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japankasasagi March 29 2012, 14:51:10 UTC
*just picture Kermit the Frog's spastic gif here*
Wow, what synchronicity! Like, I had JUST checked your LJ for updates, didn't find it, so went to the kinkmeme instead and left the comment, and what, like 5 MINUTES later you've updated?? And I loved the letter-writing, too, it's a hard device to use, but it adds so much, and conveys the passing of time very subtly. One thing I really like about your Thor is that you've made him a warrior (the Boer wars), but that you've brought out his tender side, the wounded part of him that reaches for Loki. It's a very nice change from the usual depiction of him in fanfic. And completely off-topic, but *doujinshi*??! Where have you come by Thor/Loki doujinshi? /is jealous, lol. Anyway, thank you for a lovely update!


milky_haven March 30 2012, 17:51:17 UTC
When I received your reply from norsekink, I was like "japankasagi will have an exploded spleen to see ANOTHER update right after this!!!"

I really have so much fun writing the letters. I want to convey Thor's unconditional sweet adoration for Loki and how much he misses Loki throughout those months, constantly thinking of Loki, dreaming of Loki, etc.

you've brought out his tender side, the wounded part of him that reaches for Loki
Oh yes I adore you so much now. I'm so glad you see it that way because Loki is Thor's only beckon of light. There is something of Loki that causes Thor to have such profound fondness thus, saving Thor from drowning in his sea of sorrow.

Doujins are found in tumblr. One link that I have in my inbox atm from my friend serluvia, here. It's Tom/Loki (what I see is just hinted meh ;p) but the ending is TOTALLY THOR/LOKI! I'm currently waiting for a Thor/Loki doujin by a particular Japanese circle call GuiltPleasure (I think). I know that when it comes out, it'll be in Japanese. I'm crossing my fingers ( ... )


japankasasagi March 31 2012, 05:39:28 UTC
Oh, I love Thormal's pics! I knew she was doing the Tom/Loki one. Is Serluvia Thormal's LJ? Also, I live in Japan (thus my name) and occasionally translate Transformers doujins, reading is not a problem. Would you happen to have a link for the Thor/Loki doujin? i tried finding it, but haven't had much luck, actually... ;_;


serluvia March 31 2012, 13:37:46 UTC
Err...no. I'm not Thormal's LJ. I just happened across one of her doujin while I was browsing tumblr.


japankasasagi March 31 2012, 14:25:43 UTC
Hi! Thanks for the heads-up, I was just wondering, because there was no info on your LJ profile, and because Milky mentioned you as the supplier of her doujinshi, that's all! Yes, I like Thormal's art a lot. Also, Clownkid666 also has some beautiful art that *looks* as if it's from a doujinshi, but they said it was illustrations for a friend's fanfic. Anyway, sorry for the confusion.


serluvia March 31 2012, 14:52:22 UTC
Sorry for the lack of info, that's because I've never posted anything in my journal.

And no problem with mistaken identity, this is internet anyway. Really, it's fine :)


milky_haven March 31 2012, 14:48:20 UTC
You can read Japanese! *squeals*

*coughs* I shall post to you the link when the doujin is out.

There was one Thor/Loki doujin that I found last time (I don't know if they are incomplete or not)
p1, p2, p3.


serluvia March 31 2012, 15:01:04 UTC
OOOH I know those! They are complete. Originally it's from http://yanagoya.tumblr.com

There is also a fic based on that doujin at http://archiveofourown.org/works/248829


milky_haven March 31 2012, 15:31:27 UTC

Thanks for the ficcy! *does happydance*


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