Mood theme featuring Trey Parker, South Park co-creator. I made it for another LJ-user who requested a Trey Parker mood theme from me, but I have permission to share it with all of you.
Zip file contains 71 mood images and a moodlist showing how the "missing" moods inherits their images from the ones covered.
Zip-file with all the moods.[right click and download, please]
For Paid / Plus accounts
Have a Basic account? Scroll downwards a bit!
1. Download the zip-file with all the moods. Unzip it and upload the pictures to your own web-space/image-hosting service. You'll have to use a service that allows hotlinking. I recommend
Do not change the filenames of the images. You'll only make things a lot harder for yourself if you go and change the names, unless you want to switch what image goes with what mood, but that's up to you.
2. Go to your
mood theme editor, name your new mood theme and click create.
3. Write in the url for each picture.
Now.. to make this process easier, start off with the first one, for example, have that link in your clipboard by copy pasting it from where your mood is uploaded. When going down the list of moods, all you have to do is replace the mood-name (in this case, angry) with the corresponding mood in the mood theme editor list. Remember to keep the .png at the end!
Aren't you glad you didn't change the name on any of the images, hm?
4. Be sure you write in the dimensions of each picture, otherwise they may look weird. Width is 80 and height is 40.
That's it! Enjoy.
Instructions for Basic accounts
It is possible to use a custom mood-theme even if you have a Basic account, but it is a bit clunky and looks... slightly off depending on how your layout looks. I personally would rather spend $5 for a paid-account, upload the mood-theme and go back to having a Basic account after the paid time runs out (the mood-theme stays even when your paid time runs out).
Here is how to do it though, if you don't want to waste the $5;
1. Download the zip-file. Unzip it and upload all the images to your own web-space/image-hosting service You'll have to use a service that allows hotlinking. I recommend
Do not change the filenames of the images. You'll only make things a lot harder for yourself if you go and change the names, unless you want to switch what image goes with what mood, but that's up to you.
2. Write up the url to where your mood is uploaded (for example, remember it or write it down. Now, when you want to include a mood with your entry, start the entry with a line like this:
[Current mood:
[Current music: Life on Mars? - David Bowie]
It should look like this:
[Current mood:
[Current music: Life on Mars? - David Bowie]
So all you have to do is to keep this little bit of code handy somewhere, paste it in at the top (or bottom) of your entry, and replace the word "angry" with the mood you want to use in your post (both in the url and behind it!), oh.. and of course write in the music you are listening to.
And... that's it. Enjoy!
Credit is nice, but not necessary. ^_^V All screencaps used in this mood-theme comes from
this gallery. I take requests, but I reserve the right to say no if I don't like the subject matter or if there are limited images available on the subject. Please have some extensive gallery links available if/when requesting something.