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Comments 40

shingo_the_pest March 29 2012, 14:35:30 UTC
This story is so lovely and I am utterly infatuated with it.


milky_haven March 30 2012, 16:11:52 UTC
Thank you so much!

Glad you loved it. <3


serluvia March 29 2012, 14:42:52 UTC
Finally!!! (squeal with delight)
Ahaha you said you're going to update on Friday, I'm glad it's today though, because tomorrow and Saturday I will be very busy that I won't be able to read this sooner.

Anyway about this part, there's so much drama in it isn't it?
Loki is lovesick, oh yeah he is very lovesick....all of those err...longing for Thor. He is rather foolish though, anyone read those letter would have known that the sender is in love anyway. Hellooo the words: "my darling, dearest, and with love"??
Oh and no Sigyn here, yess!! (No offense to her though).
I love the last part, finally the real romance (no smut yet)^^ Guess we will expect the smut in the next part huh?? Hehehe.

Ya know, it's funny though, how I love reading romance fics, but I ALWAYS FEEL SLEEPY everytime I watch romance movies....O_o why I wonder??

Anyway, thank you for this chapter honey (˘̩̩̩⌣˘̩̩̩ƪ)
As always, I will be waiting for the next part^^

PS: Don't hesitate to ask me more links about doujins and graphics!! Don't mind your whining though ;)


milky_haven March 30 2012, 16:25:30 UTC
LOLOLOL You just can't wait for them to shag already! Well, they should be and it will frustrate me if they don't ;p

Loki is hopelessly lovesick even though he tries not to be (he's eating unhealthy sweet that could induce diabetes because he seeks the taste of Thor, even wondering how Thor taste like). Heh, it's a wonder that Thor doesn't suffer from diabetes or have his teeth rot and gives his dentist a heart attack!

I tell ya, I had so much fun writing the letter and I can imagine that Loki totally would be melting all over the carpet-floor just by reading the letters but at the same time telling himself it means nothing and Thor probably doesn't mean it that way. Teehee!

Anyway, thank you so much my dear for the comment! Have a nice weekend!


serluvia March 30 2012, 23:47:52 UTC
Ahaha I love how you wrote romance between the two of them. Keep up the good work^^

Hope u has a nice weekend as well!!


japankasasagi March 29 2012, 14:51:10 UTC
*just picture Kermit the Frog's spastic gif here*
Wow, what synchronicity! Like, I had JUST checked your LJ for updates, didn't find it, so went to the kinkmeme instead and left the comment, and what, like 5 MINUTES later you've updated?? And I loved the letter-writing, too, it's a hard device to use, but it adds so much, and conveys the passing of time very subtly. One thing I really like about your Thor is that you've made him a warrior (the Boer wars), but that you've brought out his tender side, the wounded part of him that reaches for Loki. It's a very nice change from the usual depiction of him in fanfic. And completely off-topic, but *doujinshi*??! Where have you come by Thor/Loki doujinshi? /is jealous, lol. Anyway, thank you for a lovely update!


milky_haven March 30 2012, 17:51:17 UTC
When I received your reply from norsekink, I was like "japankasagi will have an exploded spleen to see ANOTHER update right after this!!!"

I really have so much fun writing the letters. I want to convey Thor's unconditional sweet adoration for Loki and how much he misses Loki throughout those months, constantly thinking of Loki, dreaming of Loki, etc.

you've brought out his tender side, the wounded part of him that reaches for Loki
Oh yes I adore you so much now. I'm so glad you see it that way because Loki is Thor's only beckon of light. There is something of Loki that causes Thor to have such profound fondness thus, saving Thor from drowning in his sea of sorrow.

Doujins are found in tumblr. One link that I have in my inbox atm from my friend serluvia, here. It's Tom/Loki (what I see is just hinted meh ;p) but the ending is TOTALLY THOR/LOKI! I'm currently waiting for a Thor/Loki doujin by a particular Japanese circle call GuiltPleasure (I think). I know that when it comes out, it'll be in Japanese. I'm crossing my fingers ( ... )


japankasasagi March 31 2012, 05:39:28 UTC
Oh, I love Thormal's pics! I knew she was doing the Tom/Loki one. Is Serluvia Thormal's LJ? Also, I live in Japan (thus my name) and occasionally translate Transformers doujins, reading is not a problem. Would you happen to have a link for the Thor/Loki doujin? i tried finding it, but haven't had much luck, actually... ;_;


serluvia March 31 2012, 13:37:46 UTC
Err...no. I'm not Thormal's LJ. I just happened across one of her doujin while I was browsing tumblr.


sphinxofthenile March 29 2012, 19:35:03 UTC
I adore this story and the pure love between the two of them. So lovely and heart wrenching at the same time. Keep it up! :)


milky_haven March 31 2012, 14:52:21 UTC
Aww thank you so much my dear!

*glomps you*


nimielle March 30 2012, 09:51:11 UTC
OH MY GOD! sdfkljjklasdgkhsfdögladg!!!!

I have SO much stuff to do and when this showed up, all my higher brainfunctions just went kablooey and all I could think about was how it was okay to delay EVERYTHING to read this and BOY was it worth it! <3 <3 <3

THOSE LETTERS! OMG! They killed me dead and then insecure and worried Loki. *lol* I also LOVED that he went on and on about his day probably writing such long slightly tedious letters because of all the stuff he had to say between the lines.

The minute he saw that it was a restaurant I knew that Thor had to b e there and totally did a little happydance!

And and and!!! THE TRAINSTATION! (Sorry I'm not more coherent, I went a head and slept over it and see how that didn't help) asf.ldfsghajkghfksdl-ghfldhg!!!!!! And Loki needing to know all the things and then FATE throws them that chance and he's brave and wonderful and just!!! <3 <3 ( ... )


milky_haven March 31 2012, 15:28:30 UTC
I'm practically flailing while reading your comment. Seriously, do you even know how awesome you are?? I can hand my spleen to you because you make me want to write this universe longer than it should be! The next one is the last part, for sure!!! But but but... gah now you make me want to turn this story into something epic! Hey I could probably write a sequel!

YESSS I'm glad you loved the train-station. One of the part in this story that I've been dying to write and my dream came true! And the letters!!! So happy you love the letters and you can imagine if I have to write Loki's reply to every Thor's letters, this part will be more than 10k words containing Loki's muse and his subtle hint of missing Thor and being totally in love with him XD

Hogun deserves every brownie points (and the entire internet!!!)

Thank you for your amazing and slightly incoherent but amusing comment! I love you darling and thank you!


ps: You should use more of that adorable Loki icon! I looove it you know that! =D


nimielle March 31 2012, 20:50:03 UTC
*flails with you ( ... )


milky_haven April 1 2012, 03:19:23 UTC
ROFL That's really amusing! Let's procrastinate with the writing to read fic! Hey at least this time I didn't let you go to work late like before!!! *giggles*

YESSS YOU KNOW I CAN'T STOP THINKING OF THE SEQUEL ALREADY! It's going to be oneshot but I have a feeling it won't ;p
I already planned out the ending for this story and I haven't write them down but I'm already tempted to write the sequel nooow!
See what you've done to me! (and I have like a lot of Thorki fics I'm writing atm!!!) XD

My beta told me that Thor's letters are so stimulating so I'm super happy that you see how erotic passionate the letters are. Thor is really good in seducing and he knows it and that's why he write those letters. "Think of me, Loki! Think of me as you read this letter." And Loki totally thinks the way how Thor grips the fountain pen *coughs**coughs* as he wrote the letter. Oh, how provocative that imagination ( ... )


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