
Apr 19, 2006 18:55

The time has come once again; Eddie's favorite Happy Hour theme night.

Welcome to Milliways Bar Happy Hour

Name-Your-Own-Cocktail Night!

You give me a name. I'll invent the drink that goes with it on the spot.

Stump me and drink free for the night!

"Step right up, folks. I'm Eddie Dean, and I'll be your bartender tonight. What can I get ya?"

bartending, toulouse-lautrec, asar-suti, eddie dean

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viceriddengnome April 19 2006, 23:21:49 UTC
With some difficulty, a little man hoists himself on a bar stool. He then proceeds to call out:


Yes, it's already a drink. But are there any drinks but absinthe, and should there be? Toulouse thinks not.


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:25:03 UTC
"I'd warn you about the debilitating effects, but I think it's already too late. You into the ritual, or just hallucinating as quickly as possible?"


viceriddengnome April 19 2006, 23:26:41 UTC
"Oh, I love it all, sir! Absinthe is the life blood of the Bohemian Revolution. Now please be so kind as to fix me a drink."

Big, big, toothy grin.


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:29:57 UTC
Milliways, unsurprisingly, has all the accoutrements; Eddie tends to a 3.5 to 1 water to absinthe ratio, on the grounds that anyone drinking absinthe doesn't want that much cushioning, but he's generous with the sugar.

It's a wondrously unwholesome green Tolouse is no doubt familiar with. "There you go."


viceriddengnome April 19 2006, 23:37:10 UTC
"Excellent!" He beams, grabs hold of the glass with speed and downs the whole thing in one gulp.

Psychologically, Toulouse is no longer here. Give him a moment.


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:53:03 UTC
Eddie gives him his moment. "Eddie Dean," he says eventually, offering his hand.


viceriddengnome April 19 2006, 23:55:14 UTC
Toulouse extends his hand, not as tiny as one might expect on a man of Toulouse's stature, and shakes Eddie. "It's an honor to meet you, sir. I am Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec Monfa. But you may call me Toulouse."

Another flash of that toothy grin.


no_prisoner April 19 2006, 23:58:33 UTC
Eddie laughs. "Well, thank God for that, Toulouse."

"I don't think I've seen you in here before."


viceriddengnome April 20 2006, 00:00:32 UTC
"I don't come in here often, which is a shame. I do like this place, and a very dear friend of mine is here."


no_prisoner April 20 2006, 00:04:56 UTC
"It's a hell of a place," he agrees. "Where do you come in from?"


viceriddengnome April 20 2006, 00:05:32 UTC
"Paris. Montmatre, actually, but it's all the same in my eyes!"


no_prisoner April 20 2006, 00:15:24 UTC
"Sounds fun. What year?"

"New York in the nineteen-eighties, for me,"


viceriddengnome April 20 2006, 00:24:11 UTC
"1899--that's so far in the future," he says, somewhat bemused. "Tell me: what is it like in America? I have never been able to leave France, though I hardly will complain about that."


no_prisoner April 20 2006, 00:27:30 UTC
"It's different all over," he says. "The city's--big. Full of all kinds of different people from all over the world, in dozens of completely different neighborhoods, from slums to weird revolutionary coffeehouses and bookstores to uptown penthouses for rich fashionable people."


viceriddengnome April 20 2006, 00:28:59 UTC
"Oh my. It sounds much like Paris! Are there bohemians in New York?"

Because Toulouse is only in it for the Revolution.


no_prisoner April 20 2006, 00:30:50 UTC
"...probably? There's everything else."


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