Some icons created for hogwarthousecup, a sub-community of the awesome hat_sorting. Seriously, if you are into Harry Potter and would like to get some new friends, it's a community you'd like to join.
I'm currently avoiding studying for my Japanese exam! This involved re-vamping my layout and I thought I'd share an ACO header, icon and mini-icons for free use with you guys. I've previously posted my ACO mood theme here which, of course, is still available for use.
Mood theme featuring Kagome from Inuyasha, Winry from Full Metal Alchemist and Sakura and Tenten from Naruto. This mood theme was originally requested by broken_kamiya.
Zip file contains 132 mood images, so all moods are covered. Feel free to mix images around, if you feel like doing that. I don't mind.
Mood theme featuring Trey Parker, South Park co-creator. I made it for another LJ-user who requested a Trey Parker mood theme from me, but I have permission to share it with all of you.
Zip file contains 71 mood images and a moodlist showing how the "missing" moods inherits their images from the ones covered.