(no subject)

Dec 17, 2006 20:18

[OOM: The Price of Success.]

The door opens and a man walks in, fiddling with his cellphone until he realizes that he's not quite where he thought he was.  At first glance he'll look famliar, but on second glance, people who know him may notice something...different.  It's not just the longer hair, neatly combed down; not just the slightly rounder features and fewer lines on his face.  Somehow, it doesn't seem like he's weighed down by the same worries, the same past.

Probably because it hasn't happened yet.

Say hello to Jack Bauer circa 2004, Milliways.

[OOC:  Jack is coming in from approximately one month before Season 1 of 24. He's just started to get back together with Teri after their separation, though he hasn't moved back in yet, he's Special Agent in Charge of CTU and at the moment David Palmer is just someone he's seen on TV.]

jack bauer, ryan chappelle, nina myers, michelle dessler, angela edmunds

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