Armageddeon: Day Three

Aug 20, 2006 18:34

And the Clock reaches three.

As before, it chimes softly, but it chimes everywhere.

Ting. Ting. Ting.Then... there ( Read more... )

jack frost, molly prewett, draco malfoy, armageddeon, melkor, sands, ray stantz, tom riddle, guppy sandhu, lobo, tonks, rupert giles, bernard mickey wrangle, jimmy connelly

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Comments 136

mollyprewett August 20 2006, 22:59:36 UTC
Molly is in the shower when she hears the chimes, the same as yesteday, only once more than before.

She is the process of turning the water off so that she can listen more closely when the tremor begins.

"What in the world was that?" she says out loud.

It only lasts a few seconds, but it's enough to spook her. She remembers hearing two chimes yesterday, and Snowball saying that he's felt a vibration in the ground just after.

She dries herself quickly and rushes out to look for Cain. This can't be a good thing.


walker_cain August 20 2006, 23:03:27 UTC
He is coming in front outside when he hears it and stares at the clock.

"Oh, Oh damn."


mollyprewett August 20 2006, 23:10:39 UTC
Molly comes racing down the stairs in bare feet, with a skimpy pair of shorts and one of Cain's shirts, that hung nearly to her knees. Her hair was still clipped haphazardly to the top of her head from the shower, and her wand was in her hand.

She sees him over by the clock with an angry and concerned look on his face, and sudden she knows.

She walks up to him, shoving the long sleeves of his shirt up her arms impatiently.

"It's the clock that did that, isn't it?"


walker_cain August 20 2006, 23:12:19 UTC
He nods.

"It's got to be a doomsday weapon..."

His voice is grim.


guppy_sandhu August 20 2006, 23:04:33 UTC
Guppy feels the tremor this time, just as he is putting away the inventory sheets in the infirmary.

He immediately ducks down under the desk, just in case the quake gets more serious. It's more of a reflex than anything else, for he soon realises the tremor is over.

He waits a few minutes, then makes his way back into the bar. Seeing no immediate casualties, he heads upstairs.


clumsy_auror August 20 2006, 23:10:12 UTC
The Tonks-Wrangles are at their table, taking advantage of the evening's specials in lieu of cooking. This is the first they felt of this, the first they've heard the strange chimes.

Anthony and Sunny both look apprehensive; the baby whimpers quietly, hiding his face in Bernard's neck, and Sunny scoots a bit closer to her mummy.

Nymphadora and Bernard just stare at each other, completely confused, until they realize where the chimes are coming from.


the_woodpecker August 20 2006, 23:13:36 UTC
And then the shaking starts, and Bernard's already pale cheeks turn ashen. Anthony bursts into tears.

"Jesus fucking Christ, what is that thing, and what's it doing in my bar?!"


clumsy_auror August 20 2006, 23:15:55 UTC
"I have no idea," she says, pulling Sunny up onto her lap and hugging her tightly. "We ought to talk to Mike. And Bar. See what they know."


the_woodpecker August 20 2006, 23:18:38 UTC
Comforting Anthony is a lesson in futility, but Bernard tries anyway. "You're all right. Shhhh, look. I'm here, your mummy's here, your sister's here. We're okay."

But he can't quite shake the feeling that, no, they're not okay.


dragonofgrey August 20 2006, 23:38:46 UTC
He didn't care much about the clock.

Until now when the chimes started, and the tremors. He grabbed the arms of the chair, clearly startled.

Then he was looking around with concern, wondering what it was.


_to_the_bone August 20 2006, 23:47:57 UTC
"Oh no," says Jack, into his hands.

"This happened yesterday, too. It is like being in a blender."


fat_charlie August 21 2006, 00:53:09 UTC
"What's going on?" Fat Charlie asks panickedly. "What...was that?"

He has come down from his room, where he felt the tremors while trying to catch a few Z's. Now there's just no way he can sleep.


_to_the_bone August 21 2006, 00:55:04 UTC
"A quake."

Jack picks up on the panic, just a little, and manages to keep his voice calm.

"Just an earthquake. It is over."


watcher_g_man August 20 2006, 23:40:43 UTC
Giles knew of tremors, from years over the Sunnydale Hellmouth. As Buffy would remind him, such quakes usually meant the world was ending.

Usually she was correct too.

He had a grim expression on his face about it.


ariseinmight August 21 2006, 01:13:06 UTC
"Whole lotta shakin' goin' on, wouldn't you say?" asks a familiar smug voice from behind him.


watcher_g_man August 21 2006, 01:18:08 UTC
Giles glared back angrily, yet it faded back to his grim expression, "Know something about it, Morgoth?"


ariseinmight August 21 2006, 01:22:20 UTC
Melkor smiles, the picture of innocence.

"Not I, said the fly. It's nothing to do with me."


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