 10 2007, 19:17:35 UTC
The last thing you'd expect to see when landing yourself in some strange, new place that you've never seen before is a tiger, right?



Johnny, there's a tiger staring at you.


cursedrider March 10 2007, 19:25:06 UTC
Johnny is "Mr. Invincible." He eats fear for breakfast and then some.

Still though.

Making a half turn, Johnny Blaze jumps "Jeezus!"


fortunateking March 10 2007, 19:26:40 UTC
Tiger's heard of him!

"No," he says, or not!says. "I am King Tiger."


cursedrider March 10 2007, 19:30:34 UTC
It occurs to Johnny, that perhaps, just perhaps he's finally lost his mind. Still though.

After the initial shock wears off, he scratches the back of his head, a slow grin forming, ""

Hey. He needs a tiger.

"....Anamatronic?" Johnny studies the creature intently, "....Somethin' for one of those kiddy shows?"


gone_byebye March 10 2007, 19:49:10 UTC
Ray looks up from where he's reading his carefully covered and neutral-looking copy of the Dune Encyclopedia. "Oh, you're new," he says to the guy in the jumpsuit. "Hi there."


cursedrider March 10 2007, 19:50:44 UTC
Pause, "...New? No." Johnny waves a hand, "Least I didn't think I was. I've been to the Dome before." Hell, he's performed here before.

"....Oh you mean this bar?" Johnny grins sheepishly, "I guess I am. I thought they put all the bars on the main concourse?"


gone_byebye March 10 2007, 19:54:53 UTC
"They probably did. The door's a little weird," says Ray. He's in civilian clothes himself- Green Lantern shirt, cargo pants. "Which way did you come in from, exactly?"


cursedrider March 10 2007, 20:06:14 UTC
"The uh-" Johnny notes the shirt and wonders why people haven't swamped him askin' for autographs yet, "The SoBe dome. I arrived for the touch down jump?"

Pause. Why the hell haven't you recognized me?

Instead, he extends his hand, deciding to make the first move, "....Johnny Blaze."


didntseeit March 10 2007, 20:53:13 UTC
The thing is, Ajedrez is likable. She is curvy and bouncy and likeable, and part of the whole being likable is being helpful with a smile.

Or, at least trying to be helpful.

So, she glances up from where she was reading at a table, and smiles at him.

"Took a wrong turn?"


cursedrider March 10 2007, 20:58:18 UTC

Johnny doesn't know what's more bizzare. The fact that his dressing room had turned into a bar, or the fact that-


Bathed in the golden glow of a summer afternoon she stood in the tentflap and waved at him, "Ready to go Johnny?"

Sitting in a crowded stand, hands over her eyes, peeking through her fingers as she watched him work

Johnny's mouth might be open. Ever hear the expression, "You've got one of those faces that remind people of that "Someone?"



didntseeit March 10 2007, 21:00:21 UTC
Ajedrez pauses, long fingers stilling in the middle of shutting her book.



cursedrider March 10 2007, 21:05:26 UTC
Johnny swallows No

Wishful thinking.

The happy thoughts die and his face reverts to it's morose expression, "....Sorry. I'm sorry ma'am. You looked like someone I..." He sighs, "Someone I knew. Guess I did take a wrong turn."


talkback March 10 2007, 21:34:00 UTC
Chase replies absently from his chair, not really looking at the entrant.

"Bar at the end of the universe, type of thing."


cursedrider March 10 2007, 21:40:42 UTC
"...A bar at the end of the what?"

Johnny scratches the back of his head, "That doesn't make any sense son."

You might recognize the voice. Then again you might not. The Suit however is trademarked.


talkback March 10 2007, 21:59:10 UTC
Chase gives one of those full bodied sighs that only a teenager can give. You know the ones where the legs go up and down, the shoulders rotate, and the eyes roll back. Most people would assume someone was having an epileptic seizure, unless they knew teens.

"Look, it's simple, right, bar at the end of-"

At this point he's finely looked at the talker, and his mouth has dropped open, as his brain tries desperately to catch up.

"You're Johnny Blaze."


cursedrider March 10 2007, 22:02:06 UTC
Oh boy. A fan.

Johnny grins, "That's right."

The suit right? all he's missing is his pimp cane and hat, "Always nice to meet a fan."


shortofcrazy March 10 2007, 21:55:35 UTC

The lo mein noodles slither off Riley's fork halfway to his mouth, unnoticed.


cursedrider March 10 2007, 21:58:04 UTC
Now here's the tricky thing about this situation.

The Tricky thing is that Johnny is in fact a celebrity, and used to people making faces at him.

It's the suit.

So-he offers a slow smile and grins, "....It's the suit right? S'nothin' without the helmet."


shortofcrazy March 10 2007, 22:02:15 UTC
Riley sets down his fork and he starts to grin. "Ben-- Ben, what the hell's up with the jumpsuit and the accent? It's, uh, it's ... something else."


cursedrider March 10 2007, 22:11:02 UTC
Johnny frowns, "....Ben-"

He shakes his head, "I think you might have me confused with someone else." He nods slowly, "I'm Johnny. Johnny Blaze?"


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