
Dec 17, 2006 20:18

[OOM: The Price of Success.]

The door opens and a man walks in, fiddling with his cellphone until he realizes that he's not quite where he thought he was.  At first glance he'll look famliar, but on second glance, people who know him may notice something...different.  It's not just the longer hair, neatly combed down; not just the slightly rounder ( Read more... )

jack bauer, ryan chappelle, nina myers, michelle dessler, angela edmunds

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Comments 150

ms_myers December 18 2006, 03:01:44 UTC
A glance over at the door.

Jack Bauer.

He just walked in, and younger too than the one she has seen here. Very interesting. Nina couldn't help but stare slightly. She was sitting at the bar wearing a trim black dress suit with a martini in hand.


action_antihero December 18 2006, 03:07:09 UTC
While Division might be vastly improved by the addition of a bar, somehow he doubts any of the suits he has to work with would approve that suggestion. So, if this isn't Division...where in the fuck is he?

Jack looks around, trying to get his bearings and failing; at least until he spots a familiar face.

"Nina!" he says, making a beeline for his second-in-command, feeling a little relieved. At least he's not alone here, and if he had to pick anyone from CTU to be here, it'd be her. Even if things were kind of...awkward between them recently. "God, am I glad to see you."


ms_myers December 18 2006, 03:11:24 UTC
Nina blinked in surprise and put a hand to her chest. He had no idea. He couldn't have. This was just the sort of opportunity she was waiting for.

"Oh my god, Jack. You're here too!"


action_antihero December 18 2006, 03:14:13 UTC
"Looks like it, wherever 'here' is. Do you have any idea where we are or how we got here?" he asks, glancing around the room, checking entrances and exits sizing up some of the patr--

...That's the moment when he realizes that not all the patrons look quite...human. He blinks searching his memory. He doesn't remember getting hit on the head or anything like that...


angela_edmunds December 18 2006, 03:15:32 UTC
Angela skips over, kitten on shoulder, and gives Jack a kiss on the cheek. She hasn't noticed the youthfulness yet--most adults look about the same age to her, really.

"Hey, Grampa!" she says cheerfully.


action_antihero December 18 2006, 03:19:10 UTC
He hardly notices the girl approaching him, at least until she...plants a kiss on his cheek?

Grampa? The fuck?

Jack smiles a little awkwardly; this place just keeps getting weirder and weirder, and while he knows he should using his training, try to blend in, he's not entirely sure what he should blend in as.

"Uh, sorry, miss, but I think you've got the wrong person," he says, with a slightly embarrassed laugh.


angela_edmunds December 18 2006, 03:21:12 UTC
Angela looks back, too amused by the 'miss' to be hurt. "Well, you're Jack Bauer, yeah? Or...are you a look alike? Sometimes that happens, here." She hops over to the bar and gets a milkshake, because she has the feeling that she'll need one.


action_antihero December 18 2006, 03:26:29 UTC
That fact that she knows his name isn't really helping, surprisingly enough.

"Yeah, I'm Jack Bauer, but...I don't have any grandchildren," he says, slowly. Putting aside the fact that if he did have any grandchildren at the moment, Kim would be grounded until she was thirty, this girl looks about the same age as Kim is, which puts it into the not-biologically-possible category.


_chappy_ December 18 2006, 03:41:57 UTC
Ryan enters the bar from the flat, intending on having a smoke and a nightcap. He notices Jack, just a quick glance to where he was near the bar.

Coming to stand next to him, Ryan gives him a nod before pausing to light his cigarette. "Jack."


action_antihero December 18 2006, 03:48:54 UTC
Oh this is just fucking great. He just got away from Chappelle; the last face he wants to see in an unfamiliar place is that of his asshole boss.

"Ryan," he says, coolly, trying to regain his composure. He might not have a clue where he is or how he got here, but he's sure not going to show that in front of Chappelle.


_chappy_ December 18 2006, 03:54:34 UTC
He notices the annoyance coming off of Jack... and that he seems different in a way Ryan can't discern. With a quirk of his eyebrow he takes a drag of his cigarette and asks, "Something wrong?"


action_antihero December 18 2006, 03:59:43 UTC
"Not with me," Jack replies. Chappelle had been the one to demand the meeting, the one who'd spent the last half-hour criticizing what had been a successful neutralization of a threat. As far as Jack's concerned, Chappelle's the one with the problem.

Besides, Chappelle is acting weird. Five minutes before he was chewing Jack out and now his attitude is so...casual. It was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or something.


chelleuncurled December 18 2006, 04:47:25 UTC
Michelle comes into the bar to sneak a mug of hot chocolate.

She's carrying it over to a chair when she spots Jack near the Bar.

At this point her pregnancy is not obvious, but there's a kind of weariness visible in her expression.

"Hey Jack," she says, taking a seat at the Bar.


action_antihero December 18 2006, 04:53:33 UTC
Jack looks over as someone addresses him, but evne though he almost never forgets a face, he can't remember meeting this woman before. He'd think it was a case of mistaken identity, but she'd used his first name.

"Uh, sorry, have we met?" he asks.


chelleuncurled December 18 2006, 05:02:51 UTC
She freezes with the mug halfway to her mouth and looks at him for a few moments. Then, smiles slightly.

"You're not Jack Bauer, are you?"


action_antihero December 18 2006, 05:07:35 UTC
"Yeah, I am," he says, looking at her with a puzzled and slightly suspicious expression. "And you are?"


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