
Apr 19, 2006 18:55

The time has come once again; Eddie's favorite Happy Hour theme night.

Welcome to Milliways Bar Happy Hour

Name-Your-Own-Cocktail Night!

You give me a name. I'll invent the drink that goes with it on the spot.

Stump me and drink free for the night!

"Step right up, folks. I'm Eddie Dean, and I'll be your bartender tonight. What can I get ya?"

bartending, toulouse-lautrec, asar-suti, eddie dean

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Comments 158

vs_nuggan April 19 2006, 23:06:09 UTC
A young red-brown haired teen pulls herself up onto a barstool in front of him.

On her front is a tiny baby in a sling carrier.

"Hello Mr Dean."


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:08:49 UTC
"Yo, Shufti." He waves at the baby. "Your little guy?"


vs_nuggan April 19 2006, 23:16:21 UTC
She smiles and nods, whilst her mun threatens LJ with a big stick.

"Yes, he's called Jack."


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:18:17 UTC
"He's cute." A grin.

"Can I get you anything?"


asar_suti April 19 2006, 23:08:36 UTC
Asar-Suti saw the notice and came right up; it had been quite a while since he'd been to one of Eddie's Happy Hours.

But he couldn't resist this one.

"Hello, Eddie," he said, leaning on the bar. "I challenge you to make me a drink called a Fuzzy Faun!"


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:16:25 UTC
"Retsina and peach schnapps," Eddie says after a moment's thought, and hands over a pale-pinkish wineglass.


asar_suti April 19 2006, 23:23:23 UTC
Asar-Suti took the glass, and tried, carefully.

He didn't know what the ingredients were, after all.

"This tastes very interesting," he said. "Tough and sweet at the same time. Just like a certain faun I know. I guess I'm not getting any free drinks tonight."


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:26:06 UTC
"Well, there're already several drink called Fuzzy Something, so that always gives me an edge."


symbiote_venom April 19 2006, 23:10:58 UTC
"Hiya Mister Eddie!" Cries out a little boy as he leaps up onto a bar stool. He looks to be no older than four or five, his bright red t-shirt, blue shorts, little sneakers, blond hair and bright blue eyes all working to produce an air of innocence about him. "Nice to meetcha again!"


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:17:46 UTC
"...uh, hey kid. What's up?"


symbiote_venom April 19 2006, 23:19:25 UTC
"Not much. This place is so boring sometimes!" he sighs, but is quickly all smiles again. "Can I get a drink?"


"What's a co...tail?" Ah, feigned ignorance. So much fun.


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:21:14 UTC
"Gross drinks for people much bigger than you. What do you usually drink?"


viceriddengnome April 19 2006, 23:21:49 UTC
With some difficulty, a little man hoists himself on a bar stool. He then proceeds to call out:


Yes, it's already a drink. But are there any drinks but absinthe, and should there be? Toulouse thinks not.


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:25:03 UTC
"I'd warn you about the debilitating effects, but I think it's already too late. You into the ritual, or just hallucinating as quickly as possible?"


viceriddengnome April 19 2006, 23:26:41 UTC
"Oh, I love it all, sir! Absinthe is the life blood of the Bohemian Revolution. Now please be so kind as to fix me a drink."

Big, big, toothy grin.


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:29:57 UTC
Milliways, unsurprisingly, has all the accoutrements; Eddie tends to a 3.5 to 1 water to absinthe ratio, on the grounds that anyone drinking absinthe doesn't want that much cushioning, but he's generous with the sugar.

It's a wondrously unwholesome green Tolouse is no doubt familiar with. "There you go."


mogget_cat April 19 2006, 23:58:04 UTC
*Yrael gazes at the Specials Board for a few moments, smiling, then raises an eyebrow at Eddie.*

I would like a Ball of Yarn, please, Eddie.


no_prisoner April 20 2006, 00:03:30 UTC
"...that, is an interesting one."

He snaps his fingers. "Amaretto and cream, on ice."


mogget_cat April 20 2006, 00:05:46 UTC
Curses, and I suppose I shall have to pay for it. *He grins, lifting a finger.* But not until you explain the reasoning for what goes into it.


no_prisoner April 20 2006, 00:09:22 UTC
He nods. "Amaretto and orange juice is a Bocci Ball; Amaretto, cream, and cream de cocoa is a Tumbleweed. So the amaretto gives us the ball theme. Cream is for feline appeal. And what kind of ball does a cat like best?" He mixes the drink and slides it over. "The defense rests."


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